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long road 23-06-2023 10:05 AM


I actually slept all the way to my alarm today which is a nice change. How are things at your mum's Beckie?

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 10:14 AM

Morning guys. I'm glad you slept better LR.

long road 23-06-2023 10:50 AM

Thanks Tamo.

How is your day shaping up?

Do you have a show you can watch in the place if doctors while you wait for it to come back? It sucks that sports pushes it off the schedule in summer.

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 10:57 AM

Glad you slept better jen!
I actually did too, until about 6:30am!
Mum said to take some magnesium. She said the people at her gym swear by it, and she was sceptical, but tried it anyway and it really works!
I probably could have slept longer tbh, but was worried about not getting up in time to get jas sorted for school.

Things are ok thanks.
Left at 8am to get jas to school, it would be a 30 min walk for me alone, but she is slow and absolutely hates walking! (There was a lot of stroppy 'i am NOT going to school if i have to walk! Last night) but there was oddly minimal complaining!

Hoping mum will be back soon. But it's an hour drive to addenbrookes.

Morning tamo!

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 11:18 AM

Trying to think of something us children can give our parents for their wedding anniversary - on Sunday! It kind of crept up on us but it's their Ruby so it would be nice to give them something.

I'm glad you got Jasmine off to school ok Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 11:23 AM

That's a tough one!
Idek when my mum and step dad's anniversary is. They got married when my sister was a very young baby. So i guess coming up to 19 years?


long road 23-06-2023 12:23 PM

My parents Rugby Anniversary is next weekend Tamo!

My bro and I are probably get them an experience, current thinking is a voucher to go to a fancy restaurant on us.

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 12:27 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I'm glad you slept better, Jen and Beckie. I really hope it continues for you. I stayed in bed later than I have been but still within my limits and I don't feel as tired as usual.

Lol at Jasmine stropping over having to walk!

I have no idea what people gift for wedding anniversaries.

The rain has arrived here but not raining at the moment. Had to wear my rain jacket to the chemist but it was so hot. Done the things you're meant to do every 3 months (clean washing machine, clean hoover filters, change toothbrush head, check smoke alarms), washed my hair, and hoovered.

long road 23-06-2023 12:57 PM

Goodnes Lindsay do you have a calendar reminder or something so you always do them? Well done!

I just change my toothbrush head when indicator bristles tell me too. I don't check my smoke alarm but usually set it off accidentally a few times a year. As for the washing machine it helpfully gives me a symbol when it needs cleaning.

I am in my back garden drinking a coffee and listening to music. Oh and popping on here of course!

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 01:08 PM

Well done osc!

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 01:13 PM

Rugby anniversary. Lol.

Fancy restaurant vouchers are always a good bet!

Very productive lindsay!
I just change my toothbrush head when i remember. And clean the washing machine when i can afford the cleaner stuff! Actually, i need to order more toothbrush heads! Thanks for the reminder!

Sounds nice jen!

I've just tidied jasmine's room and cleaned the kitchen, which is no small task seeing as it's pretty much the size of my entire downstairs at home! Actually, probably quite a bit bigger than that! And cleaned the microwave because my mum is too short. And i hung the washing up earlier so taken in and folded the bits that are dry.
Unsure when mum will be returning.

long road 23-06-2023 01:18 PM

*shakes fist at autocorrect* I really ought to double check for such things before posting but YOLO.

It is rather nice, getting a bit tired now though so about to head back in. Got to pace myself today, I am trying to save the universe tonight! (I have my roleplaying game)

Well done for doing the cleaning things, I hope your mum is back soon (if you want her to be) and her appointment went ok.

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 01:31 PM

Yes, I write on my calendar when the next 3 month things are due.

Is it not raining with you, Jen? I'm glad you had a nice sit in your garden. You definitely need to be in tip top condition to save the universe. I will be cheering you on so listen out for me if you have super hearing.

How are you doing, Tamo?

What are you doing tidying Jasmine's room, Beckie? That shouldn't be your job! You've done lots. I hope your Mum notices and thanks you.

long road 23-06-2023 01:35 PM

Super organised!

Not raining here. Mind you I am in the south west which is probably as far away from Scotland as you get and still be in UK. We had a rainy day on Wednesday.

Funnily enough my character does have enhanced hearing so I should be able to hear your cheers!

not_so_insig 23-06-2023 01:37 PM

My washing machine has a cycle to clean itself. Annoyingly it comes on once every 10 days. Which isn't so bad but it takes nearly 2 and a half hours to do. It's usually when I have other washing to do also and it won't let me use any other cycle until it's cleaned itself.

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 01:37 PM

Excellent! I wish you luck with your mission.

Have you had any lunch yet?

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 01:38 PM

Clever washing machine, Dawn, although annoying. How are you today?

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 01:47 PM

I'm doing ok. Mum and Dad have just set off for a uni reunion so it's only N and i at home.

not_so_insig 23-06-2023 01:47 PM

I am ok thanks Lindsay.

long road 23-06-2023 01:57 PM

Just had beans and cheese on toast for lunch. About to go for a lie down as feeling a bit odd and generally tired.

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 02:05 PM

My mum had to go straight to another town 30 mins away from here. Idk why!
But she will be back to do the school run, which is a relief!

It's boiling hot and sunny here. We had all the rain yesterday i think! Meant to be really hot on sunday. I was taking the boys for a nail clip but mum has offered to do it when she drops me home next sunday to save me some money. And also, did not fancy walking the 25 mins to the vets, carrying 3kg of guinea pigs in 30° heat! And at the hottest part of the day!

Good luck with your mission jen!

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 02:14 PM

Oh wow, a uni reunion. Have they been before?

