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nonperson 01-07-2018 11:05 AM

Have you been to sleep?

Beaches and sea are nice so yes it is good.

chinahorse 01-07-2018 11:16 AM

My milk is off so I'm having to go to the shop :(

Charlie you need some sleep too though!

Morning beckie :)

nonperson 01-07-2018 11:28 AM

Is it far to the shop? =/

My washing machine is making a strange noise... eek.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 11:32 AM

Alwyas freaks me out when my washing machine makes odd noises!
Hope its ok!

Beach sounds good charlie!
Aren't you shattered though?!

How is everyone?

chinahorse 01-07-2018 11:39 AM

Eek hope the machine isn't on the way out! That's such a huge expense you could do without.

Ah it's like 3 minutes away. Just was feeling lazy.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 11:47 AM

Have you been to the shop now Lillie?

nonperson 01-07-2018 11:48 AM

It's doing its final spin now and it's making a whining noise as well as a rumbling noise! The whining has been getting a bit worse lately, there are bearings or something that go eventually. I think it's still got some life in it yet. =)

chinahorse 01-07-2018 11:50 AM

Yep. The drive for the morning cuppa is always stronger!

And put laundry on. And now sprawled in my armchair using the rain and 5.5 day wor king week as an excuse to be lazy today.

You up to much?

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 11:52 AM

I hope your washing machine is ok np!
They are expensive to fix!

Well done Lillie!
and you very much deserve a lazy day today!

chinahorse 01-07-2018 11:59 AM

EEK NP those sorts of noises don't bode well!

Yeah. Totally using the weather as an excuse not to clean my disgusting windows- don't think the previous occupant ever cleaned the outside ever.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 12:02 PM

I really need to clean the house but am also using the heat as an excuse!!

chinahorse 01-07-2018 12:42 PM

Haha. No excuse for that! I have stripped the bed/put it on to wash and cleaned/ hoovered the bedroom. About to put my meds into my dosette box thingy. Then its just to clean the living room/kitchen and put the sheets back on.

May have to nap at some point as well lol. :P

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 12:47 PM

You put me to shame Lillie!

I'll watch this last episode while my lunch goes down and then I will make a start!!

nonperson 01-07-2018 12:52 PM

You both put me to shame. I may run the hoover around later but for now I'm going back to bed.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 12:57 PM

Have a nice nap!!

chinahorse 01-07-2018 01:09 PM

Hah its because Im a lazy toad in the week and dont do much bar wash up.

Have a good nap NP!

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 01:14 PM

You have a job though!
I never used to do stuff after getting home from work except shower!
Its not like you are just lazing around all week!

chinahorse 01-07-2018 01:24 PM

Suppose. The worst is that I only have 2 uniform tops so have to do a wash every 2 nights- waiting up for that to stop is the worst! I have been known to go to bed as early as 8 lol

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 01:50 PM

Ugh that's annoying!!

I'm having a cleaning break
Done upstairs.
I am melting!!

chinahorse 01-07-2018 02:15 PM

Well done Beckie! What're you doing in the break?

Me too and its a lot cooler here today- not cool just not roasting. I had lunch and have just hung up load 2 of laundry and washed up/ cleaned the kitchen.
And am having a break too.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 02:36 PM

I just had a nice cold can of coke!
I am now finished cleaning and got the windows open and its all lovely and clean!
I always feel good after doing it, i just hate doing it!

Well done Lillie! You're on fire today!

Buttons. 01-07-2018 03:53 PM

Well done Lillie :)

Beckie cold cans of coke win life, especially in this weather! I've got two water bottles in a rotation system, one in the fridge getting cold while I drink from the other one and then repeat-I am so cool :P

Had a productive day, went and got meds from hosp, did a few other bits, went to Asda and actually bought real food instead of just supernoodles :P Am having a strange unspoken war over a bowl with my support worker though....weird.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 03:56 PM

I have a few packs of coke in my fridge so I have a healthy supply of cold coke!

Well done Buttons!
Sounds productive!
I am intrigued by the bowl issue
(Also thought that said bowel at first and was like.....)

