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not_so_insig 01-06-2019 07:27 PM

Oh dear Lillie that's not good. Hope you are better soon.

Cacoethes 01-06-2019 08:02 PM

Hey Lillie
Hope you are resting

tamobhuuta 01-06-2019 08:10 PM

Sorry you're suffering china

Cacoethes 01-06-2019 09:01 PM

I am tired
Took meds too early!

tamobhuuta 01-06-2019 10:33 PM

I am tired but can't sleep

Eska 02-06-2019 09:46 AM

Morning people

nonperson 02-06-2019 10:04 AM

Morning Eska. How're you?

chinahorse 02-06-2019 10:16 AM

Morning all :-)

nonperson 02-06-2019 11:31 AM

Morning Lillie. =)

I'm really struggling to self motivate at work today. The quicker I get it all done the quicker I can go home... but meh.

chinahorse 02-06-2019 11:38 AM

Do you have the ability to whack some music on? I find that can help.

Ive done some studying but cba to keep going.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 12:04 PM

Hey guys
Woke up for carer at 8 and then went back to bed

I agree with Lillie, music might help

Some studying is better than no studying!

one_step_closer 02-06-2019 12:18 PM

Afternoon everyone.

How are you Eska?

Well done with doing some studying Lillie. :thumbup:

I hope you can get things done and get home NP.

Have you got any plans for today Beckie?

I'm properly miserable with a cold or something. Coughing and very sore throat. I have been using those lozenges where you can only have one every 2 hours so I spent forever in Tesco trying to decide which ice cream to get but told myself it was too much sugar etc and ended up getting watermelon ice lollies, which are tasty. There are only 4 in the box though and I might need more.

chinahorse 02-06-2019 12:34 PM

Up to much today beckie?

Watermelon ice lollies sound amazing lindsay! Sorry you're poorly though.

I had a nap with the cat and have hung up my freshly washed bedding. Need to clean the bedroom now and put fresh sheets on. But tired. Debating going to the shop for crisps.

Eska 02-06-2019 12:43 PM

I'm slightly zoned out but otherwise ok

nonperson 02-06-2019 12:56 PM

Nearly done. About an hour or so left, I think. I do have music already (never go to work without) but my right earphone keeps not working, annoying!

I agree, some studying is better than none.

Oh no for being poorly, Lindsay. Sore throats are awful. Hope the lollies help.

Glad you're otherwise ok, Eska =)

Time for chocolate milk to fuel my last hour...!

chinahorse 02-06-2019 12:59 PM

Mmmmmmmm chocolate milk!

I'm like a hobbit today, I've had breakfast, 2nd breakfast and lunch lol. I did improve my test score a lot and have nearly finished notes kn that chapter.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 01:14 PM

No plans
Just been to asda!
Now watching a film
I ate a donut and now there is sugar everywhere

Sorry you're feeling rubbish lindsay
The ice lollies sound good though!

Love chocolate milk!
Wish I'd got some

Well done for improving your test score Lillie!

chinahorse 02-06-2019 01:19 PM

Nomnom beckie, how tasty! Ahhh glad to see you're back to your asda routine. :-P

I have a sleeping cat on me so cant move. He's properly zonked out.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 01:36 PM

Yep, I'm sure asda missed me :p

Awww bless

one_step_closer 02-06-2019 02:44 PM

Super Lillie! Have you been released from cat bed duties?

I hope you're alright Eska.

Are you home yet NP?

Mmm doughnut. Have you had Devon doughnut before?

Also the toffee filled yum yums in Lidl are very good.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 02:46 PM

No I've not had one!

one_step_closer 02-06-2019 02:48 PM

You should definitely try one. They are amazing. The Greggs ones are the best I've come across.

How's your day going?

chinahorse 02-06-2019 02:57 PM

What's a yum yum?

I had to move him to hang up work shirts. But he's now nestled into me. He's being very clingy today.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 02:57 PM

I'll have to try one!

It's ok.
Not much going on really!
How about you?

nonperson 02-06-2019 03:23 PM

Got home about an hour ago!

nonperson 02-06-2019 03:25 PM

Why is it raining?!?! I just hung laundry outside dammit.

chinahorse 02-06-2019 03:33 PM

Boooo. It's been grey and showery and not warm here all day.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 03:34 PM

Its been very warm here!
Although slightly grey

nonperson 02-06-2019 04:01 PM

Yeah warm here too but the sun's gone away this afternoon which is nice. Think the rain was just a fluke shower.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 04:06 PM

Wish it would rain here
It's quite muggy!

nonperson 02-06-2019 04:17 PM

It's really windy here, it's blown all the mugginess away!

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 04:23 PM

Its a bit windy here but still muggy!

I have fajitas for dinner tonight

nonperson 02-06-2019 04:27 PM

I might nap before dinner. =(

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 04:28 PM

Nothing wrong with a nap!

nonperson 02-06-2019 04:38 PM

Plenty of more productive things I could be doing. Naps always make me feel odd afterwards though... but I'm so tired. x.x

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 04:40 PM

Yeah but it's a Sunday
Odd how?

Harry Potter is on tv so I am happy

Eska 02-06-2019 05:16 PM

I just had a nap and I'm definitely feeling a bit blurry now.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 05:51 PM

Hopefully you'll feel less blurry soon!!

I am full of fajitas

Buttons. 02-06-2019 06:09 PM

Fajitas are fit.

Hey all :)

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 06:14 PM

Yes they are!

Hello Buttons!
How are you?

one_step_closer 02-06-2019 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by chinahorse (Post 4223414)
What's a yum yum?

Like a cake type thing with lots of icing sugar on it. Just sweet tastiness.


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4223422)
It's really windy here, it's blown all the mugginess away!

I read that as all the muggles were blown away.

How are you Buttons?

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 06:23 PM

Yum yums are amazing!

Haha! Gotta blow away those muggles :p

Buttons. 02-06-2019 06:34 PM

I'm okay, recovering slowly :)

Ha ha Lins that is a fab interpretation of that phrase :P

How are you two?

not_so_insig 02-06-2019 06:40 PM

I have been out to a place where there's a heritage railway line. I saw a steam train and a diesel train.

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 06:42 PM

Im ok
Just watching harry potter!

The red arrows went over earlier
There was an air show nearby

Buttons. 02-06-2019 06:44 PM

That sounds interesting Dawn.

Harry Potter wins life. Itunes gives you 3 audiobooks free when you sign up to their Audible thing, three guesses which books I picked :P

tamobhuuta 02-06-2019 06:48 PM

I'm watching hp too

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 06:48 PM

Haha! :p

Audio books aren't my thing

nonperson 02-06-2019 06:49 PM

RED ARROWS WIN LIFE!! I love them. Like... a lot.

I napped, kept waking up in a panic that it was raining and ruining my laundry and now I feel awful. Blurry, like Eska said. This is why I normally don't nap, I just feel rubbish afterwards! And I have to go back to work some time soon. =(

Cacoethes 02-06-2019 06:51 PM

They are pretty cool!

Thats a shame np :(

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