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Cacoethes 27-04-2022 07:43 PM

Ah yeah being nauseous really sucks!!
I find ginger biscuits are good for nausea.
I got through sooo many when i had morning sickness when i was pregnant!

Zurg 27-04-2022 08:16 PM

Dafuq!!!??!! You uk peeps have ginger biscuits??? No fair!!!

I am out of mint tea which sometimes help but i am braving a cup of chamomile tea with a bit of honey :-)

Cacoethes 27-04-2022 08:18 PM

You don't?!?!

I hope it helps!!

Zurg 27-04-2022 08:25 PM

We are hopelessly behind on every aspect of coolness, it seems….!!!

I hope one day to go to your country on a holiday. I'd never get around to see everything i want to see or taste everyhting i want to. But i’d sure as hell spend all the evenings in my hotel room watching doctor who, inspector morse and Sherlock which i assume i would keep me entertained for vast amounts of time. And everything else tv-related that i enjoy from your part of the world.

I never Got why people want to travel to tropical places just to be sweaty and sit under palm trees. Nah, just fly me to London and i'll have a blast!!,

Cacoethes 27-04-2022 08:34 PM

That's crazy!
Do you have gingerbread men at least??

I hope one day you will get to come here ans enjoy all we have to offer!!

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 08:16 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 28-04-2022 10:12 AM

Good morning, how are you?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 10:21 AM

I'm ok thanks.
Nervous about my blood test though!
Got to leave in a minute

How are you?

tamobhuuta 28-04-2022 11:02 AM

I'm ok. Tea with the family :) and a normal day.

How was your blood test?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 11:17 AM

That sounds good :)

It was ok thanks! The nurse was very nice
Now to obsessively check online for my blood results!
They usually get put online the next day

tamobhuuta 28-04-2022 12:38 PM

I can never be bothered to check them, I assume it's fine unless the doctor calls.

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 12:42 PM

That's good!
I'm way to neurotic for that lol!

not_so_insig 28-04-2022 01:40 PM

Hello all. I had trouble getting up today so I didnt go to the hearing voices group. Plus I have a cough so I dont want to be spreading it to everyone.

one_step_closer 28-04-2022 01:49 PM

Afternoon everyone, I think my body has been reset to get up round about 11am and I hate it. It's too late for me.

You can check your blood results online? That's kind of cool. Can you check other things? Here we're just left in the dark until someone contacts us. I can understand obsessive checking would be difficult though.

We should send Kat a best of British box of yummy stuff.

I hope your normal day is going well Tamo.

I hope you're ok Dawn. Have you done another covid test?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 02:05 PM

Hello dawn and lindsay!

It's so annoying when you can only seem to get up at the wrong time!
I'm annoyed at waking up at 8am! Makes the day go slower. We should swap lindsay!

Yep! Any test results actually!
And your gp record e.g when you request meds, when you've had an appointment etc.
Being left in the dark would annoy me! I like to know things!

We really should!!

one_step_closer 28-04-2022 02:11 PM

Ok, deal. I'd rather wake up at 8am! I used to be able to.

We have to request certain notes if we want to see anything.

What are the best of British things?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 02:22 PM

I used to wake up really late. I'd have to set an alarm if i wanted to wake up anytime before midday!
But it just suddenly changed one day!
Maybe it'll change for you too?

We have to request to see detailed notes.
What we get is a summary of why we called/had an appointment.
It's not always good though. Sometimes i just get annoyed! Like when they put 'acute psychosis' on it. I mean, they weren't wrong but still!!!

Ummm. Ginger biscuits we've got. Mind has gone blank! Are bakewell tarts British? (Just had one, that's why i thought of them lol)
And there must be some sorts of crisps that are only available here.

Oh! My town's market now has a MASSIVE american candy and drinks van at the Saturday market now! It's very exciting!

not_so_insig 28-04-2022 03:47 PM

Yes I did take a test Lindsay. It was negative so it's not covid

one_step_closer 28-04-2022 05:02 PM

I've never had a Bakewell tart.

What exciting food and drink comes from America?

I hope you feel better soon Dawn. Are you looking after yourself?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 05:14 PM


I'm not sure. I haven't had a good look at it yet since i am always getting the bus on Saturdays! Maybe I'll go a bit earlier tomorrow and check it out! Maybe get me and jasmine some treats too!

Zurg 28-04-2022 05:22 PM

Rumour has it that if you eat too many American sweets, they'll turn you into a ruthless capitalist ********!!!
True story, bro!!!

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 05:52 PM

Ooh let's hope not!!! D:

Zurg 28-04-2022 06:27 PM

Better not risk it, Beckie!!! ;-)

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 06:36 PM

Yeah probably shouldn't :tongue2:

What are you up to this evening?

nonperson 28-04-2022 07:19 PM

We should definitely send Zurg some British treats! I'd be up for that!

Also Lindsay, have you never had a Cherry Bakewell? It's not the same as a Bakewell tart though... But some might say better?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 07:24 PM

I've just researched what language they speak in Belgium. Turns out there are 3 main languages! The place I'm going in may speaks dutch according to google! So I'm trying to learn some key phrases in dutch now!

