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Buttons. 25-06-2017 08:59 PM

Ha ha good card. I know what you mean about deliveries!

not_so_insig 25-06-2017 09:02 PM

Thank god we get rid of Mike tomorrow for at least a hour :-p

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:03 PM

They 'delivered' it before but it was nowhere to be found in the super secure location that they left it in (outside by a bin) :eyeroll:
At least they gave me a full refund and 10% off voucher!

not_so_insig 25-06-2017 09:06 PM

Yes I remember that it was uber annoying Beckie. Hopefully she will like it.

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:08 PM

It's something i know she really wants so thats good and it wasn't too pricy so that's good!
Now i need to find the pick up point. I think i know which newsagent it is. Its on the high street anyway so shouldn't be too hard to find!

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 09:27 PM

That's what google maps is for! I <3 google maps.

I love Google full stop.

Never heard anyone say 'Wait a minute, I'm going to Yahoo it'...

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:30 PM

I don't know what i would do without google maps!!!

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 09:32 PM

It's amazing!

Apart from the other day when I was going down the Las Vegas strip (On Google Maps) and ended up in a loo of the Flamingo, I think....

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:36 PM

Ahaha!!! I saw that on your FB!! Very strange

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 09:38 PM

Very odd! Although the loo looked nice and clean and I enjoyed the decor.

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:41 PM

Well thats a positive!

I am sooo tired! Can't wait to go to bed. Just want to watch the end of this episode of game of thrones and then I'll be off to bed!

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 09:42 PM

Is it a good episode?

Is it the one where they all die? :P

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 09:46 PM

They are all good episodes!! :p

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 09:53 PM

Fair point, I'll give you that!

Cacoethes 25-06-2017 10:00 PM

I'm off to bed.
Night night all and sleep well!

FabulousMike 25-06-2017 10:03 PM

Good night and sleep well!

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 10:31 AM

Morning everyone

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 10:44 AM

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning RYL!

How are we all?

not_so_insig 26-06-2017 12:08 PM

Afternoon all.

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 12:55 PM

Good afternoon everyone! I'm playing Zelda until 2 when we're going out. I keep getting lost in this game. I keep getting distracted by bananas.

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 01:26 PM

Hey guys. I fell asleep shortly after posting good morning! :p

Zelda can get pretty addictive!!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 01:35 PM

Lol good morning again, Beckie! Hope your early morning snooze went well! What are you up to today?

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 01:48 PM

Lol! Nothing wrong with an early morning nap!

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 01:48 PM

I was meant to have a nurse appointment for contraceptive injection but got a call saying they hadnt had the delivery yet. So its been rearranged to tomorrow.
Still need to go to asda though!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 01:50 PM

Good old asda lol! We're going to asda too actually because their cat food is on sale. Such excitement!

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 01:55 PM

Excitement indeed!! :p
Need to pick up meds too.
And try and decipher this letter from college about finances!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 02:02 PM

Oh I hate official letters!! I get confused then start to panic and it all goes akimbo!

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 03:09 PM

I tried to call to be like...wtf is this...but went to answer machine unfortunately!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 03:37 PM

Oh the dreaded answer machine. I'm so convinced they're there, they're just sitting there listening to see if they can be bothered to help xD

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 03:38 PM

Haha! Its always a worry!

I'm craving coffee flavoured chocolate and cheese and onion crisps!

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 04:40 PM

Do you have any of those things?!

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 04:41 PM

Nope!! And i won't be getting them either!
I get random cravings a lot!

not_so_insig 26-06-2017 04:42 PM

I have had a friend request from a person whose public posts are about weight loss products. It's not the first time. Why do they always assume that people want to buy their products? It's dangerous targeting people with a ed.

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 04:43 PM

Coffee flavoured chocolate is good though!

Ugh, I'd ignore that friend request.

not_so_insig 26-06-2017 04:46 PM

I have deleted it. I don't want to lose weight and anyone who pushes their diet products/beliefs stresses me out. I don't just accept everyone who friend requests me.

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 04:47 PM


Got to be careful on that Facebook, all sorts of crazies on there.

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 04:47 PM

I got a friend request from a therapist which was a bit weird. Deleted it, obvs!!

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 04:55 PM

Wait, therapists are real people?!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 04:55 PM

Wow a therapist? Wtf?! Very strange. I never get friend requests on fb.
I'd ignore anyone who looks fishy.

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 05:00 PM

I sometimes get random requests from people in like India or something. I don't know why they do it!

Shy_Bambi 26-06-2017 05:11 PM

Wow that's very random!

not_so_insig 26-06-2017 05:12 PM

Most people I have on my Facebook I know irl. Otherwise the majority of them I know from forums. Though there's this strange bloke called Mike who is a proper weirdo :-p

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 05:16 PM

The ones in India just want someone to chat too, it's very lonely in India...:P

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 05:18 PM

Yeah, something a bit off about that Mike bloke.

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 05:27 PM

I've asked around, I heard he's super cool and chill.

Sketchy 26-06-2017 05:28 PM

Hello everyone! *waves frantically *

FabulousMike 26-06-2017 05:32 PM

Hey! How's it going?

Sketchy 26-06-2017 05:34 PM

I'm alright. Sleepy and full. Just had an early dinner of chips. I was too hungry to wait.

How are you? How is everyone?

Cacoethes 26-06-2017 05:40 PM

Hey lorraine!
I had an early dinner too.

Sketchy 26-06-2017 05:41 PM

What did you have?

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