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MedicAsh 26-03-2013 11:47 PM

Going check in for a while..........

m0nk 02-04-2013 05:49 PM

*chocolate chip cookies - new blankets and cushions - lights in the ceiling and a tv - lots of beverages energy drinks coffee water - cushions - and a sofa and video games - bathroom and a sleeping room on the table*

yoyogirl 02-04-2013 11:59 PM

My heads going crazy with worry should I stick with the distance learning college for another year or shall I aim for clearing 2013

m0nk 03-04-2013 06:00 PM

are you doing good at college now?

Heaven20 05-04-2013 02:01 PM

I think i've gone numb again. This is never good.

yoyogirl 05-04-2013 11:27 PM

Yes it keeps me busy
Right now I'm feeling like dog shut
I need a Val

becky1984 07-04-2013 06:52 PM

hi there im just really stressed out with life at the moe cant trust myself being alone so im at a friends spare box room feeling like the biggest failer in the world just didnt know wat 2 domy last option is 2 call the hossy n c wat help they can offer i just hope its not all breath threw it

YodaBearInterrupted 09-04-2013 08:00 AM

Falling apart again... and I have nowhere to turn.... this sucks

midnightphoenix 10-04-2013 11:32 PM

*curls up*

m0nk 11-04-2013 05:38 PM

the strips on my arm they never go away the strips in my head tell them go away. the strips on my back to much for my act. the strips on the front dont ever tell a lie and everything will be alright. *selfmade*

Heaven20 12-04-2013 12:33 AM

I ammm bouncing off the ****ing walls what is rong with me?!

havealittlefaith 13-04-2013 10:37 AM

Gonna check in for a bit and recoperate to be a good mummy x

sapphire hearts 18-04-2013 03:28 PM

*checking in*
can't concentrate
can't eat
so much to do but I feel like I'm frozen
just want to go to sleep and dream my life away
should never have thought I would succeed at anything

oops*i*did*it*again 21-04-2013 08:39 AM

*edges in and sits in the darkest corner*

Faulty item 21-04-2013 03:38 PM

Can i have my evening meds now please ? If its not too much to ask. Thank you.

daisy* 21-04-2013 11:26 PM

Hello all. I haven't been around for awhile, but I'm back,for now.
I'm here to help all I can, I've been mosty free for about 5 years..i can feel the darkness & anxiety creeping back, not sure what to do..

sapphire hearts 22-04-2013 01:58 AM

*safe hugs to anyone that wants one*

daisy* 22-04-2013 05:13 AM

Thank you..
Life's been crazy..

daisy* 22-04-2013 05:51 AM

I hate anxiety...whose with me?

YodaBearInterrupted 23-04-2013 04:00 PM

I agree with you daisy*

*hugs to all*

I am not having a great day... its not going well at all

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