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Buttons. 15-03-2018 09:42 AM

Agreed Beckie, rain sucks -_-

How are you this morning?

Eska 15-03-2018 11:09 AM

Morning Beckie and Buttons! It doesn’t seem to be raining here, it actually looks kind of sunny... but either way I’m stuck waiting for a gp phone appointment. Woohoo.

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 12:03 PM

Im ok.
Just had a microbiology class.
We are growing bacteria such as e coli and adding different types of anti biotics to each sample.
Despite observing all safety procedures, washing hands multiple times and using anti bac gel about a million times, I am terrified that I have caught e coli or one of the other bacterias that have stupidly long and complicated names!

not_so_insig 15-03-2018 01:01 PM

I got drunk last night. Yet I have no hangover. Feel a bit sick whenever I bend down but that's about it. My head is clear. All thanks to the meds I am on.

Eska 15-03-2018 02:18 PM

Eeep Beckie that sounds a bit nerve-wracking!

I'm glad you're feeling more or less ok Dawn.

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 04:20 PM

It was a bit!
Feeling slightly less neurotic now :p

How are you eska?

Aubergine 15-03-2018 04:24 PM


Eska 15-03-2018 04:49 PM

I'm ok. I spent the morning waiting for a call from the gp so didn't really get up to much... now I'm debating going to the gym but I'm not sure it's going to happen. How are you?

Hi Aubergine!

not_so_insig 15-03-2018 05:40 PM

Hello there.

I have been for my walk around the park at the bottom of the road. It was good to get out of the flat.

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 05:46 PM

Hi Aubergine!
How are you?

Im home now :)

Did you decide on gym or not eska?

not_so_insig 15-03-2018 05:58 PM

I am 6 years 9 months SI free today.

Aubergine 15-03-2018 05:59 PM

Hey Eska!

Hey Dawn! I'm glad it was good to get out of the flat. Well done!

Hey Beckie! Hooray for home!

not_so_insig 15-03-2018 06:01 PM

Thanks Aubergine.

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 06:08 PM

Well done dawn!

How are you Aubergine?

Aubergine 15-03-2018 06:14 PM

I feel anxious. :( I went to visis Alec the cat today though! :D

How are you?

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 06:17 PM

Sorry you're feeling anxious
Is anything causing it?
Yay for cat visit though!
How long until you get him?

I'm ok. Tired!

Aubergine 15-03-2018 06:20 PM

Just work stuff, I think. Being an adult and mental sucks. :P

Three weeks until I can pick him up, all being well! :D

Early night tonight?

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 06:42 PM

It does indeed suck!

Eeep that's not long! :-D

Definitely an early night.
Got to get up earlyish (8am) because cleaner coming at 9.
Im unsure what to do tomorrow while the cleaner is here. Like do I go out for a couple of hours to get out ofher way? (Its a small house!) And I need to get her money out anyway. Idk.

not_so_insig 15-03-2018 06:43 PM

Thanks Beckie.

nonperson 15-03-2018 06:44 PM

Hullo everyone.

Aubergine 15-03-2018 06:47 PM

Nope, three weeks will fly by! I've known I'm getting him for 5 weeks!

I think if it were me I'd go out and get a coffee somewhere. Is that an option? :)

Hey Person! How are you?

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 06:48 PM

It'll be worth the wait Aubergine!

Coffee is an option!
And I always need to go to asda anyway so i could easily disappear for an hour or two.

Hello nonperson!

nonperson 15-03-2018 06:52 PM


I'm ok, just had an online chat thingy with a Sky TV advisor who didn't seem to want me to leave!

Aubergine 15-03-2018 06:54 PM

Asda and coffee sounds like it could be a plan. Is it expensive to get a cleaner? I've considered getting one in before Alec arrives, just as a one off thing to get the place looking perfect before he wrecks it again. :P It would be god to start from almost fresh, even though at the moment it's pretty alright.

Oh! Did the person give you a good deal?

nonperson 15-03-2018 06:55 PM

I just had a question about whether I really need an engineer to come to my house and set up because I already have the cables and dish, etc... but it turns out I do. Sad times... =( There's a deal that ends tonight so now I feel pressured to buy it! Eek.

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 06:58 PM

It's going to be £20 for the cleaner
It's just a one off while I've been feeling ill and inspection on Monday.
Wish I could afford a regular cleaner though! Lol

nonperson 15-03-2018 06:58 PM

£20 is a good price for a one off clean!

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 07:06 PM

Yep! Its only a small house.
Does get very dusty though!

nonperson 15-03-2018 07:10 PM

I think small places seem to get dusty more quickly because it's the same amount of dust/mess condensed down into a smaller space!

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 07:22 PM

That makes sense!

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:18 PM

Pesto pasta time. =)

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:18 PM

I should get a cleaner in, but that £20 always seems to divert itself to Harry Potter/Disney related items ;P

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:18 PM

Ew pesto, yay pasta!

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:26 PM

Oh Buttons, I think you're outnumbered again on the pesto front. =P

Cacoethes 15-03-2018 08:27 PM

I also had pesto pasta!!

Harry potter related items are also worthy :p

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:28 PM


Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4163752)
Harry potter related items are also worthy :p

I know, look what I got through the post today (prepare to be jealous):

Yes that is a Dobby jumper.
and if you don't understand the reference on this T-shirt after I linked you to the school on Pottermore you are a disgrace:

Aubergine 15-03-2018 08:33 PM

+1 for the pesto!

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:34 PM

Ooooh I like the Ilvermorny tshirt!

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4163757)
Ooooh I like the Ilvermorny tshirt!

You are my new best friend.

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:41 PM

Even though I'm a Wampus?

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:48 PM

Well a heart and healer needs a body and warrior to defend it so yes.

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:53 PM

Excellent. =D

Buttons. 15-03-2018 08:55 PM

What Hogwarts house did you end up in out of interest? (assuming you're on Pottermore?)

nonperson 15-03-2018 08:56 PM

Hufflepuff. =D


I am on there but haven't used it in soooo long.

chinahorse 15-03-2018 08:58 PM


Buttons. 15-03-2018 09:11 PM

Ravenclaw. Fine with that, fine with wand, but had a patronus of a rat-not happy -_-

I was tied between wanting Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff so worked out well in that respect.

Lillie. Which Hogwarts and Ilvermony houses are you? Only then will I say hello :P

nonperson 15-03-2018 09:15 PM

Nothing wrong with rats =) They are intelligent creatures with lots of positive symbolism.

chinahorse 15-03-2018 09:20 PM

Erm raven claw possibly? I never signed up.

Buttons. 15-03-2018 09:26 PM

Thankyou Np <3

Lillie fair enough, might be a good distraction to consider though, who knows you might end up a cool Ravenclaw/Pugwudgie like me :P

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