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Doikers 25-09-2010 06:03 PM

*Hugs April* OOhh I must have teleported to the wrong booksale lol

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Jill*

Scarletdreamer 25-09-2010 07:02 PM

Hmmm... am just finishing up lunch now after talking with my sister for awhile on the phone. Bleh. I mean, I don't MIND talking with her, but I don't LIKE it either, feels rather uncomfortable because it feels like she can see my every fault and doesn't mind pointing them out to me. Which she may be able to, I don't know, but she doesn't really point them out to me. Usually. I don't know. I'm just uncomfortable around her (or talking with her) ever since a convo we had about a month-ish ago about how I "can't call myself empathic" because of some of the stuff I say about people in my LJ. Like saying that Jarrod wouldn't make a good dad. Or talking about my jealousy of my bestie. I mean... okay... I totally don't fit in with my family. Because they are experts at covering up the truth and making themselves look perfect. Blah. Do.Not.Fit.In. End of story. :(

Sorry. Didn't mean to go on a family-problems-rant. Because I know a lot of you - probably most of you - have it worse off. But then again, as I'm trying to tell myself, if it hurts me, it matters... right? :-S

Back to the booksale, since that's a happy topic for almost everyone in here, it appears. ;) Well, everyone that's posted for a bit anyway. I feel very lucky because while my uni's not doing diddly-squat for Banned Books Week (*pouts*) the town in which I live has the BESTEST PUBLIC LIBRARY EVER!! :P I say this because it has 2 booksales a year, with thousands of books at one and hundreds at the other. The first one is a week-long one in April (dunno if any of you remember me mentioning that one? I ALWAYS overspend there... but when you can get ~25 books for the price of ONE book at a place like Barnes & Noble or Borders... it's worth overspending :D), and then the second is the one I went to today, both annual. Today's is only a weekend-long one (or a day-long one? not sure). Anyway. Happy thoughts, April, happy thoughts. :P

Blah. :( Just can't do it. Happy thoughts that is... :'(

misskitty112 25-09-2010 07:48 PM

April, if it hurts you, it matters. *hugs*

Come to my uni! We're having a book sale, a bake sale, a read out (where professors and students read passages of banned books), a make your own book contest, a poster contest, an essay contest, showings of Alice in Wonderland and To Kill a Mockingbird with tea parties, and tye dying shirts!
Also, my public library has book sales once a month, hence why my grandparents converted a spare room in the house into my own personal library. haha, I can't go to any book sales at our library while uni's in though cause they're on mondays, and I go to class then go to work

shadowedsoul 25-09-2010 08:31 PM

curls up

nicole94 25-09-2010 09:16 PM

*hugs everyone*
april-yeah we've called the cops, she was due in court the other week but they postponed it so she can have a mental assesment. and the media course thing was that she needed to make a music video for the song tell it to my heart by taylor dayne, so her idea was like a big party with like people making out and stuff, but i mean she only advertised for gay/bi people cause well, its easy enough to find straight people lol

Doikers 25-09-2010 10:05 PM

I'm warm and logging off from my parents lappy . be back at my flat tomorrow afternoon . but will try and get on here tomorrow morning.
*Hugs the ward*
I hope you all have a good night /day/ evening .

shadowedsoul 25-09-2010 10:15 PM

cuddles all. damn i feel very dizzy spacey tonight. curls up

RYUU 25-09-2010 11:30 PM

I cant fight him any more sorry

MammaMia 26-09-2010 12:05 AM

I love being ignored.
Wow I sound so...attention seekerish.

misskitty112 26-09-2010 12:34 AM

I hope you sleep well, Mark.
Ryuu, please stay safe.
Hels, *hugs* if I ignored you, I'm very sorry. What's going on?

risenfromperdition 26-09-2010 12:37 AM

*sits in corner and sighs* ick im huge =\ and the iced tea wont do anything april.

and i'm tired of dealing with life but meh. and im going to a NEDA walk next month but gonna be surrounded by tiny people the whole day >.<

*hugs everyone* sorry no individuals really =\ cant focus

misskitty112 26-09-2010 01:00 AM

*hugs Heather* I think you're gorgeous =). I do hope you have fun at the NEDA walk when you go, and don't let yourself get down based on who surrounds you.

I'm happy. I finally found the article I needed to kick my Chaucer paper in gear.

shadowedsoul 26-09-2010 01:09 AM

hugs everbody. hugs helen you okay.

FlyingNy 26-09-2010 01:19 AM

*Hugs all and notices Helen especailly*

I'm not a cold hearted cow, I'm not, I'm not...

xXMessedUpXx 26-09-2010 01:22 AM

hey all, long time no posts.

I'm not in a good place, i'm hyper(manic) and i shouldn't be. I don't understand it. It can't be meds induced like the last 2 times cos i stopped taking my AD....i've not been sleeping, i've been bouncing off the walls, i'm talking ten to the dozen about crap, getting paranoid, thinking i'm better than people,missing appointments, hearing HER again etc.

shadowedsoul 26-09-2010 01:24 AM

erm =[ curls up and hides

FlyingNy 26-09-2010 01:28 AM

Yes I am :(

I deserve this pain.

I'm better of dead. Everyone would be so much happier if I was. They might say they wouldn't be now, but in the long run you'll all see how much better off you are without me. I hate myself so much! Such a cold hearted, selfish bitch!

shadowedsoul 26-09-2010 02:03 AM

Cuddles lia very tightly. I can't do this no not again. Curls crys softly so no to bother anyone.

xXMessedUpXx 26-09-2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by shadowedsoul (Post 2504946)
Cuddles lia very tightly. I can't do this no not again. Curls crys softly so no to bother anyone.


just to add i love the song in your siggy

risenfromperdition 26-09-2010 03:11 AM

not true lia <3 not at all. *hug* i wish i could find some way to help you believe it <3

grr gotta go take shower... effort.

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