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one_step_closer 15-09-2010 03:00 PM

How are you both?

shadowedsoul 15-09-2010 03:32 PM

Cuddles all. Feel down and heading for a meltdown. Just want to curl up and shut down.

misskitty112 15-09-2010 03:36 PM

*cuddles Jill* I know the feeling.

When it rains, it pours anymore...

FlyingNy 15-09-2010 05:49 PM

I have to stop trashing things yesterday it was the ward, now it's my bedroom. Sorry about yesterday guys.

Doikers 15-09-2010 05:52 PM

*Hugs Lia* Are you okay?

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Linday*

*Hugs Claire*

*Hugs Jill*

*Hugs Nicole*

I hopw your all okay :)

SoMuchMore 15-09-2010 06:09 PM

*waves to owen*

*hugs claire* how r u doing? you don't have to apologize for not being around, we understand that sometimes people get busy or just can't post sometimes.

*hugs felicia* i'm sorry thing aren't going great for you right now. I'm around if you ever need to talk.

*hugs jill* what's going on hun? Hope you are as safe as you can be right now.

*hugs lindsay* i'm sorry that the crisis team was not helpful at all. I hope that you stayed safe, its good that you went to bed rather than OD-ed. That's really good. Do you think you will call NHS 24 and be referred? Will they be more helpful? (sorry im not in the UK so i don't really know how all that works)

*hugs mark* how r u today?

*hugs lia* its okay about yesterday. Do you want to talk about what happened? It's okay if not, I was just offering an ear if you needed one.

*hugs kahlia* i'm sorry that you were so tired, did you manage to get some rest?

*hugs heather* i'm sorry you were urgy for no reason. I really understand that and it is an awful feeling.

*hugs oliver* i'm sorry that you had to pull an all nighter. I hate doing that. You okay though? Good luck at the doctors.

*hugs helen* how is college going? Sorry your bus pass did not come.

*hugs sarah* how r u today? You are not a fail though because you dont have any academic conferences lined up right now. You are struggling so it is understandable. Try not to beat yourself up about it too much. Hope that you mood lifts a little soon.

*hugs crimson and april*

So i did updated my r/v if anyone wants to read, but it may not make a huge amount of sense. I knew that once i started typing i would just go on and on, which is why i didn't post here. I feel a little better than yesterday. Not in as bad of a place, but I just got up a little bit ago so we'll see i guess. Hope everyone has a good day.

r/v link: http://www.recoveryourlife.com/forum...d.php?t=106265

misskitty112 15-09-2010 06:21 PM

I can't do this anymore.

PoisonedApple 15-09-2010 06:36 PM

i think i finally took enough crap to stand up for myself at work...
cjb thought she'd get results from calling my boss when i didn't have a chance to answer my phone but since most of the files she has been asking for are either active (i work in the CLOSED FILE ROOM just for reference) or she's been told by the attorney that has them where they are "several times" or the case she gave me wrong info on... i emailed her back on all of them, in one email and bcc'd it to my boss so she has her own copy. if cjb wants to play games that i know the rules to i have a feeling she isn't gonna win. my boss has been understanding from the start since i'm still doing me and r's jobs both but letting her know about all of cjb's discrepancies... she says if i have any problems with cjb to let her know... she's friends with cjb's boss v :D progress has been made and it makes me have a pleasant feeling to go alongside my disgruntled feeling regarding cjb.

one_step_closer 15-09-2010 06:36 PM

Jill, be gentle with yourself. We are all here for you.

Lia, what's happening?

Mark, how are you?

Laura, i'll take a look at your r/v thread *hugs*

Felicia, what is it that you feel you are struggling with?

I might phone NHS 24 later on if I still feel like overdosing. For now I am distracted enough with RYL.

PoisonedApple 15-09-2010 06:38 PM

*hugs everyone*
So how's everyone else's morning/afternoon/night going?
What's up Felicia?

shadowedsoul 15-09-2010 06:39 PM

Cuddles everyone. Erm I'm fine, had a extremly strssfull day. So home having a few drinks,might end up more than a few but I so need this tonight, need to fel numb and shut out the world for tonight. =(

PoisonedApple 15-09-2010 06:40 PM

Oops Lindsay we posted at the same time :)

I might phone NHS 24 later on if I still feel like overdosing. For now I am distracted enough with RYL.
Do you play in the arcade? Lately when I need a distraction I play a game I'm good at there and try to beat my highest score :)

Doikers 15-09-2010 06:47 PM

*Hugs Laura* I read you R/V thread, just so you know , I've been self injuring for 15 years and have not managed to stop for more than a few months either :( It's something thats really hard to cope with so don't beat yourself up about it .

*Hugs Crimson* I haven't played in the arcade for yonks! Thanks for reminding me it's there.:)

*Hugs Jill* Please be careful with your drinking Jill , we would hate anything bad to happen to you but I know the feeling of wanting to blot the world out

*Hugs Felicia* Whats happening?, Are you okay?

*Hugs Lindsay* It's good that you are distracted :)

I'm trying to get distracted too , I can visualise the cut and I haven't made it yet :S

MammaMia 15-09-2010 07:02 PM

I'm so not used to posting so little in the ward, hopefully when I'm more used to my new routine, I'll be able to post a little more. Still no sign on bus pass, grrr, will be phoning tomorrow!! Not impressed.

*hugs everyone* Keep safe everybody or try to :D

Four day weekend & sorry about last night, well only Sarah saw my upsetness more than anyone, but it's all sorted, again LOL!!! Staying that way this time :D

*curls up in a blanket in the ward*

one_step_closer 15-09-2010 07:23 PM

Jill, please stay safe.

Crimson, i'm not really a fan of games. I can feel RYL slowing down though so I might need to give them a try.

Mark, can you draw on your body where you want to cut?

*hugs Helen*

I'm so triggered to self harm and feel like I need to in order to get people to take me seriously. If I phone NHS 24 and the proper crisis team come out then they won't take me seriously unless I have harmed myself in some way.

Doikers 15-09-2010 07:51 PM


I'm so triggered to self harm and feel like I need to in order to get people to take me seriously. If I phone NHS 24 and the proper crisis team come out then they won't take me seriously unless I have harmed myself in some way.
Well that flat out sucks Lindsay, can't you explain that you would injure if they don't help you? Sorry if thats a crap suggestion :S

SparkleKitten 15-09-2010 07:53 PM

Grr, my gallbladder is off on one again, I'm in agony, all light headed and sleepy. My fiance's phone isn't working so I can't get in touch with him to talk to him. This really sucks. :(

*hugs all who can accept*

Doikers 15-09-2010 08:21 PM

*Hugs Sarah* Do you have pain Killers that you can take for your pain?

SparkleKitten 15-09-2010 08:23 PM

Already had all I can, paracetamol is all I can take. Which sucks.

Doikers 15-09-2010 08:24 PM

I don't know biology but would putting a heat patch/ hot water bottle on the area help any?

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