How are you np?
Did you know the new series of taskmaster is out?!

nonperson 28-04-2022 07:28 PM

Eh really not great tonight.

I did know! But haven't watched it and didn't look up any of the people on it because I probably won't know them. Still haven't watched the last... two? series...

How're you?

Zurg 28-04-2022 07:33 PM

Ooh, dutch!!! The language that sounds like they have a very big and hot potato in their mouth, lol. Sorry!!! It's basically a mix of english, german, danish and gibberish. Now you’re sorted, Beckie!!!! Just throw in a random mixture of words from those languages and they are bound to understand whatever you're trying to say :-)
(Maybe get an app that translates. Just in case!!!)

I feel rubbish. I am seeing a psychologist that a very nice doctor has fought claws and fangs for me to be assigned to. And she's really nice. But man, it sucks to suddenly have spelled out to you how ****ing awful life has been growing up :-(
I've spent many years trying to hide from the truth while people have told me it probably wasn't THAT bad. Now someone is telling me that it was that bad and it should never had been like that.

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 07:40 PM

Sorry to hear that np. Here if you need anything!

There's the guy who plays dougal from father ted! I forget his actual name lol
And judy love. I haven't watched anything with her in it apart from loose women when i was briefly forced to watch it in hospital!

I'm ok! Crisis gave me my meds early tonight so I'm already thinking of going to bed!

Lol.zurg!! I think i will get an app!
I always like to try and learn a few phrases when i go to a different country, rather than just assume everyone will speak english!

Sorry to hear that zurg.
I'm glad you're getting support. It's always a bit hard at first but hopefully things will get easier as time goes on

nonperson 28-04-2022 07:45 PM

Oh, Ardal O'hanlon! I like him. Could have sworn he's been it it before. No idea who Judy love is but I'm not gonna lie and admit that I read that as judge Judy and nearly pissed myself with joy!

Hugs for you Zurg. Bringing up the past sucks but isnt it better to have some one acknowledge it and not dismiss it?

Cacoethes 28-04-2022 07:52 PM

Yes that guy! He's funny
Omg i would LOVE to see judge judy on taskmaster!!!

nonperson 28-04-2022 07:57 PM

Do you remember that superhero show he was.in? I can't remember the name of it. Had Hugh... someone in.it too who has been on taskmaster as well.

She would totally PWN taskmaster!

not_so_insig 28-04-2022 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4323978)
We should definitely send Zurg some British treats! I'd be up for that!

Also Lindsay, have you never had a Cherry Bakewell? It's not the same as a Bakewell tart though... But some might say better?

Then there's also Bakewell pudding which is completely different and equally delicious.

not_so_insig 28-04-2022 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4323985)
Do you remember that superhero show he was.in? I can't remember the name of it. Had Hugh... someone in.it too who has been on taskmaster as well.

She would totally PWN taskmaster!

It was My Hero. Hugh Dennis is the person in it. I watch Not Going Out which he is sometimes in.

nonperson 28-04-2022 09:11 PM

That's the one! Used to ;love My Hero.

Not going out has that annoying person in it so I can't watch.

Really rubbish on the names of people tonight. The main guy character.

tamobhuuta 28-04-2022 09:21 PM

I think crumpets are British.

nonperson 28-04-2022 09:23 PM

oh tamo why did you have to say the C word! =P

The real question regarding crumpets is marmite or cheese or jam?

not_so_insig 28-04-2022 09:41 PM

I am surprised that the word isn't censored tbh.

nonperson 28-04-2022 09:45 PM

Crumpets should be censored? XD

nonperson 28-04-2022 09:45 PM

"Jam on crumpets" should be censored imo

And marmite.

Cacoethes 29-04-2022 08:17 AM

Me and my brothers loved my hero!
So funny!

I'm not a fan of not going out.
Do.you mean lee mack? I don't find him that funny

Mmmm crumpets!

Morning everyone!

Cacoethes 29-04-2022 10:04 AM

Also, with all this talk about crumpets, i had to get some from asda this morning!

not_so_insig 29-04-2022 10:54 AM

Morning all. I had a disturbed night's sleep.

Cacoethes 29-04-2022 11:24 AM

Me too

one_step_closer 29-04-2022 12:44 PM

Afternoon, I hope you all have a good day even if you didn't sleep well. The Scottish version of crumpets is the best.

one_step_closer 29-04-2022 12:52 PM

Arrgh, there are mixed messages about if the TSB in a place near me is open or closed for good. The one where I live is definitely closed for good. I was planning on going to the bank in L today but the phone line says it's permanently closed even though I've seen the doors open but maybe it has closed since. I'll need to go to the bank in M but it takes ages to get there so I'll need to go another day.

Cacoethes 29-04-2022 12:56 PM

Banks are closing all over the place!
It's very annoying!
And the opening times are all over as well

one_step_closer 29-04-2022 02:30 PM

It's really not convenient. How is your day going?

Cacoethes 29-04-2022 02:31 PM

Not bad thanks!
Just had my nails done!
The length is going to take some getting used to again but i love them!

How about you?

one_step_closer 29-04-2022 02:36 PM

I don't know how anyone can do anything with long nails. I'm glad you treated yourself and are pleased with them.

I'm not doing much. I never do anything good. Feeling really low as usual.

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