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Cacoethes 06-02-2017 04:45 PM

Hi everyone.
I'm confused because I'm sure I wrote a reply this morning but it seems I didn't! Weird!

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 04:53 PM

Hi Beckie and Lorraine.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 04:53 PM

Hi Beckie. How are you?

Sketchy 06-02-2017 04:54 PM

Hi Dawn. How are you?

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 04:56 PM

I'm ok thanks. Just dying my hair and watching big bang theory.
How are you Lorraine?

Sketchy 06-02-2017 04:59 PM

Dying hair sounds fun. I read your r&v so I hope the pink turns out nice. Sorry if that made me sound like a creepy stalker.

I'm ok. Really tired from being so sociable the past week, so I'm having a rest and staying in the flat today. Can't face the world just now. I'm tired after last night, plus I didn't sleep too well.

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 05:03 PM

I am not so good Lorraine. I discovered that my replacement nurse isn't in this week and neither is my regular cpn. I have nobody to talk to because I won't speak to strangers so duty isn't a option. I just am worried about how I will cope.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 05:08 PM

I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you could start a thread in the support boards and ask for some support here? Talking about it may help, and you are never alone here.

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 05:19 PM

Thanks Lorraine I might do that. My battery is low so I am logging off for now.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 05:22 PM

Catch you later.

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 05:30 PM

You don't sound like a creepy stalker at all Lorraine!
It hasn't gone very pink. More a purply/red. Wont know exactly until it dries!

Resting sounds good. Social interaction can be exhausting.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 05:33 PM

Purple/red sound nice.

Social interaction is indeed exhausting. I think I'll have a nap.

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 06:03 PM

I hope it turns out ok. Kind of glad it didn't go pink though as I have been invited to a job interview.

Enjoy your nap :)

chinahorse 06-02-2017 06:05 PM

Ooo what's your interview for beckie?

[Luna] 06-02-2017 06:16 PM

How exciting Beckie! What's it for?
Hey guys <3

chinahorse 06-02-2017 06:21 PM

Hey Luna hope your day has been ok?

I'm exhausted but if I sleep now I won't sleep tonight. The woe.

[Luna] 06-02-2017 06:26 PM

Ah that sucks love. Sorry you're so tired. How has your day been?

chinahorse 06-02-2017 06:32 PM

It's been hard but I am talking to others and I did de stress at the supermarket but ended up paying the excess.

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 07:06 PM

It's a care assistant role. I really hope I get it. I need a job!

Hi Luna and Lillie!

chinahorse 06-02-2017 07:11 PM

Bset of luck with it. Is it far away from your house?

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 07:36 PM

Thanks :)
It's about a 30 minute walk which is very manageable. And I can get the bus half way there if I don't fancy walking the whole distance.
It's on the same site as my cmht so I already know where it is and how to get there!

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 07:38 PM

Am back. I fell asleep and woke up to find a cat sitting on me with his paw on my heart. I don't know how long he had been there but he sat on me for a further 40 mins.

chinahorse 06-02-2017 07:55 PM

That's good beckie it sounds very manageable.

Dawn that's cute.

I just had fajita which was nice. I'm tired and full now .

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 07:59 PM

He doesn't sit on me often and even then it's not that long so it was a shock. Especially as he had his paw on my heart as he's never done that before.

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 08:05 PM

Cats are cute.

I love fajitas. Haven't had them in ages! Glad you enjoyed it!

Serendipity. 06-02-2017 08:08 PM

Good luck with the job Beckie, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 08:16 PM

Thanks! :)
And hello! Haven't seen you in here a lot lately Hannah!

Serendipity. 06-02-2017 08:17 PM

I know! I have been a bit busy having a life! *gasp* :P

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 08:18 PM

A life? What is that?

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 08:27 PM

I am also confused as to this 'life' concept!

I have to get up at 7 am tomorrow to get the bus to the hospital for 9:40 :plain:
Just a consultation with the dentist person about getting my wisdom tooth out. Fun times!

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 08:47 PM

Hope it goes well Beckie.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 08:52 PM

I hope your appointment goes well. That's fantastic about the job interview. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

I'm going to have pizza for dinner. Fajitas sounds nice Lillie.

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 09:07 PM

I haven't had my tea yet. I guess I should have something but I don't know what to cook.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 09:12 PM

Why kind of food do you have in? Anything in particular you feel like?

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 09:18 PM

Thanks Lorraine!
Pizza is always a good idea!
I had a slimming world ready meal. Cottage pie. It was nice!

Sketchy 06-02-2017 09:23 PM

Cottage pie is good. My dad makes an amazing vegetarian one. I like anything with potato

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 09:23 PM

I decided on a sausage sandwich Lorraine. Just waiting for the oven to warm up.

Cacoethes 06-02-2017 09:27 PM

Potatoes are awesome!

Sausage sandwich sounds nice dawn.

Sketchy 06-02-2017 09:30 PM

I hope you enjoy it Dawn.

not_so_insig 06-02-2017 10:10 PM

Thanks everyone it was nice. It came from an north Wales meat company (not local though) which has nice meat.

chinahorse 06-02-2017 10:43 PM

I want to go to sleep but have to wait for 10 meds :(

Sketchy 06-02-2017 11:14 PM

I hope you get to sleep soon.

Buttons. 07-02-2017 04:00 AM

Glade you enjoyed your sandwich I love sausage butties x

Hope you managed to sleep Lilly

chinahorse 07-02-2017 09:47 AM

Morning all.

I did sleep. Not that I feel overly refreshed though.

What has everyone got on today? I have pretty much nothing thank god. May go out.

Cacoethes 07-02-2017 10:44 AM

Morning guys!
I'm at the hospital, waiting for an x ray for the consultant dentist man. I had to get up so early! I need coffee!

Buttons. 07-02-2017 10:52 AM

Hope the hospital goes well :)

I've got an unexpected appointment but my dad as kindly allowed to take me if he is allowed in

Cacoethes 07-02-2017 11:54 AM

Thanks. It was fine. Although when I actually have the tooth taken out, I'll need to be driven home and have to stay with someone for 24 hours which will be problematic! I don't really have anyone to drive me anywhere and definitely not stay with me for 24 hours!!

Unexpected appointment sounds ominous! I hope it goes ok.

not_so_insig 07-02-2017 12:17 PM

I am having coffee with my friend. I don't feel like going but I don't want to let her down.

not_so_insig 07-02-2017 01:52 PM

Am in caffe nero with my friend. The fire alarum went off!

[Luna] 07-02-2017 03:46 PM

Hey guys, how are you all?

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