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Ahimsa 21-12-2023 02:23 PM

ooh fairy cakes!! are you going to colour the cakes or just the icing?

I know right! Which means if I do quit my sessions I'm going to feel super guilty about getting the rota changed

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 02:24 PM

Oh dear Ahimsa, will you tell them their mistakes?

Yay for post insig.

Well done shopping Cacoethes. I did most of my wrapping yesterday, with L's help.

I found out I have no leave.

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 02:25 PM

Ninja Tamo,

If I continue my sessions, I'm going to have to. Otherwise I can't go.

If we hadn't already had 4 meetings confirming my new shifts I wouldn't be so annoyed.

No leave sucks :(

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 02:34 PM

Just the icing!
They're just cooling down now, i tried one to make sure they aren't gross and it was delicious, if i may say so myself!
Going for coffee with L soon so will decorate them when i get back

Hopefully the sessions will end up being more helpful!
Might be nice for you to have that time off anyway, do some self care things? That's lije therapy!

Thanks tamo.
Well done for doing your wrapping

I'm so sorry to hear you have no leave
That's tough at any time, let alone at Christmas.
Hopefully you'll have some lovely visits, i know it's not the same though

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4372832)
Just the icing!
They're just cooling down now, i tried one to make sure they aren't gross and it was delicious, if i may say so myself!
Going for coffee with L soon so will decorate them when i get back

Hopefully the sessions will end up being more helpful!
Might be nice for you to have that time off anyway, do some self care things? That's lije therapy!

Thanks tamo.
Well done for doing your wrapping

I'm so sorry to hear you have no leave
That's tough at any time, let alone at Christmas.
Hopefully you'll have some lovely visits, i know it's not the same though

It is, but I'm having to put myself thought 11 and 12 hours shifts twice a week to be able to get the time off

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 02:45 PM

Ah yeah, that's not good.
12 hour shifts are brutal

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 03:12 PM

Hopefully someone will visit and bring me presents!

one_step_closer 21-12-2023 04:38 PM

Gift bags are a good idea, Beckie but I'd still end up wrapping the gifts inside! Those cakes sound great. I am very open to receiving cakes through the post. :p

What calendar did you get, Dawn?

That's really annoying that work don't seem to be listening properly, Beth.

Sorry to hear you didn't get leave, Tamo. I'm sure people will visit and bring your presents. I'm sure Santa will redirect his travels anyway.

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 04:42 PM

Hey OSC.

I've cancelled all my future therapy sessions anyway so it doesn't make much difference.

one_step_closer 21-12-2023 04:49 PM

:( How are you feeling?

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 04:55 PM

Fine, having it made no difference to me - not having it won't either.

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 05:12 PM

Sorry to hear that Ahimsa. Are you sure cancelling them is a good idea?

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 05:16 PM

Absolutely. Sitting in silence for 40 minutes of a 50 minute session with a man who doesn't help me seems like a waste of everyone's time. There were 7 minutes between me saying something today and him replying, with 1 line.

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 05:34 PM

Oh dear, fair enough.

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 05:42 PM

How're you doing?

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 05:47 PM

Not great. Watching a Christmas film to cheer me up.

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 05:49 PM

I'm sorry you're not great, can we help?

What film is it?

tamobhuuta 21-12-2023 06:04 PM

Not really but thanks. How are you getting on?

It was Tis the Season to be Merry on My5

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 06:14 PM

He does not sound like a good therapist
Sorry it turned out like that

Is the film helping tamo?

I will send you cake one day lindsay!

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 06:17 PM

How are your buns Beckie?

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 06:26 PM

They aren't very neat but i know S will love them anyway!

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 06:27 PM

Do they need to be neat? Wild and abstract are more fun

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 06:41 PM

No they don't at all, luckily!
As long as they taste good, it's fine

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4372802)
s it is windy in South East England, South West England, Scotland and Wales. Any news from our northern correspondents Jenna and Beth?

Northern correspondent checking in late! Can confirm it's windy here, although have not seen any flying bins. When I was out tending to T's random pets while she's away I noticed tons of bins on their sides in her estate.


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4372865)
I will send you cake one day lindsay!

I would like the thread to know that I successfully sent Lindsay brownies as promised!!

Beth, en route to your thread to find out more about the Therapist Of Doom :(

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4372873)
Northern correspondent checking in late! Can confirm it's windy here, although have not seen any flying bins. When I was out tending to T's random pets while she's away I noticed tons of bins on their sides in her estate.

I would like the thread to know that I successfully sent Lindsay brownies as promised!!

