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Voldemort 11-11-2016 07:01 PM

I tell you, try them warm with loads of butter, it's yummy.

Serendipity. 11-11-2016 07:07 PM

It is, but much less yummy than jam and cream!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 07:11 PM

I don't like cream and I'm not a huge jam fan either.

Serendipity. 11-11-2016 07:22 PM

You're weird.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 07:25 PM

Who on earth puts the jam first?! It'd illogical!!!

Scones with a load of butter are lovely. But not as lovely as jam and cream!

Serendipity. 11-11-2016 07:28 PM

It's completely logical and obviously the correct way to do it!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 07:35 PM

I'm not that weird...

Voldemort 11-11-2016 07:37 PM

Beckie, odd question, did you find yourself getting drooly on the clozapine? And if you did, when did it start? I haven't been drooly yet and I'm hoping that side effect might skip me.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 08:02 PM

It is NOT the correct way Hannah! It will never be the correct way!!

Yes I do get drooly but only at night. No other time.
I can't remember when it first started. Pretty quickly I think!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 08:03 PM

Ok, thanks for that. Sorry, back to distraction!

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 08:08 PM

No worries! Any other questions feel free to ask :)

I'm watching wreck it ralph now. Need to go and shower and put on my PJs.
The party never stops in my world!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 08:09 PM

I desperately need to shower, it's been almost two weeks and I haven't showered or changed my clothes or anything. Well. I've changed my underwear and socks! But yeah. Skank here.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 08:34 PM

You should shower. You'll feel better!
I never wanted to shower in hospital but the staff made me (threatened to take away my fag breaks!!! They were evil!)
But I have to admit, it did make me feel better!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 08:36 PM

It actually doesn't help me at all, it drains me physically and emotionally and I usually end up a bit of a mess.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 08:39 PM

Is there a bath you could use? Or is it the same with baths?

Voldemort 11-11-2016 08:46 PM

Baths are slightly easier but it's the same thing really.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 08:56 PM

How about juSt like, washing your hair over the bath or something?

Voldemort 11-11-2016 09:04 PM

Yeah, I might have to do that soon. The nurses are being pretty good about not hassling me though, so I'll see.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 09:10 PM

That's good that they aren't hassling you. It's super annoying when they do!

Still watching one tree hill?

Voldemort 11-11-2016 09:20 PM

It's very annoying indeed.

Yeah. More one tree hill. How about you?

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 09:23 PM

I'm watching wreck it ralph still. Nearly finished!
Don't know what to watch next. Probably see what's on TV.
Need to try and go to sleep at a reasonable hour because I'm going to see my baby tomorrow. Well, she's 4, not a baby but she'll always be my baby!

Voldemort 11-11-2016 09:47 PM

She'loll be your baby even when she has babies of her own! I hope you manage to sleep and have a good day tomorrow.

Cacoethes 11-11-2016 09:58 PM

She certainly will!!

Thanks :)
Are you doing anything this weekend? Do they have weekend activities on your ward?

Voldemort 11-11-2016 10:23 PM

Nope , no weekend activities. Ritzi's coming in tomorrow and on Sunday we're probably going into town for lunch which will be nice.

[Luna] 12-11-2016 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4068213)
I know the feeling. I was watching E4 and they said 'if you're old enough to remember sabrina the teenage witch then you're probably too old to watch Melissa and Joey'
I was like, excuse me?!?!?

Nice! I love scones. Do you pronounce it scOnes or scones?

That's rude! I loved Sabrina! I pronounce it ScOnes.


Originally Posted by Serendipity. (Post 4068232)
I don't even know what that is Sarah. You must be super old :P


Originally Posted by tiptoes (Post 4068235)
It was the Nickelodeon show Melissa Joan Heart was in before Sabrina, it ran from 91-94 so that might show my age!

I've heard of it but didn't watch it because I would have been 1-4 years old at the time.

Morning all, how is everyone?
My stomach is killing me. I have an assignment to do but catching up on American horror story first.

Cacoethes 12-11-2016 10:33 AM

I'm glad Ritzi is coming to see you. Going out for lunch sounds good :)

Nooo Luna it's pronounced scones!!

Sorry your stomach is giving you trouble. Any idea what it is?
I've never watched American horror story before. Is it scary? I can't do scary things but loads of people say it's really good.

