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tamobhuuta 24-10-2024 01:45 PM


Cacoethes 24-10-2024 01:52 PM

Oops indeed!
Definitely gonna get the 'teacher face' when L gets home XD

Ahimsa 24-10-2024 01:54 PM

Ooh no not teacher face!

tamobhuuta 24-10-2024 01:54 PM

Tell her the pixies did it.

tamobhuuta 24-10-2024 01:54 PM

Hi Ahimsa how are you?

Ahimsa 24-10-2024 01:55 PM

I'm exhausted Tamo, how're you?

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 02:02 PM

I will tell her it was Giuseppe, the Italian dog.

Hope you're taking it easy beth!

Ahimsa 24-10-2024 02:05 PM

I would. He sounds cool.

I've taken one of the cats to her appointment, vacuumed the living room, cleaned the table, been to the charity shop, got some cat litter from one shop, got some flowers from another and posted my Vinted parcel.

I'm going to have a nap but someone rang this morning and are calling me back about 2, so just waiting for them to call now.

All thats left is finishing the wallpaper (just 1 piece), therapy homework, and washing my hair before I pick my friend up at half 6.

long road 24-10-2024 02:06 PM

Sounds like you might have a touch of the zoomies Beckie... Why the Italian dog? Dogs don't have opposable thumbs they couldn't do the tasks!

I napped for about an hour woke up all shivery.

Hope your day is restful Beth.

Did you decide whether to nap Tamo?

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 02:15 PM

Giuseppe is very cool.

Busy busy beth!

The Italian dog is fairly hard to explain.
Basically, we were watching paw patrol and there's a dog on there that sometimes says random Spanish words. With terrible pronunciation, I must add...
I can't remember exactly what happened, but I was saying something about a dog, and L asked if I was seeing a Spanish dog. I said of course not.....he speaks Italian! And she genuinely didn't know whether I was actually hallucinating an Italian dog or not. So now he's kind of a house mascot. And we named him giuseppe. He's a dark grey whippet (idk why. Just how I picture him)

Giuseppe may not have opposable thumbs, but he is pretty awesome, so could probably manage it!

Glad you managed to nap. Are you cold?

Ahimsa 24-10-2024 02:27 PM

Phone call done!

Time for a nap, I can nap til about 4 :)

long road 24-10-2024 02:36 PM

Gisueppe the dog sounds awesome! I love random stuff like that with weird complicated back stories!

I think it's because I have a temperature have taken some paracetamol. And now having lunch.

Enjoy your nap Beth.

tamobhuuta 24-10-2024 02:54 PM

I love it when I teeter on the edge between a joke and insanity with my family.

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 03:02 PM

Have a lovely nap beth!

He is pretty awesome! And it was rather random XD

Hopefully paracetamol and lunch helps!

Same tamo!

long road 24-10-2024 03:11 PM

Paracetamol and food seemed to have helped. Still ill but less shivery/ wobbly.

Want to nap but next antibiotic dose is due in half an hour so trying to stay awake for that

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 03:14 PM

Slightly better is good!

Yes, antibiotics are important!

not_so_insig 24-10-2024 03:25 PM

Afternoon all. I have been to my hearing voices group before. It was good.

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 03:28 PM

Hey dawn

not_so_insig 24-10-2024 04:18 PM

Hi Beckie *waves* :-D

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 04:45 PM

I did indeed get the teacher face from L when she got home XD
Also told me not to blame Giuseppe

not_so_insig 24-10-2024 06:12 PM

Oh dear Beckie.

I have been cleaning my flat hence why I am not around much. Just got 3 things left to do and then I am finished. However I have just mopped the kitchen floor so I can't do one of them as it involves the kitchen and I don't want to walk on my wet floor.

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 06:15 PM

Well done dawn

not_so_insig 24-10-2024 06:16 PM

Thanks Beckie.

one_step_closer 24-10-2024 06:39 PM

Ahhh, so much to catch up with!

Beckie you are going to cause yourself a mischief!

I am not surprised at the amount you have been doing, Beth. Hope you enjoy your nap.

Hope you got your nap after taking your meds, Jen.

Glad your group was good, Dawn.

I finally managed to phone my CPN after some encouragement from my friend.

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 07:11 PM

Probably lindsay XD

How's your day been?

long road 24-10-2024 07:36 PM

Managed another nap for an hour or so between 4 and 5pm. Shattered and keep getting the shivers so I am definitely ill.

Well poor Gisueppe probably didn't deserve to be be blamed Beckie! XD

How did your new mop perform when you mopped the floor Dawn?

And well done for phoning Lindsay

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 07:59 PM

Sorry to hear you feel so awful jen!
Feeling ill is no fun at all

Giuseppe has been blamed for a lot today. Poor thing!

And well done lindsay! Proud of you!

I have wrapped LED lights around my crutch for the upcoming concerts!
And also psych appointment :tongue2:

long road 24-10-2024 08:06 PM

It really isn't fun. My baseline is chronically ill but this makes me grateful for all but the worst FND days. Although to be fair if I didn't have asthma I probably wouldn't feel as bad. That said steroids seem to be helping asthma side have only needed one nebuliser treatment so far today. Hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon.

Maybe you should make it up to Gisueppe XD what kind of things does he like?XD

Pimped crutches are awesome. Have you put anything on the handle to cushion them? My friends used socks or sometimes bought gel things. My walking stick is bright yellow, much more exciting than hospital grey

Cacoethes 24-10-2024 08:09 PM

You do not have an easy time of it jen, for sure!
I do admire your strength!

