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MammaMia 03-03-2009 01:47 PM

Fingers crossed babe *squishes some more* :)

Tears of Solitude 03-03-2009 02:01 PM

Wildly Yay I am here sorry for being quiet of late. Ive been busy

:::::::::::::::::::::::: Hugs everyone ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

so many names to mention, Dayna, Helen, Zowie, Katrica, Nikki and everyone else .

Ive missed everyone. How is everyone today?????

Well done for not smoking Zowie xxx

Love ya all Jade xxx

~*Rainbow*~ 03-03-2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 1461261)
Fingers crossed babe *squishes some more* :)

yay i love your squishes they make everything feel better!!!!!!

*hugs* to everyone thats feeling a bit MEH

MammaMia 03-03-2009 02:31 PM

Awwww thank you Gil :)

~*Rainbow*~ 03-03-2009 02:33 PM

Thats okay Sweetie :)

Meh still no luck with finding somewhere!! but i am not giving up yet

~*Rainbow*~ 03-03-2009 03:04 PM

wooo i may have a lone through tomorrow wooooo

MammaMia 03-03-2009 03:28 PM


Snuffles 03-03-2009 03:33 PM

Just wanted to say hi :)

Damnation. 03-03-2009 05:50 PM

*Hugs all muchly*

Bleh, I say. Bleh =D

wildly insane 04-03-2009 01:11 AM

*hugs Dayna* bleh back :)

*hugs Kat* hope telling to your mum goes okay

*hugs Snuffles* hope everything is going okay

yay Jade hope you are good *big hugs*

*hugs Nikki* good luck with finding somewhere to stay and don't spend too much on the credit card :P

*hugs Helen* *hugs Jem* *hugs MaryAnne* *hugs Ravyn* :)

Thanks Arwen, congrats on the smoking, keep it up, it's only social addiction now, no nicotine left :) *hugs from Hannah*

It always seems to be bedtime, I've just had over three hours of ballroom and latin dancing which was ace but then had to put on my dripping wet socks again in order to walk home, yuk!!! which took me about an hour. My landlord is coming over tomorrow to replace the kitchen work top and asked us all to remove the stuff from the cupboards have my housemates done anything - No - grr - rolls eyes - and I just want to go to bed - curls up under a nice thick duvet and begins to gently snore.

MammaMia 04-03-2009 01:52 AM


zowie 04-03-2009 11:15 AM

*Bear hugs Kat*

*Hugs Helen* Why are you scared sweetie?

Thank you Hannah and everyone else who cheered me on. I know it's now just a social craving as the nicotine has left my body. It would still be there if I'd used the inhalator, but I just went cold turkey.
Got the smoking clinic today, and am hoping that the carbon monoxide reader will say something much lower than last time.
It'll be a week at 9pm tonight. xxxx

Kahlia1981 04-03-2009 11:53 AM

*hugs all*

Hope everyone is at least surviving. Lots of love to all.

~*Rainbow*~ 04-03-2009 12:54 PM

well my laon hasnt come through but the church have found me somewhere to stay tonight!! so thats good all i have to do now is do well at my job interview today!!!!!

MammaMia 05-03-2009 12:21 AM

hugs Arwen, was scared about counselling..

Arrrgh some people are SO up their own ****ing arses man >.<

wildly insane 05-03-2009 12:53 AM

*hugs Helen* hope the counselling went well

*hugs Nikki* good luck with the job interview

*hugs Kahlia* how you doing hun?

*hugs Kat* how's the arm?

*hugs everyone who wants one*

I have just eaten way way too much - doh - will just have to eat less tomorrow :P it was good though

Kahlia1981 05-03-2009 01:26 AM

*hugs all*

Hannah ~ I'm surviving thanks for asking. Had a meeting with my GP this morning and she is pleased that the latest treatment (Xanax for my PTSD) is helping with my sleep. She's hopeful that I'll get other things under control with the aid of more sleep.

Hope everyone is doing well, *big hugs* to anyone who wants or needs them

MammaMia 05-03-2009 02:14 AM

Counselling was awful *shudders*

Jetforce 05-03-2009 04:43 AM

*cuddles helen* awww :-( i'm sorry to hear that

Hope u gained something out of it tho...that's what ur there for!!!

~*Rainbow*~ 05-03-2009 05:34 PM

*hugs* Helen - hope everything is okay

well the job interview went well been called back for a second interview tomorrow - so thats good!!!

credit card arrived but its only got 100 quid on it so that doesnt help me at all!!!!! got a bed for tonight at the B&B hoping my Job Seekers Alowance will be through tomorrow so i can pay the fee to my loan!!!

Man i am royally screwed - hoping my friend in birmingham might have somewhere for me to stay if not i am screwed!!!!!


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