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not_so_insig 31-05-2023 07:35 PM

Someone called me sir once....

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 08:01 PM

This conversation reminds me of this routine by outstanding comic Chloe Petts: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T30MSZ3XA4c (CW for adult content!)

Also Jen, I hate to break it to you but both of those were pre-badge machine!!

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 08:04 PM


Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 08:04 PM

fucksake using the @ symbol doesn’t cancel capstealy, that’s gonna take me ages to fix on my phone

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 09:41 PM

Ah ok!

My mum lives kinda near Buckinghamshire i think.
The specialist vets i took merry to is Buckinghamshire.

I hated it because if you got a bad photo, that was it! At least kid passport photos are only 5 years. I'm stuck with my current one for another 9ish years :'(

One kid looking a bit chinese is a tad awkward

I can't recall ever been mistaken for a male. But I've always had long hair.

I admire your dedication to the caps jenna!

long road 31-05-2023 10:52 PM

Lol at Jenna and her cap steal woes.

I roleplayed successfully despite my asthma making me wheeze cough. We searched a mill and fought a mad boar.

I have to get up at like 9am tomorrow which I often wake up naturally at these days but you can bet the day my body wants to sleep in is the one where I have to be up!

long road 01-06-2023 05:27 AM

Anyone awake yet? I have yet to sleep.

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 06:47 AM

Well done for role playing!
I hope you enjoyed it!

Hope you managed to get even some sleep! :/

long road 01-06-2023 07:24 AM

I was A&E, so no sleep for me, just left so going to have a quick nap before have to be at the doctor's surgery fro my blood tests at 10am.

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 07:31 AM

Oh nooo!
Sorry to hear that :(
Hope it wasn't too bad of an experience there!

long road 01-06-2023 07:40 AM

It was alright. Just exhausted. I had paramedics out for an asthma attack at midnight. They gave me a nebuliser I improved so got to stay at home. A few hours later started feeling rough again so decided to head to A&E just in case, though turns out I might have got away with avoiding it. Now eating breakfast taking meds and hopefully getting a quick nap.

long road 01-06-2023 07:41 AM

How are you this morning?

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 08:25 AM

Oof. Sounds like a tough night!

I'm ok thanks!
Psych appointment at 10:30, hair at 1:45, taekwondo this evening.
And depending on if i get a payslip for tomorrow or not, possibly passport photo. And i need a new ball for my septum ring.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 09:04 AM

Sorry you had a rough night Jen.
Beckie, hope your psych appointment goes well - is this a new CMHT psych?

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 09:09 AM

Thank you!
He's not a consultant. They don't have a new consultant yet.
My old psych that rudely decided to have a buffet was a locum for 4 years.
So the 2 that are there are specialty doctors, whatever that means.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 09:24 AM

I think it's the level below consultant. So not a baby doctor but still not quite a grown-up. I imagine that's exactly the way they want to be described :P

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 09:36 AM

I called a recently qualified mh nurse (was qualified for a year) that he was a baby nurse. I actually went 'aww, you're a baby nurse!'
He was not impressed.
I do love baby doctors though. They are adorable.
Especially in general hospitals when they work with a consultant. They look like a deer in headlights bless them.

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 10:10 AM

Sorry you had a rough night LR. I hope your blood test this morning has gone OK.

Good luck with the psych Cacoethes.

How are you Pi?

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 10:28 AM

Apparently he's running about 10 mins late because of traffic.
But it's fine. I don't have anything to do until 1:45!

How are you tamo?

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 10:39 AM

I'm ok. Dad has taken N riding so sadly no morning tea. She's checking she still knows how to ride ahead of her riding holiday in September!

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 10:40 AM

Ooh a riding holiday! I've always wanted to do one of those!
I haven't ridden in years though. I'd love to get back to it. But all the riding stables are in the middle of nowhere where public transport doesn't go!

long road 01-06-2023 11:12 AM

I met a baby doctor in A&E this morning, he kept qualifying his statements with I will have to check with my seniors bless him.

Managed and hour and a half nap. Then did doctors and blood test which went smoothly. Back now and about to attempt to nap again. Thanks for all the well wishes I am a bit of an emotional wreck about asthma being bad.

Hope your psych appointment is going / has gone well Beckie and that the toddler doctor was good (decided this is new term for third year doctors and up who aren't yet consultants)

Ooh I didn't know riding holidays were a thing, I have never ridden a horse. I used to be scared of them when I was little as a big one tried nibbling on my hair when we were on a walk in the countryside. Now I am alright with them but my body is a bit uncooperative to try riding. A friend does riding for disabled which I could try but never felt a massive need.