I should! Maybe I'll get him something from his home country!

I have not! Probably should

long road 24-10-2024 08:29 PM

Think it's more stubbornness than strength but thanks for the compilment!

Maybe some Italian biscotti. Dogs like biscuits right? XD

Recommend a pair of thick socks to help prevent hand blisters at least when you aren't off out to a gig!

not_so_insig 24-10-2024 11:53 PM

*snorts at Jen's edit*

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 04:31 AM

Stubbornness can be good sometimes!

Lol at the edit XD

morning everyone

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 07:15 AM

Morning Beckie.

It is too early to already be at work!

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 08:44 AM

I quite agree beth!
How are you?

long road 25-10-2024 09:48 AM

I was glad I noticed that typo quickly it was an ...unfortunate one.


I see you were up at around the time I finally got to sleep Beckie! I had asthma drama last night so didnt get much sleep but got to stay home despite having to call ambulance out. Got just under 4 hours which is not enough sleep!

How are you today Beckie? hope both you and Gisueppe are behaving XD

Hope work goes swiftly Beth!

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 09:53 AM

It was hilarious jen XD

I'm glad you got to stay home! Boo to drama though!
Are you feeling any better this morning?

I'm ok. In town atm. I've done all my things and bus isn't for another hour and 20 mins D:
So I've had a bacon roll from greggs and chilling in the market square.
Giuseppe is at home. Hopefully not destroying the place. But he is a good dog :tongue2:

long road 25-10-2024 09:58 AM

it did make me chuckle when I noticed it XD

Am actually feeling reasonable breathing wise this morning. All the meds between 2am and 3am seem to still be having an effect. Done all my morning meds, just need to do nasal rinse and respiratory physio on medical to do list.

Eurgh buses to villages suck you have my sympathy. Anything exciting happening people watching wise? Jealous of your bacon roll I just had toast for breakfast and am about to make coffee.

Gisueppe is a very good dog!

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 10:03 AM

Good! Long may it continue!

They do indeed suck.
Not really much going on unfortunately!
Waiting for a call back from drs so I can see if they have received the thing for increased promethazine.

I'm jealous of your fancy coffee though jen!

He is :-D

long road 25-10-2024 10:19 AM

Fingers crossed it will continue! I have Nurse Practioner number 2 calling to check in at some nebulous point today (NP no.1 who I saw on wednesday doesnt work on fridays but wanted someone to check in with me before the weekend. I have a good GP surgery!)

Hope promethazine gets sorted before the weekend! Anything to keep you out of the place that must not be named!

I have coffee now (not to rub it in.. XD) Trying not to zoom but feeling rather zoomy.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 10:28 AM

Hopefully you won't be waiting too long!

We're going away tomorrow so who knows!
Actually forgot I called the drs until I read that XD

L is at work, but she's taken one of the students into town, so she was literally standing right in front of me, but didn't see me because it was a particularly challenging student so there was her and another staff person.

long road 25-10-2024 10:42 AM

Who knows how long I will wait, don't have an appointment time or even an indication if it will be morning or afternoon. *shrugs*

Good thing past you reminded yourself about the doctors! XD Enjoy your trip away is it for the concert?

That must have felt a bit weird. Still hers sounds a challenging job so makes sense why she would be focused on the student.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 10:45 AM

Sooner rather than later hopefully. Waiting mode is no fun!

I forgot again XD
I just know that when I get a call, I'll have forgotten again!
It is! It's in Bristol, so like a 3 hour drive.

Was a bit! It is challenging, which is why I didn't say hi. She looked very occupied and didn't want to distract her!

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 11:02 AM

Sounds like productive mornings are happening! And yay for coffee!

I didn't get my wallpapering or therapy homework done yesterday so I'll try do one on my lunch break, my therapy session is tonight but also I'm working all weekend so can't wallpaper then.

long road 25-10-2024 11:20 AM

Hopefully the call will be a nice surprise when it happens? XD

I know Bristol quite well as its only an hour or so away from me. Used to go there for work meetings as it is the nearest big office. If you need any advice I may be able to help!

Semi productive morning here (still haven't got changed out of my PJs). But excellent coffee.

Therapy homework sounds more important than wallpapering Beth if you can only do one. Try not to do too much and overload yourself!

not_so_insig 25-10-2024 11:54 AM

My cousin lives near Bristol. Never been there though.

Cacoethes 25-10-2024 12:13 PM

You're always so busy beth!
Hope you're having at least some time to yourself!

Thanks jen!
We aren't there long, but have booked a restaurant and a hotel, so depends on how tired we are after the drive as to what we're doing!

I've just arrived back home.

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 12:21 PM

I know the therapy stuff is more important but when I've only got half an hour before I need to drive back, I dont have time to get too upset etc.

tamobhuuta 25-10-2024 12:47 PM

Afternoon everyone. I spent most of the morning asleep but still managed to fit in meds, a social worker and bloods.

Ahimsa 25-10-2024 12:49 PM

Well done Tamo.

long road 25-10-2024 12:49 PM

I still haven't had call from NP. Really want to 1. Nap and 2. Shower but been in waiting mode and haven't done either in case I get interrupted. Plan is to try and rest/ nap 1 -2pm as the GP surgery have a lunch break at that time so least likely to be interrupted. Shower will have to wait until after call if call happens...

Bet it's nice to be home after being marrooned in town Beckie.

That makes sense Beth. Hope you can find a way to balancing getting some of it done and being able to finish your work shift.

Good work Tamo I am jealous of your sleep!

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