Go you Beckie!
Never seen Dawsons Creek, any good? |
At the time it was. Not sure I could stomach it now.
I've never seen Dawson's creek either!
I'm not alone!
Glad you enjoyed it at the time NP
I was aware of Dawsons creek but never really appealed to me
I don't think I watched it religiously. Can't remember much about it now really.
However... I can watch reruns of Friends over and over and over but I don't particularly want to watch Dawson's Creek again. =P |
All of you Friends people. Strange, the whole lot of you! :P
I've been playing on my piano. :) |
I like Friends!
That's cool aubergine! What were you playing? |
That sounds good Ducky!
Hey Beckie, how's it going? Well they double booked cover for tonight so I've been sent home. I'm half glad to not be working and half really pissed off! |
Ok thanks!
We're chilling watching Limehouse Golem Think its nearly finished. That's annoying Hannah! |
I haven't seen that! Was it good?
It is annoying. But at least I am tucked up in my own bed. |
Morning all :)
Grumble Monday grumble
*does mad dance to cheer you up*
Still hasn't coaxed me out of bed yet. I don't wanna Monday *stamps feet* |
*flails and pokes you with a HP wand*
That must have worked. Am dressed and breakfasted and on the bus.
Well done Lillie :)
Hope you all have a good day. |
Afternoon all.
Heya. :)
Hello everyone.
How is your day going so far? |
How are you Ducky?
Hi Lindsay
Hi Lindsay! Hi Dawn! How are you both?
I'm OK thank you, Dawn. Though my cat really does not like my Nan for some reason! She just popped in for an hour and all he did was try to attack her! He's NEVER like that, so I don't know what it is about my Nan! He was also scratching the carpet, which he never does. Now she has gone he's happily snuggled up to me. Funny thing. Think he's a bit like "this is out territory so get lost." |
Your poor Nan Aubergine :P don't worry though pets are weird, like Molly my dog fine with cats out and about but the one that comes and sits on the backgarden fence she barks the place down like THIS IS MY TERRITORY PISS OFF, then comes and snuggles up to me like Yeah, I saw that guy off :P
I'm eating my ****ing dinner and rocking out t nekrogoblin :-D
How can you rock out AND eat dinner? Sounds messy to me...
I has all the rocking out and eating skillz :-D
So you say but I think you really mean messy skillz.
Good evening everyone! :) How are you?
Hi Mori. I'm possibly about to try and do some reading soon. How are you?
What will you be reading?
I'm feeling okay today, I took my dog to a local forest and I might draw a bit soon. |
Sounds good. I like a walk in a forest but then sometimes think of horror films! What sort of things do you draw?
I'm reading some kind of very easy Comfort Cafe fiction book thing at the moment. |
doyou live near a forest OSC?
No, I don't think so. I did used to live in a village that had a small forest near to it and I'd go walking there sometimes.
I love forests. We don't have a lot in Ireland but the one local to here is a natural woodland, from at least 1840 if not older, with the ruins of an old estate, so a perfect horror setting.
I draw various things, sometimes people, sometimes animals, I like to create worlds and characters, and sometimes I draw abstract shapes that come to mind. It all depends on the inspiration :) |
Ireland cant have any forests cos you cant be trusted with them :-p
LOL that's very true though. Irish people say it was the English that cut them down but I highly doubt it :P
I'm originally from the Sudetes and we love our forests there :) |
Forests can be absolutely beautiful :)
Morning all :) |
Hi Buttons, how are you today?
Sorry took me so long to respond Masika, dog decided we had to play fetch in the garden right then that second and I got distracted :P I'm okay thanks, been to dog park, had fun, managed to eat so life is good :) How are you lovely?
LOL my dog is the same. He gets his moments where cuddles and walks are the only option for me :')
I'm okay! Today is gloomy and rainy so I love it. I just made myself some seaberry and ginger tea. |
Hello all
Hi there :) I hope things are going well for you
Hi Dawn. Hi everyone.
Mori, what on earth is seaberry? |
I must admit I have never heard of seaberry.
Hey all :)
Hi Lillie, what you getting up to?
Sitting on the floor without trousers on eating malteasers procrastinating showering.
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