Thanks everyone. :)
I hope the weather stays OK enough for you, Lindsay. :) <3 Hey Dawn. How're you? We got a cat for my Uncle. He is over the moon! |
Yay about the cat. You will have to take photos.
Afternoon all.
Quiet in here today. Guess I will have to talk to myself.
The wind is back today. But I am managing to watch tv through my dish. |
it's a bit ****ing windy outside
It is a bit!
Went for a swim and my hair had completely dried by the time I got home! (20 min walk) Usually takes ages to dry! And you guys will probably have it a lot worse than us down south! |
I hate the wind. =(
you went swimming in this weather coco :-o
Indoor pool!!
At a nice cushy gym with a cafe :p |
So quiet. =/
Shh shh...
It is quiet!
I'm just off for a swim |
*twiddles thumbs*
Hello all. It's quiet but raining here. I am going to be watching the horsey action on the telly later. |
It was drizzling when I got up this morning.
Just been for another hour swim! Now having a latte in the gym cafe. What type of horsey action is it? |
Watching the horsey action. It's very dark here. I might have to put my lights on.
It's showjumping Beckie. It's the world equestrian games.
Oh cool!
I miss horse riding. Came 2nd in an unaffiliated dressage championship once! I loved showjumping too but dressage was my thing. One day when I am slimmer I will start again! |
Now I have that Bjork song stuck in my head again. Damn me.
Did you enjoy your swim Beckie? Is the horse stuff still on Dawn? I was at my gym group, major workout. |
I loved horse riding too. There's a riding school in the next but one village. Sadly I weigh too much. Apparently I qualify for the rda.
I haven't been for my walk around the park at the bottom of the road. It's raining rather heavily and dark. |
I did enjoy it thanks!
How was gym group? I'm too heavy for riding too. It's one of my main motivations for losing weight! My family have a couple horses I could ride (when I lose weight) but they are all a bit mental and I am out of practice! |
Lindsay the horsey action is still on. Apart from a 50 min break it's on until 10 pm.
You could both get one of those horse heads on sticks toys...
I rode a horse once but it was too much hard work for me! The gym group was good. I couldn't be bothered going but I'm glad I did. Are you going to watch it all until 10pm Dawn? |
Haha! Not quite the same Lindsay :p
Glad gym group was good. :) |
Hi everyone :)
I'm glad you're enjoying watching the horseriding, Dawn! It's been pretty dark all day here too. Lindsay, good work on going to gym group! Beckie, how are you doing? |
Hi Eska
Im ok thanks eska!
How are you? |
Glad you are ok Beckie!
I'm ok. Can't quite believe there's only one day left in the week! That means I only have one day left training with the admin team in the bigger hospital before I start working in the smaller hospital where I'll be based...
Glad you are ok too Eska.
That was a damn good burrito I had earlier on :-D
I love burritos!! Nom!
I'm off to fit beatz in a bit :) |
How are you feeling about that Eska?
Zombie, you're always having exciting food. Hope you enjoy Fit Beatz Beckie. |
Hi OSC I'm glad you didn't blow away in the big storm :-D
Loads of people are going on about how awesome my hair is! Lol!
Has the storm died down up there? |
yes it has and the trains are back on again which is why I went into town for a couple of pints and a burrito :-D
Evening :)
hello oriental equine :-D
Persuer of the semi-dead! Hello.
It is so windy! |
perfect sailing weather
Its quite windy here too!
Just back from fit beatz. |
how was bit featz??
It was fun thanks!
Gonna be paying for it tomorrow though! Bloody ankle! |
wear better shoes problem solved :-p
I do need better shoes!
My trainers are from Primark and there is a massive hole in the sole so not great! Need to invest in a decent pair |
Beckie that doesn't sound ideal!
Beckie you reminded me of the ABBA song Hole in your soul.
No its not ideal. Might treat myself to a new pair on payday. I had a total panic today because this morning my phone just went to start screen and there was nothing I could do to start it again! Left for swimming, just done my swim and it had still not started after an hour and a half so I just held all the buttons down for ages and thankfully it has reset itself! Was proper panicking though! What would I do without my phone?! |
I know how that feels Beckie. When my phone was misbehaving itself I panicked. Glad it sorted itself out though.
I have received an offensive letter this morning. Am ****ing annoyed. |
What was the letter about?
Technology horrors!
Offensive letter doesn't sound great... |
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