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[Luna] 30-04-2017 05:33 PM

I have to agree and I've seen all three Human centipede films (Don't ask me why, I honestly don't know haha).

Sketchy 30-04-2017 05:36 PM

I'm back from the shop.

I've never seen any of those films.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 05:36 PM

Ive only watched the first 2.
The first one wasn't really that bad tbh. It's more the idea that was shocking rather than the film itself!

[Luna] 30-04-2017 05:39 PM

I get what your mean Beckie. The third one was just incredibly annoying. Just the guy who played the surgeon in the first film playing a prison warden and shouting pointlessly through 95% of the film.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 05:51 PM

That doesn't sound great!

[Luna] 30-04-2017 05:53 PM

Well the end of Sausage party was...interesting.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 05:55 PM

Interesting in an annoying way? dont tell m they all get eaten?! :P

[Luna] 30-04-2017 05:57 PM

Interesting in a probably not a scene you'd want to watch with your parents way.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 05:58 PM

The ending is just.....thete are absolutely no words for it!!

Buttons. 30-04-2017 05:59 PM

That film sounds...quirky :P Am also intrigued as to the end!

Went to aquarium with my support worker today, was really good fun although the many screaming children did make me slightly want to feed them to the sharks :P ...kind of want a pet shark now

Sketchy 30-04-2017 06:03 PM

An aquarium sounds fun Katy. What would you name your shark?

[Luna] 30-04-2017 06:03 PM

Katy!!! Sharks are my favourite <3 I want to swim with them AND would also love a pet shark.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 06:04 PM

oh god screaming kids D:

[Luna] 30-04-2017 06:05 PM

I hate aquariums because it does seem to include screaming kids and rude people shoving you about.

Sketchy 30-04-2017 06:08 PM

I've never been to an aquarium. I would love to though so I could draw all the little fishes.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 06:10 PM

Go early and not in school holidays Luna!

[Luna] 30-04-2017 06:13 PM

We went to an aquarium recently in Hull when it wasn't the holidays and it was still packed with annoying and rude people lol. I sound so very anti-social.

Buttons. 30-04-2017 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sketchy (Post 4107055)
An aquarium sounds fun Katy. What would you name your shark?

Cecilia or Nigel possibly, maybe the NOMerator :P


Originally Posted by [Luna] (Post 4107056)
Katy!!! Sharks are my favourite <3 I want to swim with them AND would also love a pet shark.

The aquarium we went to you can pay extra to swim with their sharks as a beginner!


Originally Posted by chinahorse (Post 4107057)
oh god screaming kids D:


Originally Posted by [Luna] (Post 4107059)
I hate aquariums because it does seem to include screaming kids and rude people shoving you about.

Yes indeed. Especially when people can blatantly see your wheelchair and refuse to move/barge straight into you.


Originally Posted by Sketchy (Post 4107063)
I've never been to an aquarium. I would love to though so I could draw all the little fishes.

I bet you could do some fab drawings of them so many shapes and colours!


Originally Posted by chinahorse (Post 4107066)
Go early and not in school holidays Luna!


Sketchy 30-04-2017 06:20 PM

Those sound like good names for your shark.

We don't have an aquarium in Glasgow. The closest is fife and Loch Lomond, I think.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 06:23 PM

I also love sharks!!
You can swim with them at the London aquarium. It's like £300 though! You can pay to feed them too!
I went for my birthday last year

[Luna] 30-04-2017 06:44 PM

Wow, £300 isn't bad considering I would have thought to go abroad.

I'm now pondering names for a pet shark.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 06:51 PM

I suppose not! Would probably be a much cooler experience abroad though! :p

I don't know what I would call a pet shark!

[Luna] 30-04-2017 06:52 PM

Haha brilliant!

I'm thinking Bruce or Chomps.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 06:53 PM

Id call him Phillip lol.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 07:04 PM

Bruce and Philip are good names!

chinahorse 30-04-2017 07:05 PM

Do I go out in the rain to get a snack or not?

I could just have porridge...

[Luna] 30-04-2017 07:07 PM

How far away is the shop?

chinahorse 30-04-2017 07:10 PM

Less than 5 mins. But I am in a nightie.

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 07:11 PM

I'm about to play dungeons and dragons with a few people over Skype.
See you guys later!

Buttons. 30-04-2017 07:13 PM

I'm currently looking at a piece of chocolate cake, drooling and debating with myself and the internet about whether this is likely to make my heartburn worse. Opinions anyone?

Buttons. 30-04-2017 07:13 PM

Enjoy your game Beckie :)

[Luna] 30-04-2017 07:27 PM

Have a good time Beckie!

Lillie, if it were me I'd just stay inside.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 07:50 PM

Have a good time Beckie :)

I went to the shop and got soaked. But worth it for popcorn.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 07:52 PM

It may help initially but would make it worse in the long run Katy.

Buttons. 30-04-2017 08:06 PM

Enjoy your popcorn!!

Yeah I might save it for tomorrow if stomach settles by then. Am going to put it in the fridge now-out of sight out of mind :P

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 10:08 PM

Just finished the game. It was a lot of fun!!
We're going to play again soon.

chinahorse 30-04-2017 10:08 PM

Lol tgat never worked for food for me!

Has everyone gone to bed?

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 10:17 PM

I'm still here!

chinahorse 30-04-2017 10:27 PM

How was your game?

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 10:30 PM

It was great fun thanks!
We're trying to work out a time to continue but it's difficult because there are 4 of us and getting us all at the same day and time is proving difficult!

Are you up to much?

chinahorse 30-04-2017 10:39 PM

I hope you guys work it out as it's seemed to have been real fun for you all.

I'm at a and e with a friend as she's not ok. I just wanna go to bed the good friend that I am lol

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 10:41 PM

It was :)

Oh no! Sorry to hear that lillie. I don't blame you for wanting to go to bed. It is getting quite late.
I hope they don't keep you too long and that your friend gets some help

chinahorse 30-04-2017 10:45 PM

Meh. I hope it's not too long now. At least there's free wifi! Evey cloud an all that!

Cacoethes 30-04-2017 10:47 PM

Free WiFi is good!

I'm off to bed now.
I hope you get to go home soon Lillie. Your friend is lucky to have you! X

[Luna] 01-05-2017 08:34 AM

I hope you managed to get some rest Lillie and that your friend is ok!

Morning all, Happy bank holiday!
How are you all?

chinahorse 01-05-2017 08:35 AM

Morning to you too :)

I have had around 3 and a half hours sleep.

[Luna] 01-05-2017 09:11 AM

Oh dear, that's really not much.
Is there any opportunity for a nap today?

chinahorse 01-05-2017 09:18 AM

Not unless I nap now. I need to get a train back.

Whatve you got planned today?

[Luna] 01-05-2017 10:55 AM

I hope the journey back goes smoothly, when do you head off?

I'm just at the fertility clinic at the moment then we're taking E to a fayre later before dinner at my parents.

chinahorse 01-05-2017 11:02 AM

Thanks. I'm on the train now and thankfully I chanced on one that doesn't stop at every station! I am cold tired and grumpy though.

They are open on a bank holiday? Exciting though :)
Is your weather alright then? It was peeing it down at home. Got so wet on the way to the station.

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