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Doikers 15-05-2010 02:18 PM

*Hugs Kahlia* Sorry no words just hugs right now , I'm low in my flat but worried I'll have an anxiety attack if I leave it . Hmmmmm.......

Edit: I left the flat and wandered about a bit I was ok :) , Back inside now and I just want to sleep, I can't beleive I've gotta wait 6 hours before I reasonably(Spelling?) can try and sleep.

one_step_closer 15-05-2010 03:21 PM

*hugs everyone* I'm sorry that you're having a hard time.

Doikers 15-05-2010 03:30 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* Sorry you are having a rough time of it too , at least we have the ward , thats something .

taz35 15-05-2010 04:06 PM

*hugs everyone tightly*
Sorry for the lack of individual replies :( I had another 3 pages to go through.
How's everybody today?

CrazyHayley 15-05-2010 04:25 PM

Hello my lovely wardies!
*germ free huggles to those who will accept*
*waves and smiles at everyone else*

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about yesterday, there I was saying I'd be a better wardmate and then I bloody disappeared. Extra apologies to Mark if you tried to get me on WoW, cos I wasn't there either!! Eoghan was lovely and left work early to come and look after me and brought me some all in one type medicine for my cold. It wasn't a non drowsy formula, and with everything else I take I just slept on and off, til well, about an hour ago! I've not taken a does again yet as I want to get some stuff done!! At least I know that when I take it later I'll definately sleep. Apart from being ill I'm feeling ok and getting excited about my 'sanity' injection on monday.

There have been 8pages since my last post and still my brain can't quite cope with it all, what with that and the previous lapse, I am so so sorry that I'm not able to support you all better and understand what's going on. I hope though that you can understand. You are all so important to me, and I know there are a few newbies that I need to get to know better too. Please bear with me and I hope I can be a better, more supportive friend soon.

*pops out to smoking shelter* "oh puppy sincalir?! you coming?!"

CrazyHayley 15-05-2010 04:37 PM

*sprays self with pretty smelling stuff so as to not stink of fags*
*gives puppy sinclair a treat for being a good boy outside*

hmmm...the common room is quiet....bloody typical now I'm being sociable.

*wanders around the psych ward*

taz35 15-05-2010 05:01 PM

*tackles Hayley & hugs her* Welcome back :) What's the sanity injection you mentioned? =/ I've never heard of it.

CrazyHayley 15-05-2010 05:09 PM

*picks self up off the floor with grin on her face* Thanks for the rugby style hug taz! What a way for us to be properly introduced, lol. As for the 'sanity' injection. Its actually the contraceptive injection, but as I suffer from the mood disorder PMDD which is linked to my monthly cycle, by having the injection and stopping my periods it will then stop my SU thoughts and mood problems - so sanity in an injection for me. I'm one of the lucky ones. I was on it before for 4years but taken off of it cos of the risks of side effects so I know that it works for me. I still have periods of mild depression when on it, but thats managable and I think will always be with me to some extent. But I am sooo over this PMDD. I wasn't sure at times I'd make it. The ward and my fellow inmates have been a lifeline for me.

taz35 15-05-2010 05:16 PM

:D No problemo. Glad to hear the injection has helped! How's your weekend so far?

MammaMia 15-05-2010 05:40 PM

*cuddles everyone*

CrazyHayley 15-05-2010 06:01 PM

Taz - Ah I've been doing a quiz thing on distractions, so sorry for delayed reply. My weekend has been pretty non eventful as I'm ill with a cough and cold. Just coming on here to spread the love and keep myself sane. I start the injection again on monday.

Thanks for the hugs Helen. How've you been my sweet?!

CrazyHayley 15-05-2010 06:14 PM

*toddles off to kitchen to ponder what to cook for dinner*

*leaves germ free huggles in common room for all who want them*

MammaMia 15-05-2010 06:18 PM

Hayleeeeeey *big cuddles*

I've been pretty bad, you??

Doikers 15-05-2010 06:26 PM

*Takes a huggle* GERM FREE!!!! Thats the best kind !! Ty Hayley .
I was on WoW last night I'm level 9 and a half now , need to level up for a quest or two , this one person dueled me , beat me and then just gave me some better armour trousers,just "because" , WoW people can be nice . I THINK I'm in a guild , I was invited , can I be in more than one? sorry I've gone off on a WoW tangent . and now my chair is replaced I am comfy while playing it and sitting in the ward , Bonus!
I bet you can't wait for your jab ?!? *Huggles Hayley*
*Hugs Helen*
*Hugs Taz* I am so sorry , but I've forgotten your name , could you please let me know , again :P

Doikers 15-05-2010 06:32 PM

Popping out to the shop , for grocerys, I hoe at this time of night it will be less crowded and I can avoid another crowd reated anxiety attack :S

Be back soon . I'll be on WoW later Hayley I might see you on there but don't overdo it in your ill health , just take it easy , Let Eoghan take care of you :)

SoMuchMore 15-05-2010 07:06 PM

*cuddles everyone* Sorry I'm not up to individual replies right now.. there have been like 5 pages since last night... but I wanted to say hi and let you know that I'm thinking of all of you.


taz35 15-05-2010 07:12 PM

*cuddles Hayley* Sorry to hear you're feeling ill :(
*hugs Helen* why so bad hun?
*hugs Mark* Taz is a nickname I've had since I was young :) You can just call me that to keep it simple, or Kristyn. Doesn't really matter.
*cuddles Laura* How're you doing?

PoisonedApple 15-05-2010 08:41 PM

sorry for no indiv replies... too many posts.
mark, hayley and april~ my WoW toon on silvermoon is a night elf priest named lurial if you guys wanted to know *wanders off for more wow distraction time*

MammaMia 15-05-2010 08:48 PM

*curls up*

Scarletdreamer 15-05-2010 09:11 PM

*sighs and tries to hide*


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