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long road 30-05-2023 06:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well I suppose my partner could chauffeur me around in my new purple car

You couldn't really feel as it was between the hexagons of the honeycomb pattern but in the side that touches your feet. Wanted them to be clean for the start of the summer. It was rather tedious but at least it's finally done now. They are comfortable but so easy to get dirty!

Example of my sandals silly honeycomb
Attachment 23767

I finally worked out how to do JPEGS on RYL win!

Now going to rest after my hard work

Pi.R^2 30-05-2023 06:05 PM

We have guests so I just sneaked on here when I was on the loo and see that I’m buying everyone purple cars :plain: :plain:

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 06:07 PM

Just to be fair you better buy your guests purple cars too.

Have a good rest, Jen!

nonperson 30-05-2023 06:37 PM

Jenna, the photo you showed me was not a purple car.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 06:40 PM

Well done for getting them clean jen!
They took look like a pain to clean!

Thanks lindsay. It's my back to work meeting!
I should get back to mine at 9:25am, walk home 10 mins. Meeting is at 10:30, so leave house at 10am.
Should give me time to dump my stuff, feed the pigs and put some makeup on.
I thought I'd packed my eyeliner and mascara but i can't find my eyeliner anywhere!
As long as buses are running smoothly!

Well, you weren't here to protest jenna :tongue2:

Oooh controversial np!

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 06:42 PM

Did she show you something naughty, NP? :laugh:

I'd like a photo of the purple car I am going to receive please, Jenna.

I hope the buses behave for you, Beckie. Are you looking forward to getting back to work?

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 06:44 PM

Jenna has guests. How often do you think she'll nip to the toilet to check up on us? It's as if we can't be trusted but we are always very good.

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 06:48 PM

Got Irn Bru ice cream flavour (drink, although you can get Irn Bru ice cream) do they even sell Irn Bru where you all are?

nonperson 30-05-2023 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4353332)
Did she show you something naughty, NP? :laugh:

:laugh: NO! Although her dad was on the floor...

Actually I'm going to redact my previous statement as I've looked at the photo again and I suppoooose it is purple. It looked more burgundy earlier, I'm going to blame the sunshine on my phone screen.

nonperson 30-05-2023 06:50 PM

I think they sell it here somewhere. I heard that Irn Bru isn't true Irn Bru anymore though!

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 06:55 PM

I hope her Dad consented to being in the photo. That's not sounding good, supposing it could be purple. It can only be purple or not. I want my car to be very obviously purple.

Yeah the original stuff had some sugar taken out of it.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 07:02 PM

I can't wait to get back to work!
I'm even more broke than usual and really need the money XD

Why was jennas dad on the floor?!

They do sell irn bru here.
I have had irn bru ice cream in Scotland!
Not the ice cream flavoured drink though!

Ahimsa 30-05-2023 07:08 PM

Due to recent events, I’m taking a break from the thread - find me on FB if you want?

I’m on there semi regularly, it’s my second account I use for here

nonperson 30-05-2023 07:09 PM

It is purple, I was wrong.

He was checking underneath the car of course.

I have never tried Irn Bru. And don't intend to =P

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 07:15 PM

Gonna miss you on here beth!

Ahh that makes sense np!

If you don't like fizzy drinks, it's probably for the best!

nonperson 30-05-2023 07:15 PM

And it looks like cough syrup...

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 07:24 PM

It tastes a lot nicer than cough syrup!

nonperson 30-05-2023 07:27 PM

I really doubt that XD

Who wants samosas?

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 07:36 PM

I do!!!

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 07:51 PM

I hope you're ok, Beth.

What have you put in your samosas, NP?

Oh, the delivery guy is here. He's already stopped me doing my getting ready for no screens and wind down time before bed. Was worried he'd come at 9pm and wreck everything.

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 07:52 PM

He's going so slowly putting the delivery through the letter box trying to be quiet! :laugh:

nonperson 30-05-2023 07:55 PM

Tesco put vegetables in my samosas, Lindsay. =P

I better turn the oven on...

That's unusual for a delivery person to be so conscientious!

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 08:05 PM

He's a really good guy. From Evri. The last one was nice too. If it was an open door parcel I was going to apologise for being on his workload today because he's here later because of the bank holiday so he'll probably not be finished till late.

For some reason I was assuming you had made samosas from scratch! Is that the oven on now?