I'm glad you're ok, Dawn. Any parcels today?

Hope your lie down helps, Jen.

Are you staying at your Mum's for a while, Beckie?

not_so_insig 23-06-2023 02:28 PM

I am expecting amazon today Lindsay. But they're coming dead late according to tracking after 5 pm. I shall be fed up by the time they come. I am expecting a parcel from the USA but tracking doesn't work so who knows what day it will arrive.

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 03:17 PM

I'm also expecting an Amazon delivery after 5. You'll get a surprise when your parcel from the USA arrives then.

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 03:36 PM

Only until tomorrow morning lindsay.
My mum is going out tonight so needs me to babysit!

I've had a few deliveries since I've been at mum's, i guess they put them all in the safe place, most couriers know what to do by now! And evri are really good, they do the most of my deliveries. I choose them over royal mail if there's the option!

What's wrong with after 5?
If you're not going anywhere does it matter?

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 03:38 PM

Are you getting on ok, Beckie?

There's one Amazon delivery driver who knocks on my door, puts the parcel on the step and walks/drives away without even checking to see if I've picked it up or if it needs to be moved to my safe place. I have a great Evri delivery guy too. He usually comes in the evening though so I remind myself not to get into my PJs until he's been!

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 03:58 PM

Yeah I'm fine.
Would rather be at home though!

Yeah some of them do that!
Recently, they've always called or text to see where to leave it which is weird.

I think delivery drivers have so many parcels to deliver in a day, they don't even register what someone is wearing, as long as they actually have clothes on! They barely look at you. Just snap a pic of parcel, and gone!

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 04:05 PM

They haven't been to a reunion in a long time so this will be nice the two of them without their offspring!

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 04:56 PM

I hope you and Jasmine have fun with no stropping and you get home ok tomorrow.

I hope they have a nice time, Tamo. What will you be getting up to?

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 05:01 PM

We're going to have mocktails in the garden, it's so hot!

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 05:18 PM

No stropping so far! *crosses fingers*

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 05:21 PM

I definitely can't do that here, Tamo. It's so dull and grey. Do you have a favourite mocktail? Enjoy!

What are you going to get up to, Beckie?

long road 23-06-2023 05:57 PM

I had lie down, then a meditate then napped for nearly 2 hours. Needed it for sure though feel a load better now.

Mocktails sound tasty!

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 06:32 PM

So glad you're feeling lots better, Jen.

My laptop was updating and it took forever and I was like what am I supposed to do without you?! I only come on here on my laptop not my phone. Just do Facebook on my phone. Right now my brain pretty much only allows me to come online without a fuss so I was stranded!

long road 23-06-2023 06:51 PM

Updates are the absolute worst! Glad you are back here with us now.

I am having ham, PINEAPPLE (take that Jenna), mushroom and onion pizza for dinner. Have you managed to get something to eat?

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 06:56 PM

Sounds tastey LR.

Osc, I'm going to have a pina colada. Sorry about your Internet troubles.

long road 23-06-2023 07:09 PM

Do you like getting caught in the rain Tamo? As soon as you said Pina colada the song came into my head https://youtu.be/TazHNpt6OTo

Hope you enjoy your drink!

long road 23-06-2023 07:35 PM

Pizza eaten. Just need to meditate and then it's time to try and save the universe!

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 07:42 PM

Jasmine is in the basement, being a tiktok zombie, i am in the kitchen listening to kerrang radio!

Updates are the worst!
I very rarely use my laptop, but when i need to use it for a zoom meeting or something, i switch it on hours before the appointment time, just in case it springs some random updates on me!

That pizza sounds delicious!

long road 23-06-2023 08:07 PM

Wish me luck we are just about to step through the doors of the big bads base!

one_step_closer 23-06-2023 08:08 PM

Good luck, Jen! Enjoy.

Are you having a lonely mosh party there, Beckie?!

tamobhuuta 23-06-2023 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4356098)
Do you like getting caught in the rain Tamo? As soon as you said Pina colada the song came into my head https://youtu.be/TazHNpt6OTo

Hope you enjoy your drink!

Lol depends on my mood!

nonperson 23-06-2023 08:40 PM

I love that song! Think I might have quoted it in this thread recently? If it wasn't that one then it was another song from Guardians of the Galaxy...

Edit: nope, not here, it was in my r/v!

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 09:24 PM

Good luck jen!

I gave up with the mosh party and am now watching Cunk on Earth, which is very funny!

Hello np!
Guardians has a great soundtrack tbh

nonperson 23-06-2023 09:33 PM


I'm watching Red Dwarf - all episodes now on iPlayer!

long road 23-06-2023 09:36 PM

Cunk is comedy show framed as if it was a documentary. I have seen amusing clips.

I sometimes just put on the guardians sound track to chill too.

We have A LOT of enemies to fight. And my jetpack doesn't work.

not_so_insig 23-06-2023 09:41 PM

Hello all. I had my amazon parcel hope you had yours too Lindsay. Then had tea, washed my dishes and fell asleep. Only just woke up and feel disoriented.

Cacoethes 23-06-2023 09:50 PM

It's amazing how she manages to keep a straight face while interviewing people. And it's funny how exasperated the professionals look when being interviewed XD

No jen! Not the jetpack!

long road 23-06-2023 10:02 PM

I ought to watch a while show but not sure I could handle it.

I know right! I am super sad about the jetpack. I am going to have to use my legs and run like a loser :(

There are three of us fighting an army of thousands!!

long road 23-06-2023 11:36 PM

We are making progress, there are less enemies on the battlemap that when we started but it looks like it's going to be at least a 2 session fight!

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