I did have a lie down for an hour or so. I'm so ready to go to bed now but got to wait for meds. I've started watching Ludwig, it's quite good.
I hope you had a nice time with your partner's parents lr. How was your cpn insig? How was your day osc? |
Morning everyone!
Morning all.
I do hope Beckie is ok as she hasn't posted for nearly 12 hours. It's most unlike her as she normally posts throughout the day and normally says morning by now. |
Morning Dawn!
I expect she is ok. How are you today? I am mildly irritated as opposite neighbour has building work going on. Luckily noise cancelling headphones are blocking out the worst of the drilling. |
Helloo everyone. I'm ok thanks!
Just had stuff and things going on. Had a tooth out this morning at a sedation clinic so that was fun.... Hope everyone is OK! |
I am ok thanks Jen. Am waiting to go wild swimming. Didn't want to get up today so had difficulty waking up.
I thought you were probably just busy Beckie! Teeth being removed is never fun you have my sympathy.
I am in pain and a bit zoned out but managing ok. Sometimes waking up can be super hard. Hope you enjoy wild swimming! |
Sorry for your pain lr and Cacoethes.
I hope you enjoy your wild swimming insig. I had difficulty getting up too, managed at about 11am when they called me for meds. |
The drilling/ banging from my neighbour's building work has reached new levels of noise. Driving me slightly mad even with noise cancelling headphones playing music.
Hope you aren't feeling too groggy Tamo. |
Thanks guys!
It was indeed, not a good time! Sorry to hear you're in pain jen. And the building work sounds super annoying! How are you tamo? |
I'm feeling better now I've had lunch and a couple of (decaff) coffees.
That noise would drive me mad too lr! Edit Saw your rv Cacoethes, I had gas and air for stitches recently, it was not pleasant! |
No, it isn't the best! The numbness is starting to wear off and it's a bit sore which is annoying! |
Currently enjoying a period of peace and quiet. I expect the builder next door is on his lunch break!
Coffee ftw Tamo. Hope the pain doesn't get too bad/ irritating Beckie. |
Hopefully a long break!
Thanks, it's just annoying currently! |
Hello all. I did enjoy my wild swimming. I feel good mentally.
That's good insig :) what about physically??
I was slightly cold but now I have had a coffee I feel ok.
Any visitors today tamobhuuta? |
Yeah, L is coming at 6pm. I should be going on leave with staff in a minute...
Edit They've moved my leave to 4pm |
Hi everyone, just getting online as I had an appointment with my CPN this morning and then had things to catch up with.
How are you all doing now? I hope your leave goes well, Tamo. It's annoying when they move things and you have to wait longer. |
How was your appointment osc?
Unfortunately the break only lasted half an hour. Really hope they clock off soon but gut say it won't be until 5pm. So much drilling! My ears hurt. And the noise is making feel quite overwhelmed/ on edge.
Partner and I are planning to go out for some of tomorrow to get away from the noise. |
My appointment was quite intense, Tamo. Now I'm back on my own and having to deal with stuff.
Going out to get away from the noise for a bit sounds like a good plan, Jen. |
Going out sounds like a good plan jen
Sounds dreadful! We're here for you lindsay! I have made brownies. L is now cooking dinner. Having to watch paw patrol yet again At least it isn't the pasta video! XD |
Hugs if wanted osc.
Sending you those super duper ear defenders they use with pneumatic drills lr. Enjoy paw patrol Cacoethes! |
Thanks tamo!
Have you been on leave yet? |
Thanks Beckie and Tamo.
What are you having for dinner, Beckie? Now you've made me want brownies! |
Yeah, we went back to tk maxx so I could swap my jumper.
Did you manage to swap it? Did you enjoy your time out?
We are having mac and cheese with bacon and spinach in it!
I will send you some more brownies at some point lindsay! :-D That's good tamo Hope you're enjoying your visit with L How are you lindsay? |
Sounds nice. You are very pasta people!
Ooh I would love more of your amazing brownies! I'm feeling really overwhelmed. Will have to go offline soon and see if the TV will babysit me till I go to bed. How are you doing this evening? |
I did swap it and had a nice time choosing a different one. Then had a good time with L too :)
The pasta influence is mainly because of S!
He's getting better with veg and other foods, but still mainly likes beige foods. Hope your evening turns out OK lindsay! I'm ok. We just watched a couple of films. Glad you had a nice visit tamo |
Morning everyone
Morning, Beckie. How are you? What on earth were you doing up so ridiculously early?
Happy Halloween everyone! Anyone doing anything? If you don't like trick or treaters I wish you a quiet no kids knocking on your door night. My friend is coming over to do some colouring and eat halloween sweets so I won't be back on here till later. |
I think S woke me up. And then I wasn't tired so I just got up! Happy Halloween! We're going to carve our pumpkins later :-D I hope you have a nice time with your friend! I'm off to London again. Seroma is back :'( |
Oh dear, have fun in London Cacoethes. I hope you're having a good time with your friend osc. |
Just arrived at St Pancras. I am not having fun XD
It's massively busy! How are you tamo? |
I'm good thanks. Ward rounds went well. I'm going to get the joy of the Crisis Team when I'm discharged.
Ah, the crisis team, delightful! People next to me asked if I could stop vaping. After THEY sat next to me, obviously vaping. I said no XD I am obviously vaping and they could have sat literally anywhere else! And then they started smoking so ???? |
The cheak of it!
I know!!!
I was like...wtf?? XD |
Afternoon all.
Wassup? I'm at the clinic now. The surgeon I'm seeing is in theatre and running late. I'm tired XD |
Remember it's Halloween tonight peeps so if you don't want any trick or treaters best go out. Or pretend that you're not home. I will be doing the latter.
I don't think we'll get any trick or treaters... actually we don't get any at home usually either.
I live in the middle of nowhere. Doubt we'll get anyone!
I don't get trick or treaters because I live in a block of flats. And round here people are pretty good about not knocking at a house unless there are decorations up anyhow.
You back home yet, Beckie? Hope everything went ok and you don't need to go again.
I'm glad your ward round went well, Tamo. Hope when your discharged crisis will be surprisingly helpful. I can hear children outside but usually no one comes to my house. I'm on edge though! Had a nice time with my friend. |
I am home!
Was very lucky to get the train in time. And get a seat! Every other train was cancelled, so the next one wouldn't have been for an hour. And with it being half term, the platform was already rammed! Everything was relatively OK, apart from very nearly passing out twice XD But they only drained 170cc. Massively different to the previous 500, 600 and then 370! And it's been longer between appointments too. Hopefully this is a good sign. Glad you had a nice time lindsay. Hope you don't get any trick or treaters |
Wow you having a bit of good luck for once! Oh dear, I hope you're resting and recovering now.
Someone knocked on my door! I freaked out but ignored them! I just got an email invite for the flu/covid vaccine but I don't know why because I've never been offered the flu vaccine before. My health hasn't changed. I've booked it but feel bad in case it's a mistake. |
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