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Doikers 02-09-2010 08:07 PM

Nicole , I'm sure they won't be judging you over your sexuality , I'm not sure it's really their business anyway:S

taz35 02-09-2010 08:29 PM

*hugs Mark*

*hugs Nicole* It would be rather stupid and immature of them to judge you based on your sexuality. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about there :)

MammaMia 02-09-2010 08:49 PM

*cuddles everyone*

Nicole, they tend to ask for data/date protection and stuff. So can't discriminate against you and stuff. Well I might be wrong, but sure it's something like that.

April, I'm sorry you're struggling but things won't always be this hard babe.

Doikers 02-09-2010 08:52 PM

*Hugs Helen* How are you tonight?

MammaMia 02-09-2010 08:57 PM

Slowly getting better I suppose. Full of cold mind you. Got my interview tomorrow...

Doikers 02-09-2010 09:00 PM

Still full of cold :( *Hands over a Lemsip* Good luck with your interview tomorrow , I hope you feel a bit better for it .

The One Who 02-09-2010 09:04 PM

Hey everyone. Hope we're all doing okay.

taz35 02-09-2010 09:21 PM

*hugs Hels* Hope you're back to normal soon :) Pesky colds always seem to take forever to go away...

*hugs Claire* How are you doing today?

frenchhorn 02-09-2010 09:26 PM

*hugs Nicole* they won't judge you over your sexuality, often places ask for sexuality to see if they are being fair and offering jobs to a wide range of people and to fit in with the equality act, I think its stupid to ask for your sexuality, but some places seem to want to ask anyway.

*hugs Helen* good luck for tomorrow and hope you feel better for the interview

*hugs April* its good you followed your meal plan, sorry your not doing good though *gives you extra special Oliver hugs*

*hugs Taz, Mark, JK, Lia, Luke, Laura, Claire(who I don't think I have said hi to before, so Hi!), Kahlia, Crimson, and all other wardies(sorry if I forgot you don't mean to)

Doikers 02-09-2010 09:30 PM

Hey Oliver *Hugs* How are you doing?

The One Who 02-09-2010 09:31 PM

I think I just need hugs :(

The sexuality thing is usually on a separate form with things like ethnicity, don't think you have to answer them though. It is separated and used for statistics, nothing else. At least that's my understanding of it.

Scarletdreamer 02-09-2010 09:40 PM

*cuddles all*

I... am epically exhausted. I don't know, I got up from a nap and now all I want to do is go to bed proper. :( Feel so lazy, since I've not done hardly anything today, except go spinning and then go grocery shopping. So I suppose I've been out & about a bit more than I'm used to... but still, ugh. :(

It's so warm here. Probably close to 85'F if not 90'F... very very warm. And humid. Too humid for September, that's what I say. Heh. Like what I say matters, at least to the weather. :P But I am uncomfortable, warm and sticky... yuck. :( Hate weather like this any time of year, but why can't fall/autumn be here already??


Oh, and thank you for the support, everyone, about the meal plan + everything else. You're awesome people. :) *extra cuddles for all* <3

Sorry no individuals but I'll try and get 'round to them sometime. :-/

Doikers 02-09-2010 09:49 PM

*Hugs Claire* I spot you !:)

*Hugs April* I spot you too !:)

Bedtime at Marks heh , I tend to announce my bedtime here quite frequently don't I? Is it annoying ? I could stop if it is .

Scarletdreamer 02-09-2010 10:08 PM

I don't find it annoying, Mark, not at all. It's nice actually, to know when you're going offline because then I won't worry about you. :) As much, anyway. Heh. <3 Hopefully that made sense!! But no, definitely not annoying. *cuddles and tucks you in bed*

I wish it were bedtime here... hmmm, could I get teleported to the UK so I can officially go to bed now?? :P Hehehe...

I am also not looking forward to supper. Although, it's not going to be as bad as lunch was, because it is fewer scary things. :-/ If that makes sense. I feel like I'm not making any sense at all right now.

Also, for those of you who read my r/v, I really do apologize for all of the swearing in it. I don't talk like that, I promise. Haha.

*cuddles everyone some more* <3

MammaMia 02-09-2010 10:17 PM

*hugs everyone lots*


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2472120)
Still full of cold :( *Hands over a Lemsip* Good luck with your interview tomorrow , I hope you feel a bit better for it .

Thanks Mark, hopefully I will, but we shall see :)


Originally Posted by taz35 (Post 2472149)
*hugs Hels* Hope you're back to normal soon :) Pesky colds always seem to take forever to go away...

*hugs Taz* Should be back to normal tomorrow/Saturday, barring the cold anyway. So that will help :D


Originally Posted by frenchhorn (Post 2472156)
*hugs Helen* good luck for tomorrow and hope you feel better for the interview

*hugs Oliver* Thanks for the good luck etc :D


Originally Posted by The One Who (Post 2472163)
I think I just need hugs :(


Scarletdreamer 02-09-2010 10:31 PM

*huggles Hels* I hope that you feel better by tomorrow. And yes, good luck!! (if you read my previous writing... I am a ditz, hah)

Ugh. Now I'm pissed off by a friend of mine who admits that she is a bitch and also doesn't really know how to put things in a very tactful way. I really like her as a friend, because I know I can expect honesty from her, but at the same time... can't imagine talking with her more often. It's like... I never can really be a good enough person for her. She always tells me that there's something I need to improve, something that I can do better, etc., etc. Anyway. Random pissed off moments. :-/

MammaMia 02-09-2010 10:35 PM

Why waste your time trying to be good enough if she's a bitch/can't be tactful kinda thing? :/

*hugs April* Thank you sweetie x

The One Who 02-09-2010 10:40 PM

Maybe she has her own insecurities and worries that she is projecting.

SoMuchMore 02-09-2010 10:40 PM

*hugs helen* hope that you feel better and that your interview goes well!

*Hugs april* I know people that sounds like your friend. They can be hard to deal with sometimes. I try to just remember that that is the way they are and sometimes just consider the source when they are talking... which sounds kind of mean of me as well... but it's really not.

*gives claire a box of hugs*

*hugs oliver* how r u?

*hugs mark* I dont think announcing when you are asleep is annoying at all. I think its funny too that many times by the time you get up I am just heading off to bed... i stay up so late lol.

*hugs nicole* like others have said, it was only the first day. You are def not a fail. Also, the sexuality thing was probably only for statistics, you shouldn't be judged on it at all.

*hugs taz* how r u this evening?

*hugs mara* o dear, i'm so sorry about the situation at work. I wish i knew what to say. *gives extra cuddles*

*cuddles kaytee, heather, and crimson* hope you all are alright.

As for me, well i have to work tonight. They just switched the system so now i am all anxious again. Just when i was starting to be able to be calm at work and feel like i had the job down. :-/ That's life though. I have to learn to roll with such things otherwise i'll never succeed in the workplace.

Tried to tell my friend T about some of the things going on right now with me... but it didn't really work b/c I had to leave for an appointment right afterwards so I couldn't afford to make myself any amount of upset. He probably thought talking was a waste of time. I hadn't seen him in like 2 months though so i guess its not bad that we were way off topic from what he came over for.

Anyway, rambling, ill stop now.

MammaMia 02-09-2010 10:46 PM

*hugs Laura* Thanks darling :) x

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