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Sketchy 20-11-2017 07:44 PM

Hey non person. I hope you get your lights sorted after you have a break.

Beckie I think the darkness makes it feel colder. I don’t know why.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 07:47 PM

I know what you mean Lorraine
It does make it feel colder!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 07:51 PM

Tomorrow it’s going to be warmer here at 11 and 12 degrees. I bet it will still feel cold because it will likely be raining. It always rains here! I’m having a moany day.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 07:52 PM

Thats not too bad!
It hasn't rained in ages here.
Well, it was a bit drizzly earlier but that's it.

nonperson 20-11-2017 07:56 PM

It'll be fine, just need to get the wires organised and then it'll all start making sense. It's just chaos everywhere at the moment and I stupidly decided to start all of this at 5pm.... and as always it's taking longer than expected. =P

nonperson 20-11-2017 07:56 PM

As for the cold, I'm always cold and I work outside in it every day!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 07:58 PM

I’m sure you’ll soon get it done, and it will be worth it. Pardon my stupidity, but what is orchid lighting? Is that similar to fairy lights?

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 07:58 PM

Hope you manage to get it sorted!!

I couldn't imagine having to work outside in this weather!
Do you at least do something that keeps you warm?

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:20 PM

Noodles were good. I’m glad I finally satisfied my craving for them.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 08:21 PM

Food always tastes amazing when you've been craving it!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:24 PM

It does indeed.

You up to much? I’m going to finish watching my mad fat diary. Don’t really have the energy to do much else. Normally I go to life drawing on a Monday, but my sister is working a lot of Monday’s recently, so we haven’t been.

Eska 20-11-2017 08:26 PM

Evening everyone :)

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:26 PM

Orchid lighting is just additional lighting that I have for my orchids. I don't keep them on windowsills so I need extra lights. Fairy lights would look much prettier to be honest.

And yes, Cacoethes - in theory the harder I work the more I should warm up. ;)

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 08:29 PM

Orchids are so pretty!
I had one once

Haha! You should be ok then :p

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:30 PM

I have.... many orchids!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:31 PM

Evening Eska.

Thanks for explaining that to me nonperson. It sounds nice.

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:33 PM

Yeah it looks nice when it's all organised.

I just had a count up.... 30 orchids and about 25 cacti and other houseplants..... More than I thought.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 08:34 PM

Wow that's a lot!!

I should get a house plant
They are nice

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:36 PM

That is a lot. I bet they look nice. You must be really good with plants. You work with plants don’t you? That must be a satisfying job to see something you’ve helped create.

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:39 PM

Yes I do work with plants. Some of them seem to find their way into my house too. I can't help myself...!

It is satisfying - I work in propagation, so bascially growing things from seed and cuttings and growing them in to big plants to be used in the garden.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 08:41 PM

Thats really cool!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:44 PM

That sounds great and it sounds like you are really passionate about it too. Very nice to hear someone talk about their work like that.

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:47 PM

It's not just a job really. Which has it's downside because I can get too involved in it all and not let go sometimes.

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:52 PM

When I was able to work I felt like that about my job. I worked as an artist leading workshops in schools, hospitals, prisons, community centres etc. I loved working in art and creating new things and helping others create art.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 08:57 PM

I felt a bit like that when I worked in a care home, I really loved it and had to try and avoid becoming too involved!

nonperson 20-11-2017 08:59 PM

I find it hard to think people don't do jobs that they really care about though. I'd hate to be in a 9-5 job in an office, just to earn money. I'm a big advocate for having a career in something you love. It makes such a big difference.

Sketchy 20-11-2017 08:59 PM

I’ve done a few art projects in care homes, so I get what you mean. You want the best for the residents and when they have any problems it can be upsetting.

Sketchy 20-11-2017 09:00 PM

It does indeed make a difference. I’d like to start building my way up to where I was, but maybe start with volunteer work. Definitely in the same field.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 09:04 PM

It makes a huge difference
I cant imagine being stuck in an office all day
My heart just wouldn't be in it!

Sketchy 20-11-2017 09:27 PM

I’ve filled my hot water bottles. Nice and warm.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 09:31 PM

Ooo toasty!

Im going to do mine in a bit before I go to bed

Sketchy 20-11-2017 09:34 PM

Good plan. Honestly these were the best purchase ever!

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 09:43 PM

Hot water bottles are amazing!
Im so tired.
And another 6:30am start tomorrow

Sketchy 20-11-2017 09:45 PM

That’s an early start! It’s nearly bed time now anyway. I’m already lying in bed.

Cacoethes 20-11-2017 09:52 PM

Im gonna go up to bed after Would I Lie To You
Which is soon so I shall say goodnight!

Sleep well everyone! :)

Sketchy 20-11-2017 10:01 PM

Goodnight. Sleep well.

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 07:53 AM

Morning everyone
So tired!

chinahorse 21-11-2017 08:30 AM


I'm tired too. And it's dark. That's not allowed. Really want to go back to sleep.

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 09:06 AM

Hey Lillie
Being up this early sucks
At least its not too cold
12° apparently

Eska 21-11-2017 09:16 AM

Morning Beckie and Lillie :) Sorry you're both tired. It was super dark this morning, though not as bad as yesterday - I was sleeping in a camper van and genuinely thought it was about 6am when it was actually half seven!

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 09:32 AM

Morning eska!
Yeah yesterday was really dark!.
Sleeping in a camper van sounds interesting!

[Luna] 21-11-2017 11:10 AM

Morning guys <3

not_so_insig 21-11-2017 12:35 PM

Morning all. I have my tesco shopping order coming today.

not_so_insig 21-11-2017 02:56 PM

I have had my tesco shopping order. It's quiet in here today.

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 03:37 PM

Hey guys

Im back from college early because my science teacher is away

Sketchy 21-11-2017 06:32 PM

Hi all.

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 06:37 PM

Hi Lorraine
How are you?

Sketchy 21-11-2017 06:38 PM

I’m a bit annoyed at myself. I didn’t get out today. Struggling. I really need to go out tomorrow.

How are you?

Cacoethes 21-11-2017 06:51 PM

Don't be too hard on yourself.
Getting out can be hard, especially when its so cold and horrible outside.
You can try again tomorrow

Im ok.
Going to get my fish and chips in a bit!
I've been trying to decide whether to get sausage or fish all day.
I cant decide!

Sketchy 21-11-2017 06:55 PM

Thanks. I’ll try tomorrow.

Whatever you decide I hope you enjoy it. I love chippy chips.

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