I legit heard an ice cream van before. I think it was going to the park. Doesn't visit my street anyway.
Happy birthday for yesterday Juella!
Morning everyone |
Hi Cacoethes, how are you?
Today is my shower day, sad times. |
I'm ok thanks
Showering is so much effort. It does feel good to be clean though! |
It's good to know i don't smell afterwards.
That's always good!
I have had an postcard from Canada and 2 of my ebay parcels have arrived today.
RYL weather report!: it is raining
Same here! My trousers got wet and are now sticking to my legs so I've abandoned outside work for the rest of the day.
We had a delivery though and it came with a complementary flapjack in the box. Made my day. =P |
Oh no!
Oooo a complimentary flapjack would make my day too! |
Well jealous of the flapjack! It hasn't rained here at all.
I had my shower. Applaud please. |
Well done tamo!
*applauds!* =)
Nearly time for Taskmaster. |
It absolutely chucked it down here before.
Yay taskmaster!
The cat is on my lap. If I start laughing and jiggling him around he's not going to be pleased.
Oh no! I can imagine you're going to laugh at some point!
Already have! But he wasn't too annoyed by it
That's good then!
I love Jo Brand |
Me too. =)
She's just so unbothered by everything!
I think I'd quite like to hang out with Jo Brand and David Baddiel and have a sausage sandwich and cup of tea with a colander on my head. =P
I laughed so so much during that bit! |
I've never watched Taskmaster, i take it it's good.
It is very good! So funny
It's laugh out loud good and full of silliness.
I've had Space Pants in my head for the last hour and I'm not even mad
Morning all x
Hey, everyone I'm home. How are you all getting on.
I can't post on the support boards because my head is too jumbled. I will get back to it ASAP.
Morning tamo
LINDSAY!!! Nice to have you back, take all the time you need |
Hey Lindsay! Ive been wondering how you were getting on. <3
Good to see you one step.
What's everyone up to?
I'm going to make dinner later. Nothing complicated, just pasta with lentils.
I'm having pasta for dinner too |
Anything with it?
Pesto! :)
Mmm pesto. I like having pesto on pizza instead of tomato sauce.
Anyway, morning all. |
Pesto on pizza is nice
Morning tamo How are you? |
I'm ok thanks. Took ages to get to sleep. How are you?
Me too
I'm ok. Bit anxious about my phone psychiatrist appointment which is meant to be happening at 11 but will probably be late. Thus prolonging the anxiety |
Did they ring yet?
He called at about 11:20 so not as late as I thought he would be!
That's good. Any plans for the rest of today?
Already been to asda so nope. No more plans
How about you? |
No, no plans. Been watching Artemis Fowl.
That's supposed to be good.
I watched it the other day but couldn't remember any of it.
Evening all. How's everyone?
I watched Artemis Fowl the other week! Thought it was ok, maybe not as spectacular as it was being made out to be but I haven't read any of the books so maybe I was missing something. =) |
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