Could you make your own tea Tamo? No morning tea is rather sad.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 11:25 AM

Tamo, hope your sister enjoys her riding holiday when it arrives and hope you can have some tea when your dad gets back!

Jen, what's next - do you need to just wait for the blood test and x-ray results. I assume the Grown-Ups have considered it, but how come you don't have your own nebuliser? Would that not be more helpful than having to call ambulances and stuff? I feel like someone I went to school with had their own nebuliser so I've decided it's a thing.

not_so_insig 01-06-2023 11:59 AM

Hello all. I slept much better compared to the night before. My head aches but it's only a dull ache. But generally feel ok unlike yesterday otherwise. It's cloudier today so cooler.

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 12:00 PM

I made myself boggo tea for while I did my wordsearch. Then I did some reading but now I'm exhausted.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 12:07 PM

Time for a nap?

long road 01-06-2023 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4353567)
Jen, what's next - do you need to just wait for the blood test and x-ray results. I assume the Grown-Ups have considered it, but how come you don't have your own nebuliser? Would that not be more helpful than having to call ambulances and stuff? I feel like someone I went to school with had their own nebuliser so I've decided it's a thing.

More detail in my serious thread but basically chest x-ray was clear. Will wait on blood tests. Wait on steroids kicking in..Have been referred to hospital respiratory team by GP. Monitor peak flow.

I don't have a nebuliser because if my asthma flares bad enough that I need a nebuliser the doctors prefer to review me in person. Also gnerally.I don't need nebulisers frequently enough to need one at home, they only tend to give them out to people who need them everyday or week. And while it's been worse lately I'd say 90% of the time it's under control or treatable with inhalers. I am just in the horrible10% right now.

I should be sleeping but having trouble drifting off.

Also what Is boggo tea Tamo? Hope you can get some rest and feel less exhausted.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 12:16 PM

Thank you for entertaining the notion that I had a valid medical suggestion to make :P I'm glad that 90% of the time things are much better than this. Something to look forward to I guess!

one_step_closer 01-06-2023 12:17 PM

Hey everyone. Sorry to hear about your struggles, Jen. Well done for making it to the doctor on time, I probably would have just refused to go if I had little sleep.

I've only went to the chemist and post office and washed my hair and felt tearful and exhausted and like I can't do any more. You are amazing Jen.

Don't know if I'll look out any stuff for applying for UC today. I'm feeling so mentally awful again. In other news the council have just pulled up and are cutting my grass. So glad I don't have to do it.

Hope everyone has a good day. Sorry I haven't replied to you all.

long road 01-06-2023 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4353574)
Thank you for entertaining the notion that I had a valid medical suggestion to make :P I'm glad that 90% of the time things are much better than this. Something to look forward to I guess!

Well I have a vague memory you studied medicine for a little bit. Something to look forward to indeed. Only worrying thing is flares are getting more frequent but that's why I have been referred to hospital team. There is potential to try a 3 in 1 inhaler if consultant thinks it's a good idea as well as some other potential treatment options that only hospital docs can prescribe.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 12:26 PM

Glad there's options to look into Jen to hopefully keep the flares at bay.

Lindsay, well done for getting out to two places and washing your hair! That's a great job so early in the day. Definitely time to take it easy for a bit but if you want some support later to look for the things you need, just ask :)

long road 01-06-2023 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4353576)
Hey everyone. Sorry to hear about your struggles, Jen. Well done for making it to the doctor on time, I probably would have just refused to go if I had little sleep.

I've only went to the chemist and post office and washed my hair and felt tearful and exhausted and like I can't do any more. You are amazing Jen.

I feel bad enough that I just want answers hence dragging myself to doctor on very little sleep. Cant sleep that well when my asthma is playing up anyway!

We all have different capacities and capabilities so don't put yourself down because you feel I am doing more or am worse or whatever.

I am struggling with it mentally but I am in survival mode right now just trying to keep breathing, so I haven't given brain much space to freak out, sure there will be mental fallout when I feel better physically.

Chemist and post office is good achievements I know how hard you find outside right now and hair washing can be very energy consuming. I am overdue a showe but just can't face it right now.

