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tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 10:32 AM

That's lovely, I hope you have a good time together.
I am ok. I might spend some time in the garden if the temperature is right.

shadow-light 03-06-2021 10:33 AM

I really liked handmaids tail, but I am very into dystopian futures and political satire, as well as post apocalyptic stuff. So makes sense I'd like it. I've finished season 3, but can't find 4 anywhere for free so waiting until it's not a pay for thing to watch it.
It is fairly different from the books, they've "modernised" it which changes a bit.

How are people doing? I am VERY sun burnt despite using factor 50 sun cream :eyeroll:

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 10:35 AM

Thanks tamo :)
That sounds nice

So am I Hazel
Love that sort of thing
Yeah I'm not going to pay to watch it either.
We must be patient!

Oh no!

shadow-light 03-06-2021 10:37 AM

I'm not great at being patient :laugh:

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 10:43 AM

Haha! Me neither!

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 11:07 AM

I did enjoy reading 1984 which has that dystopian thing going on.

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 11:07 AM

That's my favourite book!

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 11:16 AM

It is awesome :) but it's been a long time since I read it.

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 11:19 AM

Me too. Maybe it's worth a re-read!

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 11:26 AM

Definitely, but I'm trying to read only 2 books at a time.

shadow-light 03-06-2021 11:36 AM

I love 1984, and animal farm. Also atlas shrugged has it's moments, do andrids dream of electric sheep, brave new world, fatherland, the chrysalid, I'm goig to shush now as I could list books and films in this genre for days and go into detail on an anaylis of each plot :laugh:

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 11:39 AM

I've not heard of chrysalid?

shadow-light 03-06-2021 11:50 AM

basically theres been an apocolype (probably nuclear in nature, as there are radioative areas and mutations) and in the new society they have adopted a form of very strict fundermentlal christianity and all people or animals with any sign of mutation are seen as blastphomies and either killed or excilled to the radioactive zones.

It basically follows a group of kids who have the mutation of being telepathic and thier attempts to hide from the society that will kill them.

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 11:53 AM

Sounds cool, is it violent or sexy at all?

shadow-light 03-06-2021 11:58 AM

thers a bit of violence, I dont remember anything sex related though. it's a while since i've read it though so i cant say for certain

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 12:05 PM

Thanks :)

not_so_insig 03-06-2021 12:09 PM

Afternoon all. Shadow i have got burnt too but I find i have to wear factor 50 too. Are you on any antipsychotics? Some of them including mine cause your skin to become sensitive to sunlight which isn't great in this weather!

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 03:23 PM

Had a lovely time at the mill today!
There was an activity trail for the girls and then we had lunch and the girls had an ice cream.
Then we sat in the woods and the girls made up some dance moves and a song.
So lovely!

not_so_insig 03-06-2021 04:03 PM

That's good Beckie.

I have been for my weekly walk around the park at the bottom of the road. It was hard work in the heat. But it was nice and I am glad that I did it.

shadow-light 03-06-2021 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4301201)
Are you on any antipsychotics? Some of them including mine cause your skin to become sensitive to sunlight which isn't great in this weather!

thats an interesting side effect... I'm not on any currently, no, I just have rubhish skin :laugh: but still interesting

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 05:57 PM

I was on one that had that side effect. Clopixol i think.

tamobhuuta 03-06-2021 06:15 PM

I've not heard of that. Idk if mine does, I almost always wear sleeves.

not_so_insig 03-06-2021 06:40 PM

Definitely clopixol Beckie as I am on it. I was bright red Monday but i am only a tiny bit red now.

Cacoethes 03-06-2021 06:50 PM

I thought so
I'm never in the sun long enough to get burned

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 09:59 AM

Morning guys :)

tamobhuuta 04-06-2021 10:40 AM

Hi Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 11:03 AM

I'm ok thanks!
Got my 2nd covid jab today.
Not looking forward to it! I hope I don't get sick like last time

How are you?

tamobhuuta 04-06-2021 11:09 AM

I got really sick the first time but the second was fine.

I am ok, I'm hoping to go out with my godmother later, depending on the weather.

shadow-light 04-06-2021 11:15 AM

how's be people today?

I am having many issues with the benfits people this week :wow: they are really starting to annoy me

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 11:21 AM

That gives me hope tamo!

That sounds nice
Hopefully the weather is good for you
It's pouring down with rain here!

Hi Hazel
Ugh yeah. Benefits people.
I had to call them the other day and I actually got through straight away! I was incredibly shocked!

shadow-light 04-06-2021 11:28 AM

i miss a mystery DWP call on wednesday, and until I can figure out who it was from I am stuck obsessing :laugh: but called UC yeserday and they said ti wasn't them, called PIP this morning who said it wasn;t them and it might have been assesment centre, called assesment centre who not only said it wasn't them but also really very rude... Then got a phonecall about a ESA application I've apparently made and now everyone is just confused :ermm:

apparently (i dont know it this is true) 10am is the best tome to cll for getting through quickly

sunny here, apparently going to hit 22C later

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 11:38 AM

Oh that does sound very confusing!

It says on the automatic voice mail thing that 11:30-1:30 are their busiest time but I called in that time and still got straight through!

It's supposed to rain all day here

tamobhuuta 04-06-2021 11:54 AM

How frustrating shadow!

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 11:56 AM

My carers still haven't been to give me my morning meds :plain:

tamobhuuta 04-06-2021 12:00 PM

Cross face

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 12:04 PM

They are so useless

shadow-light 04-06-2021 12:11 PM

:laugh: post has just been, including a letter telling me I'd be getting an ESA phonecall at 10.45 today... ye... only an hour late :wow:

Your carers sound properly useless...

before my grandad died they had carers for his alzeihmers. They were meant to come 3 times a day, not always the same people, regularlly the morning carers and midday carers would turn up together at about 2pm :ermm:

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 12:22 PM

That's so bad Hazel!

They are useless.
She's just been, barely spoke to me, left without saying bye or anything. Just ran out of the door.

Ugh that sounds like something my carers would do!
Can't wait to get rid of them

nonperson 04-06-2021 01:14 PM

We should start a daily Carer Bingo to see if we can guess what time they'll turn up within a time frame.

I did not check the forecast this morning and it is set to rain all day... and I chose to wear shorts :plain:

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 01:21 PM

Haha! We should!

Oh no! Are you cold?
It's set to rain all day here too.

not_so_insig 04-06-2021 01:23 PM

It's not supposed to rain here and once again it's hot.

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 03:12 PM

I am now fully vaccinated!

nonperson 04-06-2021 05:52 PM


Not too long until my second jab either.

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 05:57 PM


I hope you weren't too cold today np!
It's still raining!

nonperson 04-06-2021 06:19 PM

I was cold but it was a nice cold after the last few days of melting.

shadow-light 04-06-2021 06:21 PM

i'm still yet to get my first jab :ermm: struggling to find a lift

it is VERY warm here, but also sticking and feels rainy. No rain is forcast though

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 06:29 PM

That's not too bad then np

Ah that's tough Hazel
Is it very far from you?

Its been raining literally all day here!

shadow-light 04-06-2021 06:38 PM

closest vaccine site is about 8 miles away, but it seems to rarely have appointments. So the website keeps trying to send me to one in Hull about 22 miles away :ermm: not that I can rreally get to either but the closer one may be easier to figure out

Cacoethes 04-06-2021 06:41 PM

Oh wow. Even 8 miles is quite a distance!
That's a pain

tamobhuuta 04-06-2021 06:43 PM

I was looking in Vogue and they had the PERFECT present for my sister! But it was almost £400 so I'm trying to find a cheap knock off :)

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