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blue_cloud 06-08-2008 11:19 PM

everyone deserves to be heard ku xx

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 11:22 PM

By feeling that you don't deserve to be heard, shows that you need to be heard and you need support. that's what we're ehre for. *cuddles*

*cuddles di* honey, maybe go for a walk and try to clear your head/

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:23 PM

thank you...
but i ****ed up that right when i walked away from someone who needed help.
sounds like a good idea di. take care though yeah? look after your arm now too xx

blue_cloud 06-08-2008 11:24 PM

it's 11.30 here to late to go out the kids are in bed, i will go now i am just talking rubbish anyway. thank you for your support jess *hugs*

blue_cloud 06-08-2008 11:25 PM

ty ku i will do xx

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:26 PM

argh, really? thought it was earlier than that! (so much for the early night)
you're not talking rubbish, not at all
and good :)

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 11:27 PM

Ku, when you're in need of help yourself, you're not expected to be there for everyone else. *cuddles*

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:32 PM

*sighs* I agree with Jess but...
what about people like me who never stop needing help?
I am one big needy pathetic excuse for a human being.

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:32 PM

i pretty much ruined the best friendship i have though.
she says it's ok, i didn't upset her or anything.
but cos i walked away, i messed up. i dunno how to get back on track.
she needed me more than i needed her, really.
and now? now i just wish i had my damn blade.
sorry, i'm moaning, i haven't even asked how you are

edit: bound by thoughts (really sorry i forgot your name-heads mush) i think the same about myself...it doesn't make it true *hugs*

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 11:35 PM

Amanda, you know that you will eventually get past this. It's amazing and 'unblelivable' but you WILL get past this.

*cuddles Ku* your friend sounds like she understands why you walked away. You need to be okay before you can help someone else be okay. Or even in just a better frame of mind at least!

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kuwairo (Post 983654)
bound by thoughts (really sorry i forgot your name-heads mush) i think the same about myself...it doesn't make it true *hugs*

Well that IS true about me... not you... but me... I AM a lame excuse for a human. (My name is Amanda btw... but don't worry about forgetting it... I'm bad with names too)

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:38 PM

Sorry Amanda =)
And I may not know you well, but I get the impression you're far from the lame human being you think you are.

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kuwairo (Post 983673)
And I may not know you well, but I get the impression you're far from the lame human being you think you are.

*attempts to smile... a weak... half smile is all that can be mustered* thanks Ku. That means a lot.

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 11:40 PM

you are NOT a lame excuse for a human being manda! you're NOT! *cuddles lots*

and Ku, you're lovely too!

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:41 PM

*starts to cry on Jess' shoulder, but makes herself stop*

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:43 PM

A half smile is better than no smile at all :)
We're both right hun, you'll see that one day.
Don't stop yourself crying if you need to cry...
And Jess...thank you.

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 11:45 PM

*cuddles amanda and pets lots* you can cry on me sweetheart, i'm good for that :)

Ku honey... i'll keep telling you till you don't need to hear it anymore *cuddles*

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kuwairo (Post 983688)
Don't stop yourself crying if you need to cry...

but I don't know why I am crying... almost crying for no reason... I shouldn't be crying, I should be happy... this is so stupid!!!!

Kuwairo 06-08-2008 11:49 PM

^ everyone should be happy hun. sadly it doesn't work like that, and everyone's allowed to cry, whether there's a reason or not. it's a good release *cuddles*
*cuddles jess* you're ace, thank you. i keep saying that, but i mean it =)

BoundNoMore 06-08-2008 11:51 PM

Jess is AWESOME!!!

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