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They’ve finally stopped.
Yay well done on getting your homework done. |
my parents want me to live in sheltered housing, is that where you are, sorry to ask, just wondered what it's like?
That sounds annoying Lorraine!
Well done for doing your homework katy!! Ive lived in sheltered housing before. I dont now though. |
No, I’m not in sheltered housing.
my parents control my finances because of my anxiety, & say I have enough money for my own flat in maybe sheltered housing, but I'll say no, flats are so expensive, & bills on top, plus I'll have no-one to come home to, I've friends where I am.
& I have hardly any stuff, only keep things that I really need. Everyone always talks about progression, moving forward, improving, I'm just happy to carry on the way I'm going. |
If you are happy where you are then that is fair enough. It’s good you are happy where you live.
I think it's difficult for them to understand, because neither of them lived in a shared house with other people who are basically strangers, but you get to know after a while. They got married in 1971, moved straight from living with their parents into their first house, they wanted a house for £6,250, but settled for a house which cost £6,000, because they felt they couldn't afford the extra £250, & no, I'm not joking.:tongue2:
If you're happy then that should be ok.
If it ain't broke don't fix it! |
Can you imagine if houses cost that now? It probably is hard for them to imagine, but it sounds like you like where you live.
I’m used to living on my own. I’ve been living on my own for ten years, but in three different flats. Been in this one the longest. |
I was talking about the whole houses costing less situation with my care coordinator today funnily enough!
Ive been living alone for 5 years now. Been here the longest, about 3 years now. I cant imagine living with people again! |
Me neither. I’m lucky that my sister’s flat is four doors away from mine, so I’m not lonely. She’s only been in the area for a year and a half though.
I have no local friends.
I don't feel particularly lonely. |
I think you get used to living alone so you don’t feel lonely. I know I’ve got used to it. I couldn’t imagine living with other people right now.
They do mean well, I think they're looking for me to experience life in a flat, where I am now, it's just a small room in a shared house, 13 rooms, it's a big house, bills are included, cleaner comes round.
They want me to eventually get a mortgage & own my own place rather than paying rent, but you don't actually own it as such for about 25 years, the bank owns it. I've had this argument with other people, where I am the contract's ended so I only have to give 1 month's notice to move out, no problems. If I 'owned' my flat, & knew I'd would have trouble keeping up mortgage payments, I couldn't just move out, it'd cause a lot of problems. There is a very heavy culture of having to get a mortgage in the UK, I think, I know that a lot of countries are a lot more rent orientated. |
You are right. There is a lot of pressure to own a house, but it’s so expensive and a big commitment. I’m in no position to get a mortgage, so I have to be content with renting just now.
It's so good that your sister lives so close to you. I don't see that much of my family nowadays, & school friends never nowadays, I do have new friends, but it's not the same as people you've known for years or decades.
It is nice to have people you’ve known for decades, but it’s good you have new friends. I have new friends too that I feel like I’ve known forever.
in your writing & art groups?
Yes, from writing groups. I met them at a writing evening class and we started our own groups.
I dont think ive got anyone ive known for decades other than family!
Have a couple of old school friends on FB but i dont speak to them. |
My best friend I’ve known since I was 16. We met on our first weekend job and stayed friends.
I have carers coming in so I guess sort of supported housin. Couldn't bear living with someone else again though.
Also other than family pretty much no one I've known for decades. |
Thats lovely!
Ive only known my best friend for about 4 years I think? Our friendiversary is on march 1st :p |
Friendiversary. I like that!
Enjoy the 1st!
Where's our friendaversary though -_- |
That means I’ve been best friends with s for 19 years. That’s a long time!
Yeah Lorraine you might be breaking up a fight again :P
Oh no, are you two going to start fighting again?
Only if she doesn't give me a friendaversery
also 19 years impressive!
Dude you could arrange the friendiversay!
Dont leave it all on me!! 19 years is impressive!! |
I know, it feels like just yesterday we were kids. I’m having a text conversation with her just now. If I mention our 19 years she might get upset because it means we’re old. I always like to remind her that she’s four months older than me.
Dude I gave you a HP box YOU OWE ME.
That's awesome Lorraine although agree mentioning 19 years might not be tactful. |
Shut up Katy :p
(Am too tired for witty comebacks) |
Don’t make me come between you two again!
Lorraiiiiiine she told me to shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.
She started it!!!!
Now now Katy. It’s not nice to snitch!
Right, both of you are on a time out!
Hey I had good reason to snitch :P
And SHE started it. I refuse to go to time out. Yeah I'm a hard core rebel. |
*grows redder with anger and goes on tiptoes to increase the 5 foot 1 height.*
TIME OUT!!!! |
*goes to time out*
See, im behaving! Unlike SOME people! |
Well done Beckie.
Now Katy, can’t you follow Beckie’s example? |
Okay I'm now scared of all 5'1 of you-I'm 5 2 1/2 beat that :P
And you are such a suck up Beckie! |
*sits smugly*
I'm 5ft 7 |
NO *has tantrum*
I may be short, but I can be scary when I choose to be.
Are we going to have our time out now? |
*goes all loud and crazy, throws own tantrum *
Im going to bed before this gets really out of hand. ABANDON SHIP!!! Night all |
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