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MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by xxjuliexx (Post 2270858)
i no need youtube i has dvds

Awesome Owen :D

PoisonedApple 30-04-2010 01:29 AM

Time for me to head home (and none too soon I think). Might jump on after I make dinner. Or maybe while I make dinner... depends how I'm feeling I guess.

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:29 AM

sorry if i is just annoying little kid tho -wriggles round scratching- y is we wearing this shirt to itchy i go find new shirt

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 01:31 AM

ahhh everything os going so fast, its cool the ward is buzzing, but I can't keep up, after about 2 mns there see to be about 8 posts

April-even if your not a musical person you should try mamma mia, its just awesome.

Owen its ok if you want to stay in here.

Crimson- that would be pretty cool if we did that

MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by angelic_monster (Post 2270866)
Time for me to head home (and none too soon I think). Might jump on after I make dinner. Or maybe while I make dinner... depends how I'm feeling I guess.

Hope you enjoy your dinner :)


Originally Posted by xxjuliexx (Post 2270867)
sorry if i is just annoying little kid tho -wriggles round scratching- y is we wearing this shirt to itchy i go find new shirt

You're not annoying, you're sweet :) Hope Julie's okay too?


Originally Posted by frenchhorn (Post 2270868)
ahhh everything os going so fast, its cool the ward is buzzing, but I can't keep up, after about 2 mns there see to be about 8 posts

April-even if your not a musical person you should try mamma mia, its just awesome.

Owen its ok if you want to stay in here.

Crimson- that would be pretty cool if we did that

I agree with your post 100% Oliver :laugh:

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:36 AM

julie ok i just get bored inside it no like out side i have my story tapes tho which is nice

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:37 AM

anyone no how to make the itchy go away stupid shirt
i put on new one but it still itchy

MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:38 AM

That's good Owen :)

Is it bad I'm watching the last prime ministerial debate online right now? (It finished nearly 4 hours ago) I can't wait to vote next Thurs :D

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:40 AM

we isnt meant to use youtube coz we get in trouble

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 01:40 AM

no its not bad Helen, I was watching it a bit earlier, but already know who I'm voting for, I just wanted to see what they were like and had to say.

I can't wait to vote either.

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:46 AM

-frowns- vote...? for wat

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 01:48 AM

its the British general election next week

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:48 AM

wats that?

MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:49 AM

Oliver, I'm so excited about voting. I know who I want to vote too, but am watching the debates all the same. I seriously want Lib Dems to win!!!

MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by xxjuliexx (Post 2270887)
wats that?

Where we vote for a new Prime Minster :D Some places also have to vote for people to go to Parliament for towns & stuff.

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:50 AM

-drags a sleeping bag into corner and curls up inside it with my dvds-

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 2270890)
Where we vote for a new Prime Minster :D Some places also have to vote for people to go to Parliament for towns & stuff.

o adulty stuff

frenchhorn 30-04-2010 01:53 AM

you a first time voter Helen?

yeah I really hope the lib dems win too, even though I'm not voting for them, voting green.

MammaMia 30-04-2010 01:53 AM

Indeed Owen :)

Oliver, yes I am a first time voter :D I could have voted at the European elections last year but didn't get to :(

xxjuliexx 30-04-2010 01:55 AM

-frowns- my tummy is sore

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