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midnightphoenix 21-06-2012 10:02 PM

*hugs everyone*

YodaBearInterrupted 21-06-2012 11:20 PM

*hugs all*

*leaves some brownies and cookies on the table*

Today has just went south quickly. I wrote in my journal to see if it would help - its become a 8 page fight over who should control my mind, me or the Voices/Dark Lord. Dunno who is really winning the fight right now... but the urge to SH is becoming stronger as I write. It seems like the writing for my mind will continue till something winds

Doikers 22-06-2012 11:44 AM

*Hugs Matt*

*Hugs Heather*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Gemma*

*Hugs Dylan*

How are all my wardies today?

midnightphoenix 22-06-2012 11:51 AM

I'm wanting to escape from myself atm, feel like packing a bag and running off .............. I emailed samaritans yesterday but they haven't responded ............... have hardly eaten anything today and it's lunchtime .............

Gem-Louise 22-06-2012 12:11 PM

seriously thinking about really huritng myself i cant take it anymore im just fed up of evrything

Doikers 22-06-2012 12:31 PM

Dylan , Perhaps you should wait for the Sams to reply? It can take a while but they get back to you *Hugs*

*Hugs Gemma* I know that feeling :( Is that you in your avatar pic or Amy Macdonald?

midnightphoenix 22-06-2012 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 3269585)
Dylan , Perhaps you should wait for the Sams to reply? It can take a while but they get back to you *Hugs*

*Hugs Gemma* I know that feeling :( Is that you in your avatar pic or Amy Macdonald?

They have and they want to know my name .........

Laura2.0 22-06-2012 01:49 PM

*hugs all* not much to say right now.

Louise 22-06-2012 02:18 PM

hugs everyone

Doikers 22-06-2012 02:22 PM

*Hugs Dylan* You are under no obligation to tell them your name , they use Jo, you can use whatever you want too , Max , Kim , Sanday are all names that man/woman.

*Hugs Louise* How are you?

*Hugs Laura* How you?

Laura2.0 22-06-2012 02:29 PM

better than yesterday. how are you?

Gem-Louise 22-06-2012 03:18 PM

Doikers its me in the avatar

Doikers 22-06-2012 04:13 PM

I'm pretty flat Laura , It's good you are feeling better hun *Hugs*

*Hugs Gemma* Well you bear a strikeing resemmbelence to Amy Macdonald . Pretty :)

Louise 22-06-2012 04:25 PM

I could be better - trying to keep distracted.

Laura2.0 22-06-2012 04:37 PM

*hugs Gemma*
*hugs Mark*
*hugs Louise*

ljmeep 22-06-2012 09:57 PM

*hugs all*

I know it's been a long time... things are crazy! My soon to be x-husband is in the process of moving out. In the course of the past month I have had to close out the checking account, change over all my assistance so that he's not on it, and look at moving into a smaller place (still looking). I've had to deal with his new girl friend coming before the kids and me and his drama with the DWI he got when he totaled the van. I'm exhausted! I can't sleep, food has lost all appeal and I feel like I'm barely holding it together at all. I haven't cut since all this happened and I'm honestly not sure how I've avoided it... my heart aches so bad.

Laura2.0 22-06-2012 09:59 PM

*hugs lj* sorry I forgot your real name.

I'm off to bed now. Good night all.

ljmeep 22-06-2012 10:03 PM

it's kelly.. and thanks... good night :)

ljmeep 22-06-2012 10:04 PM

it's kelly... and thanks... good night :)

nomophobia 22-06-2012 10:45 PM

*gives everyone extra long goodbye hugs*
I'm moving out tomorrow so won't have internet for a while which sucks. Just hoping I cope when I'm totally alone :s It sure will be a test! Take care guys :)

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