That's pretty much what I do Lorraine. Does get you out more.
Tea is always a good idea.
I really like Suicide squad. Hope you enjoy it Beckie, |
I'm enjoying it so far!
Glad you are enjoying it so far. I'll definitely be watching a film this evening.
I've never seen suicide squad. Glad it's good.
Another cup of tea sounds good, Lorraine. Not lazy at all. |
Since it's lighter later and dry I'm going to walk to the shops that are further away, so I get a bit of exercise.
SoundS like a good plan!
I dropped my nicotine inhalator on the floor and I heard it slide but I can't for the life of me find it anywhere! It's disappeared! Lucky I have a spare! I'll probably end up finding it in a few weeks! |
How are getting on with not smoking?
Pretty good thanks. This is day 4 and I don't even want a cigarette so yay!
That's awesome. Well done.
Having a bit of a walk sounds good, Lorraine. I'm glad the weather is nice and light.
You're doing really well bEckington. |
Right, I'm off for my walk. I'll catch you guys later.
Thanks guys :)
Enjoy your walk Lorraine! |
Well done on the smoking front love, that's awesome.
Thanks Luna :)
Up to much this evening? |
Well done beckie!!
Hope you enjoy your walk lorraine. I just adult ed and changed my appointment at the burns unit so I don't miss any therapy if the therapy is on (shes off due to compassionate leave). I'm back at the cassel and it's so cold! |
Well done Lillie. :)
I am now listening to mumford and sons. |
Thanks Lillie :)
You're doing sooooo well Lillie!! You should be proud of yourself :) Hope you warm up soon! MumFord and sons is a good choice! |
Thanks lovelies :)
Mum ford and sons are ace |
You up to much Lillie?
Watching tele under 3 blankets in the lounge
Anything good on?
Is it possible to ache more after resting? I just had a bath and was struggling to stand up.
I guess you could stiffen up if you haven't moved a lot?
Suicide squad was good! I'm watching x men apocalypse now. I'm in a comic book kind of mood! I have also showered :) |
I'd think so, Luna. I'm sorry you're stiff.
Sounds good, bEckington. Well done on the shover. :) |
Thanks :)
What are you up to aubergine? |
I'm back from the shops and walk. I went to the furthest away shop and got a taxi back home, but at least I still went out. I bought yellow apples. I didn't know you could get yellow apples.
Sorry you're sore Luna.
That's great Lorraine :)
I like the yellow apples! Have you warmed up at all Lillie? |
I'm sat on the bed still listening to mumford and sons. Just let a student stab me with clexane.
Awesome Lorraine. Well done. :)
Thanks guys.
I'm watching Jimanji with E now. Fight club was a good film! Hope you're warmer now Lillie. |
Jumanji is a brilliant film!
Thanks guys.
I hope you're ok aubergine. Enjoy your music. Music is a good thing to have in hospital. It kept me going. Luna, I hope you're not sore anymore. |
I loved jumanji too! Used to have a teacher at school that used to look like the hunter!
It is but it makes me sad about Robin Williams :(
Thank you Lorraine. |
I'm really craving hot chocolate but I forgot to buy some. Sad times :'(
I've never seen jumanji. I'll need to pick a film to watch now that I'm home and trying to relax.
a hot chocolate does sound good.
Oh that sucks Beckie :(
Hope you're able to pick a film to enjoy. |
What choices do you have, Lorraine?
Too bad asda shut at 4 today. And that's the only shop we have! Apart from a few off licences but I doubt they sell hot chocolate!
That's a really early time for Asda to shut. I'm lucky there are so many shops opened late here.
I have all of Netflix to choose from. So I could be deciding for a while. |
Pretty much everything shuts at 4 on a Sunday round here!
It takes ages to decide what to watch on Netflix for me! |
I might watch the last hunger games film.
It's the while building it's freezing. *dies*
Good choice!
Oh no Lillie!! Wrap up warm with many blankets and duvets! |
Blankets are cosy. Hope you warm up soon!
Hot water bottles and blankets are the way to go!!
I still can't get used to stupid Sunday closing times in England. I'm like la la la I'll just go to Tesco for some milk OH NO I CAN'T, TRAGIC! |
Haha it doesn't apply to small shops so just go to the corner one. Though begs the question where did you live before?
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