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Laura2.0 10-01-2012 09:15 PM

*hugs Matt*
*hugs hiding* that's a lot of things going on for you. I hope things are getting better.
*hugs Oliver*

YodaBearInterrupted 10-01-2012 10:08 PM

*hugs Laura and Oliver*

I can't fight not doing something that I shouldn't do... but the Dark Lords forces approach and the are much bigger than what I have :(

Cazki 11-01-2012 12:52 AM

*Hugs Mark* How are you doing?

*Hugs Laura* I'm ok thanks.

*Hugs Oliver* You are you mate?

Just to let you know everyone that i wont be around as much as i have decided to cut back the amount of time im on here due to reasons that i dont want to go into on the forums. Didnt see the point in making a brand new thread about it as nobody reads it.

Doikers 11-01-2012 10:27 AM

*Hugs Wardies* I'm awaiting my Social worker.

hidingme 11-01-2012 03:00 PM

ty for all the hugs everyone..
it is a whole lot going on, laura. but im trying to ignore the bad and go past it but well its like standing in the rain getting soaked and tryin to pretend its sunny. =/

hard as hell.
hope everybody here is doing ok..

frenchhorn 11-01-2012 05:59 PM

*hugs all*

Doikers 11-01-2012 06:35 PM

*Hugs Hiding*

*Hugs Oliver*

frenchhorn 11-01-2012 07:37 PM

*glomps Mark*

one_step_closer 11-01-2012 07:55 PM

Hi everyone, I hope you're all ok. I'm feeling very distant from everything in the world right now so sorry that I haven't been around much. Please still get in touch if you need anything.

frenchhorn 11-01-2012 07:56 PM

*hugs Lindsay*

YodaBearInterrupted 11-01-2012 08:09 PM

*hugs all*

*leaves some goodies on the table for all*

*hides in the corner*

Doikers 11-01-2012 10:47 PM

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Matt*

hidingme 12-01-2012 01:19 AM

i think im really starting to break.. then what happens? Will I live?

Doikers 12-01-2012 10:50 AM

*Hugs Hidingme*

hidingme 12-01-2012 03:03 PM

thank you. hopefully today wont be so hard

one_step_closer 12-01-2012 05:03 PM

*hugs everyone*

I had a small bump in my car this morning and am feeling really bad about it. I feel even worse about the fact that I have just thrown 1 year and 4 months self harm free away.

Laura2.0 12-01-2012 08:17 PM

*cuddles Lindsay*
*hugs everyone else, too* sorry... I'm not in the mood to type all the names. I did read your posts though.

Doikers 12-01-2012 11:16 PM

*Huge Hugs Lindsay* I'm so sorry you slipped up but you should be SO PROUD of acheiving a year and 4 months free :) Remember this is a slip up , not a relapse .

*Hugs Laura* How are you hun?

one_step_closer 13-01-2012 11:06 AM

Thanks, Mark.

How is everyone today?

Doikers 13-01-2012 11:14 AM

*Hugs Lindsay* I'm up thanks to your extra motivation :)

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