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Eska 13-02-2018 06:28 PM

Hi :) How is everyone?

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 06:35 PM

Hi eska!
How are you?

not_so_insig 13-02-2018 06:39 PM

Hi Eska.

Eska 13-02-2018 06:41 PM

Hi Beckie and Dawn :)

I'm on my way back from work. It's cold!

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 06:45 PM

It is very cold!!

Eska 13-02-2018 06:50 PM

And I'm in shorts, as per.

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 06:51 PM

Man you must be freezing!!!

Eska 13-02-2018 07:04 PM

I'm actually ok!

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:06 PM

I guess if you're walking then you warm up a bit

Eska 13-02-2018 07:19 PM

Yeah, and walking up relatively steep hills you warm up a lot...

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:22 PM

That is true!

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:32 PM

You back in the warm yet Eska?

Beckie, I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or not with your post achievement in this thread!

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:40 PM

I basically live in here :tongue2:

How are you Lindsay.

Eska 13-02-2018 07:40 PM

I am, Yes! Just cooking some dinner. How are you, Lindsay?

zombiehunter 13-02-2018 07:42 PM

I just had meat feast pizza *burp*

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:43 PM

Well there are worse places to make your home Beckie. :)

What are you having for dinner Eska?

I'm ok. Will be going to have a shower soon. I don't like getting into my PJs this early but my hair takes ages to dry because I don't blow dry it.

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:43 PM

Meat feast is intense! Pile on the toppings!

zombiehunter 13-02-2018 07:44 PM

all the meat :-D

I am now washing it down with a nice cold beer

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:45 PM

I'm not with you on the beer front, will leave it to you to enjoy it. :)

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:47 PM

Nom meat feast!!

Im the same Lindsay, i dont even own a hair dryer!

I'm going to get an indian takeaway after slimming world :)

Eska 13-02-2018 07:47 PM

I'm having pasta and pesto :)

zombiehunter 13-02-2018 07:49 PM

more beer for me :-D where in Scotland are you one step closer??

hi coco and askamo :-D

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:50 PM

I don't think I've ever had pesto and pasta, seems to be common in this thread so I might have to give it a go so I can be part of the gang.

Are you getting your usual from the takeaway Beckie? Not that I can remember what your usual is, think I can only remember part of your Chinese usual.

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:51 PM

Zombie, I'm in between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Aka Lanarkshire.

nonperson 13-02-2018 07:51 PM

I can’t move to reach my laptop cos my poor cat has finally calmed down enough to fall asleep on my lap.

I daren’t move so am on my phone...

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:52 PM

Cats are the bosses. Can you get on here ok on your phone? I find it quite frustrating and awkward.

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:52 PM

Pasta and pesto is amazing!!

I want beer too!

I will be getting my usual!
Veg korma with rice and peshwari naan and onion bhaji!
Sooo looking forward to it!

zombiehunter 13-02-2018 07:53 PM

only a korma?? you get at least get a madrass you lightweight :-p

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:53 PM


one_step_closer 13-02-2018 07:54 PM

But I'd rather have a meaty curry than a veg one.

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:54 PM

I cant deal with spice!!!
Not even pepper!

I do love meat but prefer veg korma for some reason

zombiehunter 13-02-2018 07:55 PM

you wont be eating my home made chili then that stuff is a tad spicy :-p

nonperson 13-02-2018 07:55 PM

I have butter chicken curry.

And it’s ok on my phone, just everything is tiny and takes forever to do anything!

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:55 PM

No way zombie!!

Butter chicken sounds nice

Pomegranate 13-02-2018 07:57 PM

Evening all

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 07:57 PM

Hey Emma!
How are you?

Pomegranate 13-02-2018 07:58 PM

I like medium curry but have to pick out any peppers!

Pomegranate 13-02-2018 07:58 PM

Not too bad thanks. On train on way home. Going to be lazy and get a taxi from the station. How’s you?

nonperson 13-02-2018 07:58 PM

Is anyone having pancakes tonight?

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 08:00 PM

I'm ok
Off to slimming world in a bit!

No pancakes for me sadly!

not_so_insig 13-02-2018 08:02 PM

No pancakes for me either.

not_so_insig 13-02-2018 08:04 PM

It's my friends wedding anniversary tomorrow

Pomegranate 13-02-2018 08:05 PM

Good luck!

nonperson 13-02-2018 08:12 PM

I might have pancakes tomorrow instead.

Eska 13-02-2018 08:16 PM

Hi Emma! Taxi sounds like a plan.

No pancakes for me, Nonperson.

Hope you have a good time at sw Beckie!

nonperson 13-02-2018 08:19 PM

Does no one here like pancakes? =P

Aubergine 13-02-2018 08:23 PM


Cacoethes 13-02-2018 08:35 PM

I somehow managed to lose weight.
That was a nice surprise!

Hi Aubergine!

one_step_closer 13-02-2018 08:42 PM

I had a pack of 6 chocolate chip pancakes last week!

Hi Aubergine, how are you?

Well done Beckie. Have you ordered your takeaway yet?

Cacoethes 13-02-2018 08:44 PM

Mmm choc chip pancakes!!

No, I'm going to stay for group and order when I get home.

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