I'll be setting off to spend the day with my daughter. And going to London tonight because me and Chels are going to a zoo tomorrow. Not London zoo. Think we're going to dudley zoo

[Luna] 12-11-2016 10:39 AM

I'm slightly confused. So you pronounce it ScON and I pronounce it like ScOWN?

Most likely a set of meds I'm on.
It's more gory than scary. If you can do blood and guts then you could probably watch it.

Oh how lovely. Sounds like a great weekend planned!
I'm procrastinating starting my assignment.

Cacoethes 12-11-2016 10:57 AM


I can cope with gore. Might give it a go, see what all the fuss is about.

Yep. I'm looking forward to it :)

Do your assignment Luna!!! Doooo iittt!!!

[Luna] 12-11-2016 11:42 AM

My favourites are AHS: Asylum or AHS: Coven but each to their own.

I've written almost 200 words!

Cacoethes 12-11-2016 01:11 PM

I'll check it out when I get home

Yay!!! Well done!

Voldemort 12-11-2016 03:41 PM

Good luck with homework and assignments guys. Keep at it.

[Luna] 12-11-2016 05:05 PM

I've written the rough draft of my essay (which sadly is only 40% of the whole assignment) but that's still loads more than I had this morning.

How are you love?

Voldemort 12-11-2016 08:26 PM

Well done for getting the rough draft done, Luna, that's a really good start.

I'm all confused feeling. I lay down to close my eyes for 10 minutes after tea and fell asleep for like 2 hours. =/

Rodolphus 13-11-2016 01:37 AM

Just to brighten your day; I have stumbled across the corner of the Internet where an m-rated fan fic exists that involves Shrek, Jesus and Barry the Bee from the Bee Movie.

Time to go to sleep.

not_so_insig 13-11-2016 02:02 AM

I am currently deciding what to buy with my amazon gift voucher. I can't decide whether to go for a ds game or a dvd. I am definitely buying something for my cats though - a puzzle feeder.

[Luna] 13-11-2016 07:17 AM

Were you able to decide in the end love?

Morning all.

Buttons. 13-11-2016 11:16 AM

Morning *tips hat*

[Luna] 13-11-2016 11:43 AM

Another assignment day today (*weeps*)
How is everyone and what are you up to today?

not_so_insig 13-11-2016 03:52 PM

I am by the sea right now. It's quiet and the sea is calm.

Voldemort 13-11-2016 07:20 PM

Ah being by the sea is always nice and calming.

I went out for lunch today. It was good to get out for a bit.

Voldemort 13-11-2016 10:18 PM

Where have all the good guys gooone, oh where are all the men?

HopeRises 13-11-2016 10:30 PM

cream then jam on a scone is definitely the way to go.

I remember watching Clarissa explains it all (but if it stopped in 94 i would have only been 7 so maybe they reran it later)

yay for the sea and yay for going out for lunch.

I'm watching something called 'haters back off' on netflix.

Voldemort 13-11-2016 10:39 PM

What's that about?

HopeRises 13-11-2016 10:41 PM

Its about a girl who sings/wants to be famous and makes videos for youtube and she is awful.

Absolute radio had the scone vs scOne debate today.

Voldemort 13-11-2016 11:08 PM

Doesn't sound like a very good show.

Rodolphus 14-11-2016 12:09 AM

Hey lovelies.

Hello, Voldie, my one and only Dark Lord.

Serendipity. 14-11-2016 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by HopeRises (Post 4068644)
cream then jam on a scone is definitely the way to go.

I don't know if we can be friends anymore :'(

Netflix recommendations, I need them. Nothing scary!

Cacoethes 14-11-2016 03:48 PM

Hey guys!
How are we all?
I had a busy weekend. Saw my daughter on Saturday then up London then dudley zoo on Sunday.
Loads of travelling but worth it!!

disenchantedxx 14-11-2016 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Serendipity. (Post 4068684)
I don't know if we can be friends anymore :'(

Netflix recommendations, I need them. Nothing scary!

The crown is great :) I just finished it. It's about the royal family, starting from when King George is getting ill.
Narcos is really good but it does have gun violence in.
Bojack horseman is a lot of fun

Voldemort 14-11-2016 06:25 PM

Gilmore giiiiirls.

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