Beth, en route to your thread to find out more about the Therapist Of Doom :(

I am intrigued by random pets!!

not_so_insig 21-12-2023 06:59 PM

It is still very windy here though the wind has died down a bit as I am able to watch TV. I haven't been able to watch TV all morning and afternoon due to the wind.

Lindsay my calendar is a Felix and Bolt cat calendar. It's a bit sad that there's going to be no more Felix calendars :-( .

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 07:05 PM

Were they good brownies jenna??
Vegan ones i assume?

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 07:21 PM

Beth - snake, millipede and some boxes of springtails that aren't really pets but are going to be part of the substrate in the snake viv or something??? Do you want a dramatic account of me trying to deal with the springtails via message?

Beckie, dunno, you'd have to ask Lindsay :P But yes, they were vegan. Unless someone is receiving a sympathy lasagne, all the stuff I make for people is vegan.

Dawn, it's a railway station cat right? I just did some googling. Why won't there be any more?

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 07:22 PM

in case np is reading, the pet-sitting anecdote is not as dramatic as the one from last time when I had to feed the snake :P

nonperson 21-12-2023 07:26 PM

Evening guys! Sorry I haven't caught up with the pages of chatter but my entertainment for this evening is currently upstairs passed out on my bed so I am bored!

nonperson 21-12-2023 07:27 PM

I am reading and was thinking that all sounded familiar. I can't remember the one you told me!

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 07:35 PM

I had a vegan lasagne today
Was very nice

There's a station cat kind of near me. In stevenage. It has an fb page and has shown up in American tabloid sites before, randomly.

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 07:37 PM

I made vegan (and gluten free) lasagne last night actually! And accidentally made excessive quantities so we have one in the freezer as well as one in the fridge. Glad you enjoyed yours Beckie!

nonperson 21-12-2023 07:42 PM

What do you use for vegan lasagne? Is it more lentil based with fake cheese?

not_so_insig 21-12-2023 07:43 PM

Yes Jenna Felix and Bolt are/were Railway cats. The reason why there are not going to be any more Felix calendars is that Felix died recently :-( .

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 07:44 PM

Yes to lentils, but we have to be careful as some lentils are a bit dodgy for K too, which apparently happens a lot with gluten-intolerant folk. So also lots of veg (yuck) in the 'meaty' bit. Then a white sauce with a bit of nutritional yeast for the cheesiness and then lots of vegan grated cheese on top. It's nice, but I'd make a meat and dairy one if making a sympathy lasagne as the last thing you need when you're sad is vegan lasagne I think :P

nonperson 21-12-2023 07:50 PM

Ah I didn't think about lentils being gluteny. I'd like to master a veggie lasagne without using fake meat.

That's nice you'd make a proper one for people that need it!

Ahimsa 21-12-2023 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4372880)
Beth - snake, millipede and some boxes of springtails that aren't really pets but are going to be part of the substrate in the snake viv or something??? Do you want a dramatic account of me trying to deal with the springtails via message?

Beckie, dunno, you'd have to ask Lindsay :P But yes, they were vegan. Unless someone is receiving a sympathy lasagne, all the stuff I make for people is vegan.

Dawn, it's a railway station cat right? I just did some googling. Why won't there be any more?

Ahaha they are random pets!!

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 08:01 PM

Asda used to do an amazing veggie lasagne using sweet potato and no fake meat!

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ahimsa (Post 4372899)
Ahaha they are random pets!!

She?s a pretty random kid!

Np, do you want my recipe?

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:15 PM

Yes please! I don't need to go full vegan but it might still be helpful.

Sweet potato is lush.

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:15 PM

I also don't think I've ever described anything as lush... O.o

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 08:23 PM

How much have you had to drink np? :tongue2:
I often use random words i wouldn't usually use when I'm drunk XD

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:29 PM

Not that much! But clearly enough to use words like lush...

*eye roll*

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:30 PM

Sweet potato IS awesome though!

Pi.R^2 21-12-2023 08:31 PM

Yeah, I tried to look for sweet potato lasagne recipes when Beckie first mentioned it months ago but was unsuccessful :(

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:33 PM

Sometimes sweet potato can be a bit sweet and overpowering though.

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 08:35 PM

I love sweet potato
Work used to do sweet work potato fries, until the produce went up in price too much :(

nonperson 21-12-2023 08:37 PM

That is sad. I guess sweet potatoes have to be imported??

But I love sweet potato fries. Mine are frozen from Sainsbury's though so not as good as properly cooked ones but still good!

Cacoethes 21-12-2023 08:42 PM

Yeah i think so
The amount they went up, we'd have to charge about ?9 for a bowl of them in order to make any profit at all! Which is obviously a completely unreasonable price for sweet potato fries! No matter how good they are!

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