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happiness...its all a lie 05-07-2012 01:42 PM

*curls up in the corner*

Laura2.0 05-07-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3284614)
Laura, I could do you a Strawberry Slurpie Supreme? No alcohol, but lots of strawberry and chocolatey goodness :)

That would be super cool. Especially since we don't have many strawberries growing in our garden this year.

Louise 05-07-2012 05:26 PM

hugs everyone

Laura2.0 05-07-2012 05:50 PM

*hugs Louise* how are you?

pandachan 05-07-2012 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by sapphire hearts (Post 3285438)
It's that weird kind of day when I feel like I'm howling at the moon. I don't expect an answer, but I want her to know I hate her for her beautiful, indifferent remoteness. For being so many millions of miles away from the sordid planet we inhabit.

^^ yeah, crazy, I know.

not crazy. :] *hugs*
i love to howl at the moon (this certainly doesn't make it not crazy, ahah, i sure am). i love and hate the moon for the same reasons. it's kind of both, and kind of neither. maybe i'm jealous. maybe i'm naive. it scares me more when the moon is new, when she's not around.
last night it was soooo big, even though I knew it was waning it felt a lot closer than the night before.

happiness...its all a lie 05-07-2012 08:22 PM

*snuggles in the corner* why do i fail so epically at life? i mean really i just do it everytime.

RootsbeforeBranches 06-07-2012 01:46 AM

*hugs happiness * I'm sorry you are feeling that way Hun! I'm sure you don't fail at life but I hope things get better for you!

I spent today with my cousins at an amusement park - I am exhausted! !

happiness...its all a lie 06-07-2012 01:39 PM

How did it go?

well things are better today but im staying level headed in case it doesnt work out.

sapphire hearts 06-07-2012 03:40 PM

*hugs Faye* you don't fail at all sweetheart. I'm glad things are a bit better.

*hugs Laura* how are you doing sweetie? hope your cousins didn't wear you out too much!

*hugs pandachan* good to know it's not just me, lol!

happiness...its all a lie 06-07-2012 03:58 PM

Well they were better, then my dad says he will ring me later as i was really happy and excited. He hasnt rang me then my phone rings its him and hes like can i speak to your brother please doesnt even want to know me. **** it im just a joke to him. He doesnt care about me or want to talk to me. May as well be dead to him.

sapphire hearts 06-07-2012 04:01 PM

*hugs* sorry your dad's acting like this sweetheart you dont deserve it xx

happiness...its all a lie 06-07-2012 05:03 PM

I obviously do, for the first time in ages i was really happy and he says ill ring you later and has the cheek to ring me to speak to my brother nice one dad.

Laura2.0 06-07-2012 06:59 PM

*hugs all*

happiness...its all a lie 06-07-2012 08:02 PM

hey laura hows you? x

Laura2.0 06-07-2012 08:13 PM

I'm frustrated/angry/sad/disappointed because my health insurance 'lost' the form that the hospital where I want to go sent them and now I can't go there before college starts.

How are you?

happiness...its all a lie 06-07-2012 08:29 PM

Oh no can they do anything about it? have you complained?

I was doing ok but then things went pear shaped. My dad said he would call as i was happy but never did he then rang my phone to speak to my brother and then never bothered with me. Hes seen me 2 times in nearly 5 weeks because i cant get to him i always have to make the effort.

Laura2.0 06-07-2012 08:40 PM

It's not nice that your dad is treating you that way. When my dad used to treat me in a bad way I used to 'take a break' off of him and stopped having contact for a few weeks. Then he usually called me and he was really nice. Maybe taking a break for a while would help? I dunno. I think when someone is always there we sometimes don't notice how much we like them until they are not there anymore and we miss them.

I called the insurance every day for 2 weeks now. Complain because of what? Because the form never got there? I can't prove that they made a mistake. And complaining wont help me anyway. I wont be able to go in that specialized hospital before college starts (in 7 weeks)

xMakeSomeNoisex 07-07-2012 04:16 AM

Having a bad day, I am just tired and moody as heck (stupid period, I despise being a girl). Not only am I moody because of my period but I also have to put up with my moms boyfriends 7 year old daughter who is completely annoying. Not to mention I have an bratty teenage sister to deal with as well as her friend. The house is crowded and everyone is getting on my nerves so my inner b**** is coming out. I just want the house to be nice and quiet and to be able to sleep all day and not have to deal with all this stuff. My nerves are already on edge enough as is and I will most likely end up self harming again. Gah I hate being around people.

risenfromperdition 07-07-2012 04:44 AM

*curls up whining quiet*
i feels ucky :(

midnightphoenix 07-07-2012 09:49 AM

*gently hugs rising*

How are you all doing? (hugs)

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