Try and get some rest if you can. I should be too but feeling wired as well as extremely tired.

long road 01-06-2023 12:59 PM

Random fact time apparently Kate Bush went to my secondary school, years before I was there but that is kind of cool

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 01:14 PM

I had a lie down but didn't sleep.

Boggo tea is teabag tea. Posh tea is a pot of loose leaf tea.

nonperson 01-06-2023 01:21 PM

Boggo like bog standard?

long road 01-06-2023 01:25 PM

Ah that makes sense. Loose leaf is super fancy, I had some but found I didn't drink often enough to keep buying it. I did however discover a wonderful invention which is a metal tea bag contraption, it's two mini sieves stuck together with a spring hinge you put loose leaf in, put metal tea bag in cup and make tea.

I am trying to rest but kind of failing. Did your lie down help?

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 01:34 PM

Np - indeed

LR - we have two of those!

one_step_closer 01-06-2023 01:56 PM

All these tea people. Not for me!

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 02:29 PM

What's your preferred beverage osc?

one_step_closer 01-06-2023 02:30 PM

I mostly just drink Pepsi Max.

How is your day going?

long road 01-06-2023 04:10 PM

I generally have a fancy coffee on the morning (ground coffee brewed in Aeropress) and then a tea on the afternoon. And water most of the rest of the time with occassional fruit juice or hot chocolate. Had a hot chocolate after ambulance left last night as a calm down treat.

I used to drink a LOT more tea at least 3or 4 cups a day something times 5 or 6 and then an occassional coffee or hot chocolate. But I had a real issue with dry mouth for a while that was exacerbated by a med side effect and I found tea made it worse but coffee wasn't as bad so cut down to just 1 coffee a day and then as it's mostly better now I get to enjoy tea more often. I missed tea sooo bad when I had that dry mouth, whenever I hit a stressful situation I turn to tea but tea would make my mouth dry and then that would make me sad so and eurgh so had to cut it out.

tamobhuuta 01-06-2023 04:25 PM

I never drink soft drinks! Just water with meds or if I'm prepping for a blood test. I love hot drinks, even in summer.

Pi.R^2 01-06-2023 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4353592)
All these tea people. Not for me!


long road 01-06-2023 04:32 PM

My dad is like that the only time I really see him drinking water or juice is when the weather is really really hot and he is out and about away from his kettle! Mum is too although to a lesser extent.

I really enjoy water, especially when you are really thirsty, so refreshing! Best water I ever had was fresh from a spring in the highland while on a hike, right where it bubbled up from the rock.

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 04:33 PM

Hey guys!
Been rushing about.
Psych, then went into work to question no payslip and also had a free drink, then town to get passport photo done, glad i did because it didn't like my jacket so it took a few attempts! They check it on the gov website to make sure it's ok before printing too. And then i got a stamp from the post office and posted off licence application, then got my haircut, then asda, then cleaned out boys.
And my passport photo actually looked ok! I put makeup on and had contacts in.

long road 01-06-2023 04:35 PM

Wow well done for doing all the things Beckie! Snappy snaps checking it on goverment website before printing is good service!

Yay free drink ftw!

one_step_closer 01-06-2023 04:49 PM

I read somewhere that hot drinks cool you down on a hot day.

Wow, water straight from the source!

What a day, Beckie! So much achievement! I hope it's not going to be hard for you to settle down now.

I have some news OMGOMGOMGOMG I had a proper cuddle with Crookshanks not just him lying on my lap and it was lovely AND I managed to read a chapter of a book OMGOMGOMG I'm just going to share this all over the site now. Apologies.

Cacoethes 01-06-2023 04:51 PM

Thank you!
I also got a new ball for my septum ring. It would end up coming out and I'd probably lose it knowing me! And it looks weird with only one ball.
It is good service! Well worth paying the £7 extra instead of the booth in asda.
Snappy snaps has the professional lights as well.

Yep! Shame that manager is leaving. She's so lovely!

How are you doing?

They do! Something to do with homeostasis.

I'm so so tired so now i don't want to move! Lol
But i have taekwondo at 6.

Yaaay that's amazing! Go you!

nonperson 01-06-2023 04:56 PM

Cat cuddles are the best! No need to apologise Lindsay. Spam it everywhere!

one_step_closer 01-06-2023 05:01 PM

Will you get enough rest before you need to go to Taekwondo, Beckie? Maybe you shouldn't have done so much today but still it was good you got things done.

Coming down from the cat cuddles and reading a chapter mood. Damn. Oh well.

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