I'm going to cook a legit meal tonight but I don't want to mess up my nice clean kitchen!

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:07 PM

*jealous of the coke supply*

Thanks :) Yeah definitely bowl not bowel. It's very minor and just weird. I have two Game of thrones bowls which are my preferred ones to use. Normally I leave a plate, cutlery and a bowl out on the side each day to make life easier. Everytime I put the Game of thrones bowls out, I come into the kitchen and she's put that bowl away and replaced it with a flowery or plain white one. Every time. For no reason. Just...bit odd.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:11 PM

I have to have a coke supply
Otherwise I'll probably die

That is very odd Buttons!
Have you asked her about it?

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:17 PM

I nearly went 'ah well as addictions go coke isn't that bad'-then realised out of context that does not sound good.

I haven't yet but plan to tomorrow. I expect it will be a slightly odd conversation but I am curious as to why she keeps doing it.

chinahorse 01-07-2018 04:17 PM

Could be worse buttons. I'd ask her about it though. Well done on the productivity!

Youve done ace beckie :)

I went to sleep and it was cooler and grey out. Woke up and it's boiling hot and bright sunny! Should probably get up and do things now. But so much cba.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:19 PM

Yeah, coke addict doesn't sound great :p

You'll have to let me know what she says buttons!
I am curious!

Thanks Lillie :)

You've done loads already!

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:21 PM

Ha ha could definitely be worse Lillie! And thankyou.

I'll keep you updated on the bowl mystery Beckie :P

chinahorse 01-07-2018 04:23 PM

I am curious now as well buttons!

I haven't finished though :( and minimum need to put clean bedding on.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:25 PM

What else do you have to get done?

Charlie051 01-07-2018 04:29 PM

You guys are so productive haha well done <3
Sorry for vanishing, i rested for about an hour this morning but I'm not too tired for now. The beach was nice :)

chinahorse 01-07-2018 04:37 PM

Wow Charlie I'd be knackered if I'd done a night shift and not slept!! Glad you had a nice time at the beach :) is it far from home?

Need to make the bed and dust/hoover and tidy the front room. But now it's boiling and I'm knackered.

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:38 PM

Glad you had a good time at the beach Charlie :)

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:45 PM

Glad the beach was nice charlie :)

It is boiling.
Make sure to take breaks and stay hydrated!
It'll be over soon

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:47 PM

Bring on Winter.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:51 PM

I've had a complete personality shift this year and now prefer warm over cold!
I used to hate summer before this year.
It's weird.

Buttons. 01-07-2018 04:54 PM

You're weird.

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 04:58 PM


Buttons. 01-07-2018 05:04 PM

:laugh: :laugh:

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 05:08 PM

You're so mean to me

Buttons. 01-07-2018 05:10 PM

I'm about to get meaner-guess who is going to the Harry Potter convention in Manchester later this month? And now guess who isn't *rubs in*

Charlie051 01-07-2018 05:11 PM

Thanks :) i suppose since i was only relaxing i didn't get too tired. Its not that far, not much is far in Malta hehe.
You're all much better than me I can never clean in Summer :p

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 05:15 PM

Wtf buttons?!?!
You suck!!

Aubergine 01-07-2018 05:55 PM


Cacoethes 01-07-2018 06:05 PM

Hi Aubergine!
How are you?

I've just cooked steak, sweet potato chips and roasted veg. It is tasty!

one_step_closer 01-07-2018 06:11 PM

*peeks through the door*

Buttons. 01-07-2018 06:15 PM

Ha ha Beckie, Zed and I got some last minute tickets last night thanks to Np letting me know.

Hey Aubergine!

Also I love steak Beckie. I would be jealous but I just had nommy chicken tikka masala with naan bread so I be happy.

Hey Lins!

Cacoethes 01-07-2018 06:19 PM

Hey Lindsay!

I am very jealous buttons!
Tikka masala sounds good.
I only like kormas though

Buttons. 01-07-2018 06:23 PM

Don't worry I'll try and get you a souvenir...it might be a pic of me and Zed with a sign saying 'ha ha we're here you're not sucker' dressed as Wizards but I'm sure you'll love it :P

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