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 08:09 PM

Ick, someone won't stop talking to me on Fb messenger. I hate communication through that at the best of times. She's just added me, she works in the chemist. I think though, her last message doesn't definitely need a further one from me so I'll just leave it and hope she doesn't feel shunned.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 08:11 PM

There's an off licence type shop in my town that does amazing homemade samosas on Thursdays! They go quickly though!
They also stock loads of random flavour fizzy drinks from other countries, like different fantas. And they do a lot for the community too. Just a shame it's not on my town route, i should go there more! They're really nice in there.
The people in the other off licences are pretty rude.

I have an awesome evri courier too!

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 08:12 PM

Do you rate the courier, Beckie? I like to make sure my one gets his stars.

nonperson 30-05-2023 08:14 PM

It's always nice when you get a good delivery driver! I'm sure he won't mind the late hours, kinda comes with the job sometimes.

Hah, nope! I would not know where to start with making samosas. They're in the oven now and I will microwave my curry in a bit too. This is as good as cooking gets for me at the moment =)

Ah the beauty of online messaging is that you can leave it and pick it up again another time so I doubt your friend feels shunned. It's the nature of messenger.

one_step_closer 30-05-2023 08:20 PM

You're feeding yourself, that is good enough. I hope you enjoy your samosas and curry.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 08:48 PM

Yes i always do!
Apparently it actually affects how much they get paid!

My mum used to make good samosas!

long road 30-05-2023 08:51 PM

*waves* I had a salmon fishcake, potato wedges, mixed salad leaves and beetroot for dinner.

I am tired and my lungs are beginning to get grumpy so have retreated to bed. Just internetting while propped up.

Love a samosa, it's one of the things I will risk eating despite my intolerance to chilli.

nonperson 30-05-2023 08:54 PM

What would they taste like without chilli?

Mmmm, salmon.

Deja vu.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 08:54 PM


I hope you manage to get a proper rest tonight jen!

I really want a samosa now XD

nonperson 30-05-2023 08:55 PM

I have two left for tomorrow, Beckie >=)

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 09:01 PM

How rude!

Someone remind me to look for samosas in asda tomorrow!

nonperson 30-05-2023 09:04 PM

Will do!

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 09:15 PM


Chickens should be going to bed soon.
This is the last night my bedtime will be dictated by chickens! XD

long road 30-05-2023 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4353363)
What would they taste like without chill?.

Probably not as good hence me occassionally risking it. Avoid the ones with red pepper in though.

long road 30-05-2023 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4353369)

Chickens should be going to bed soon.
This is the last night my bedtime will be dictated by chickens! XD

Freedom from the chicken overlords! It's like reverse chicken run, you are the one leaving instead of the chickens! XD

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 09:28 PM

Haha! It is reverse chicken run XD

nonperson 30-05-2023 09:29 PM

Take them with you =(

Start a farm in your house, you've already got pigs.

Cacoethes 30-05-2023 09:36 PM

I'm sure my landlord would love that XD

nonperson 30-05-2023 09:38 PM

No need to tell them =)

long road 30-05-2023 10:03 PM

Mor eimportantly what would the guinea pigs think about chickens moving in???

I am going to attempt to get an early night. Although as it took 4 hours to fall asleep last night I may only get to sleep by 2am. Night all!

nonperson 31-05-2023 06:25 AM

The piggies would obviously be fine with it. Eggs and bacon are a perfect friendship after all!

Morning guys. Please don't make me go to work today... =(

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 06:28 AM

They do inspections every 3 months XD

Oh noo not work!
It's so miserable outside too!

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 08:37 AM

Sorry you have work np :(. What can we arrange as entertainment as a reward when you get back from work?

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 08:42 AM

I also had a dream about samosas. It was an altogether weird dream but i was cooking samosas and some teenagers were there and told me what setting to put the air fryer on to cook them

Morning jenna!

tamobhuuta 31-05-2023 10:01 AM

Morning peeps.

long road 31-05-2023 11:12 AM


I actually slept properly for the first time in ages. Got 8 solid hours, woke up around 7:30am to pee and then came back to bed and dozed for a bit longer in that half asleep kind of state.

Very helpful teenagers there Beckie!

Hey Tamo, if I remember right you have your blood test today, have you already had it or is it later on?

I have a chest X-ray at 1pm today.

nonperson 31-05-2023 11:45 AM

Yay for samosa dreams!

That's great news about your sleep, Jen =o

Work is making me angry so I'm going to buy sweet treats for this afternoon. I'm currently at my diabetes checkup appointment too so this is a wonderful day so far...

Surprise me with some fun antics, Jenna. Just a warning but I do have a question that I may bother you with later.

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