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Eska 15-05-2018 06:57 PM

Evening everyone

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 06:58 PM

Hi eska!
How are you?

Eska 15-05-2018 07:02 PM

I'm doing ok :) Been away to the mountains for a few days which was lovely! How are you?

Buttons. 15-05-2018 07:02 PM

Evening all, hope all are well :)

Buttons. 15-05-2018 07:02 PM

Oh that sounds fun Eska :)

chinahorse 15-05-2018 07:03 PM

*crawls in*


Cacoethes 15-05-2018 07:03 PM

Sounds good eska!

Hello buttons and Lillie!

Buttons. 15-05-2018 07:12 PM

hey :)

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 07:12 PM

How are you?

chinahorse 15-05-2018 07:13 PM

Oh wow eska sounds amazing! Did you go alone?

Hey buttons and beckie. How's things?

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 07:17 PM

Im off to slimming world in a bit

Eska 15-05-2018 07:17 PM

No, Lillie, I was with the boyfriend. Did some climbing and some scrambling and walking, and had some lovely weather! How are you doing?

Buttons and Beckie, are you up to much?

Eska 15-05-2018 07:20 PM

Beckie I hope you enjoy slimming world.

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 07:20 PM


chinahorse 15-05-2018 07:28 PM

Hope it's good beckie :) not sure if goods the right word lol

Oh very nice eska. Some company but not overhelming.

I'm fairly rubish tbh. Not sure what to so with myself either.

Aubergine 15-05-2018 07:34 PM

Heya. :)

Eska 15-05-2018 07:45 PM

Oh that's a shame Lillie :( Is there something you could watch for a bit? Or read?

Hi Aubergine :)

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 07:56 PM

It's always good Lillie! Love my group!
I lost weight so yay! :)

Sorry you're rubbish Lillie.
Hoep you can look after yourself
Sending hugs

chinahorse 15-05-2018 07:57 PM

Hey aubergine :)

That's good beckie, glad you enjoyed it.

I've gotten into bed. There's nothing I wanna do to be awkward!

Aubergine 15-05-2018 08:11 PM

Hey Lillie and Beckie and Eska. :)

Well done, Beckie. :)

I'm baking muffins!

chinahorse 15-05-2018 08:18 PM

What sort?

Aubergine 15-05-2018 08:23 PM

Banana and cinnamon. :)

chinahorse 15-05-2018 08:50 PM

Ooo tasty!

Cacoethes 15-05-2018 08:59 PM

Sounds yummy!

Buttons. 16-05-2018 07:48 AM

Morning all :)

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 11:40 AM


nonperson 16-05-2018 05:21 PM


(When does afternoon become evening?)

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 05:27 PM

That is a good question, I'm not sure!

nonperson 16-05-2018 05:32 PM

I think evening starts at 6pm...

not_so_insig 16-05-2018 05:33 PM

I think about 5 pm.

My nurse came early. Thankfully I wasn't in the shower! She said that she remembered The Demon Headmaster from her childhood.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 05:37 PM

I googled!

Noon is at 12:00 PM. Afternoon is from 12:01 PM to around 5:00 PM. Evening is from 5:01 PM to 8 PM, or around sunset. Night is from sunset to sunrise, so from 8:01 PM until 5:59 AM.

nonperson 16-05-2018 05:53 PM

I think that deserves to be Fact of the Day. =P

And therefore I amend my original greeting to just "Evening!".

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 06:06 PM

The more you know!!

Buttons. 16-05-2018 06:12 PM

I would have said 5pm also.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 06:15 PM

5pm would have been my guess too

one_step_closer 16-05-2018 06:17 PM

I've always wondered that too, thanks for the knowledge.

What is everyone doing this evening then?

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 06:21 PM

Hey Lindsay!

I am watching Criminal minds and attempting a quiz on genetics, pathogens and immunity.
I missed the whole module so not a clue what I'm doing
Gonna have a shower now

How are you?

one_step_closer 16-05-2018 06:25 PM

That sounds like a bit of a challenge, does your college not have online notes from the classes? I hope you get on ok. Enjoy your shower if you're in an enjoying shower place. :)

I'm feeling a bit sad. Will probably be ok though. My washing machine is beeping at me right now so I'm off to put the washing on the drier and put away the dry stuff then will need to put my bin out.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 06:44 PM

There are online notes but they are difficult to get through and mostly irrelevant :/

Sorry you're feeling sad Lindsay.
Sending hugs if wanted!

You've just reminded me I need to put my washing away and bin out!

Buttons. 16-05-2018 06:46 PM

Hope you manage to straighten out the questions for your module Beckie.

Hi Lins :)

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 06:58 PM

Gah!! there is nothing relevant!!

one_step_closer 16-05-2018 06:59 PM

How did that take me half an hour?

Thanks for the hugs.

What's the point of having notes if they're unhelpful? When do you have to finish the quiz by? Can any tutors help you?

Hi Buttons, how are you and doggy?

Buttons. 16-05-2018 07:00 PM

We're fine except my TV has gone on the blink. Dog just snoozing at the end of the sofa.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 07:08 PM

Quiz is due tomorrow at 6pm
I'll have to track down one of the science tutors tomorrow!

What's up with the tv buttons?

Buttons. 16-05-2018 07:14 PM

Hope the tutors are able to help Beckie. Have you tried good old Google?

My TV channels aren't working it's just grey dots and a buzzing sound, but my DVD player works (although v difficult for me to access past tables etc) so it's not the actual TV, think must be aerial or something. Was fine before some guy came to read the meter but I've checked every cable I can think of and they all seem to be where they're supposed to be. Just sucks a bit as stupid as it sounds it's a bit of a coping strategy and I've stayed drink and sh free for a week and would like to keep it that way so am distracting with anything I can think of.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 07:17 PM

Yep I have exhausted Google!!

Have you got anyone who can come and sort it for you?
It doesn't sound stupid at all.
I have my TV on all the time for distraction and i don't know what I'd do if it packed in!

one_step_closer 16-05-2018 07:17 PM

Can you watch catch up TV on your laptop?

Buttons. 16-05-2018 07:23 PM

Not tonight, mum said she'll take a look in the morning before my psych appointment (potentially new diagnosis, another thing to be nervous about :S

I might try that Lins. I also have Netflix so maybe it's not such a big tragedy.

one_step_closer 16-05-2018 07:26 PM

I know that having the TV on is a bit different to watching things on your laptop though, but maybe it would help a bit.

I hope you can relax tonight as much as is possible and your appointment goes well tomorrow.

Cacoethes 16-05-2018 07:43 PM

I hope your appointment goes ok buttons

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