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Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:10 PM

I still rebel.

Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:11 PM

And Beckie you suck. Even AT 5'7 you lanky weirdo :P

Sketchy 25-10-2017 09:13 PM

Goodnight Beckie. Sleep well.

Katy I have a good mind to send you to bed!

What are you up to anyway? I’m going to watch some Netflix and sew for a bit before bed.

Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:13 PM

Okay you're all interrupting Lion King. You think YOU have problems? :P

Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:13 PM

I'm watching films and trying to distract. Dog is currently dreaming of something-git :P

Sketchy 25-10-2017 09:14 PM

Is it bad that I’ve never seen the lion king?

Sketchy 25-10-2017 09:14 PM

Films is a good distraction.

Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:16 PM

You've NEVER SEEN LION KING? Get out, get out right now. Even Beckie and I might unite on that!

Sketchy 25-10-2017 09:22 PM


Cpt_Stunning 25-10-2017 09:27 PM

Good night, egg on toast now, bit of TV then bed, why is it every night, I don't want to go to bed, then time for getting up, I don't want to get up, explain that to me, although a couple of cups of tea does help me get up in the morning.

Buttons. 25-10-2017 09:28 PM

I'll send you the DVD for Xmas Lorraine.

Hope you sleep well Chris.

Sketchy 25-10-2017 09:32 PM

Sleep well Chris. I think a lot of people can relate to that.

That’s ok Katy. Ok, how do I admit this. Erm. I’m not a fan of cartoon films.

Buttons. 25-10-2017 10:23 PM

You fail!

Sketchy 26-10-2017 05:51 AM

Good morning.

I woke up early.

Buttons. 26-10-2017 05:56 AM

So did I. It sucks -_- even the dog hasn't started moving yet that shows me I'm definitely up too early.

Sketchy 26-10-2017 05:58 AM

Hi Katy. Sorry you’re having the same problem.

I’m still curled up in bed. I’ll likely fall asleep again.

Buttons. 26-10-2017 06:02 AM

Hope you manage to get some more sleep-although I'll miss your company!

Sketchy 26-10-2017 06:06 AM

Aww thank you. I’m still awake for now.

What are your plans for today? I need to go to the shop for some groceries. Oh the excitement! I might try go for a coffee. Been hiding away a lot though.

Buttons. 26-10-2017 06:16 AM

I hope you manage to have a coffee-know you enjoy that. It's hard when we feel crap to do things but I know you have the strength to pull through it.

I have a busy day-meeting mum for lunch, taking dog for another post op check at the vet then college. Bit intimidated tbh. Tbh just need mum to think I'm okay. On a pro yesterday support worker helped me wash properly and wash my hair so I feel good enough to wear my EPIC Harry Potter dress-I'll post a pic in what you wearing thread-it's a dress of the books :)

Sketchy 26-10-2017 06:20 AM

It’s ok to say when you aren’t ok. I’m sorry things are hard for you right now. That’s great about the Harry Potter dress. Are you going out for lunch? I hope you get something nice.

Buttons. 26-10-2017 06:25 AM

Dress is epic. Yeah going out for lunch probably going to go for lasagne if we're going where I think we are. Just need to keep it down!

Sketchy 26-10-2017 06:27 AM

Lasagna sounds good. I hope you enjoy it.

I’m going to sleep for a while. I can feel my eyes closing. So tired.

Buttons. 26-10-2017 06:34 AM

Sleep well lovely :)

not_so_insig 26-10-2017 08:11 AM

Morning all. I am up early because I am having a bookcase delivered. It's dark here.

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 09:21 AM

Morning guys
Got a driving lesson in a bit

Knee-Socks 26-10-2017 09:30 AM

@Not_So_Insig Yay bookcase!

@Cacoethes I hope your driving lesson goes well!

[Luna] 26-10-2017 11:02 AM

Morning guys <3

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 11:31 AM

Thanks knee socks!
I had a pretty good driving lesson!

How are you?

[Luna] 26-10-2017 11:34 AM

Glad the lesson went well Beckie.
I'm alright, you? What are you up to for the rest of the day?

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 11:39 AM

Im ok thanks.
Leaving for my nannys soon.
About a 2 hour train journey.

Are you up to much today?

not_so_insig 26-10-2017 12:15 PM

I didn't get my bookcase. Stupid delivery company couldn't find it on their van. Have to wait 72 hours for them to come back *angry face*.

On the plus side I have a signed photo come in the post. Not sure who it's from but it's an eastenders cast member since they are the only people who I have written to lately. I also wrote to Jenny Agutter but it's not from her due to the postmark.

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 12:34 PM

Thats annoying dawn.

Good about the photo though!

I got 2 parcels today. Lucky the post man came just as I was about to leave!
Its sociology books my dad sent me.
He did a sociology degree so the books should be helpful for my sociology class.

Im on the train!

Shy_Bambi 26-10-2017 01:28 PM

Yay for signed photos! I've got everyone from EastEnders now, until new people come in.

I'm glad you had a good driving lesson Beckie, have a good trip to your nan's!

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 01:34 PM

Waiting for second train now!

You up to much Rebecca?

Sketchy 26-10-2017 03:21 PM

Hi all. I didn’t go to Morrisons. Still in the flat. How is everyone?

not_so_insig 26-10-2017 03:25 PM

I am stupidly tired today despite going to bed early last night. My signed photo was from Christopher Timothy.

Shy_Bambi 26-10-2017 03:35 PM

I'm out with my mum. She just bought me a bath bomb from Lush, never had one before so I'm quite anxious and nervous about it. Do I literally just put it in the water?

not_so_insig 26-10-2017 03:54 PM

Yep. I think I have added you on Facebook.

Sketchy 26-10-2017 03:55 PM

Dawn that’s good you got another autograph.

Rebecca, yes you just put it in the bath as it runs. Lush bath bombs are amazing.

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 03:57 PM

Just arrived at my nanny's.

Shy_Bambi 26-10-2017 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4138995)
Yep. I think I have added you on Facebook.

Yep! I just accepted you :D

That was a fairly quick journey Beckie! Also, is that green car seriously your nan's? Because that's awesome right thar xD

Sketchy 26-10-2017 04:00 PM

That’s good you’ve arrived Beckie. Enjoy your visit.

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 04:53 PM

The journey did seem very quick today!
In fact, the train was running 5 mins late!

Yep that is actually my nannys car!!
She got it with the mobility scheme so it is literally brand new! And she needed it asap hence being stuck with the green. She hates the colour. I think its awesome!!

Thanks Lorraine!

Sketchy 26-10-2017 05:01 PM

I was feeling sorry for myself and have just phoned for pizza.

Cpt_Stunning 26-10-2017 05:11 PM

I'd like to do that but my parents have got my bank card, I'd be doing it too much, I tend not to think of the long term, steak & chips in town 3 times a week too, if I had the opportunity.

Shy_Bambi 26-10-2017 05:21 PM

I think it's an awesome colour too! Name suits it xD

Pizza sounds awesome Lorraine, I'm sorry you're not feeling so great *hugs*

Sketchy 26-10-2017 05:25 PM

Pizza is here and is tasty. I try not to order takeaway too often, but I had nothing in and couldn’t face the shop.

Thanks Rebecca.

Shy_Bambi 26-10-2017 05:27 PM

What pizza is it?

not_so_insig 26-10-2017 05:27 PM

I am having the rest of the stir fry later. With a different sauce though but I dunno which one because I have several.

Cacoethes 26-10-2017 05:33 PM

Enjoy your pizza Lorraine!

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