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not_so_insig 26-09-2024 09:29 AM

Morning all.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 09:33 AM

Morning guys, how are you?

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 09:42 AM

Not too bad considering I hardly slept last night. Unfortunately I have to be awake because I might be going to the hearing voices group this afternoon. It's pissing it down here so I guess it's coat time.

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 09:56 AM

How are you today tamobhuuta?

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 10:02 AM

I'm ok. The weather is beautiful here!

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 10:04 AM

Glad you're ok tamobhuuta.

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 10:11 AM

Morning both!

I also did not sleep well at all!
Other than that, I'm not too bad.

Weather seems OK atm.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 10:23 AM

What are your plans both?

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 10:28 AM

Had a phone call about a dental sedation thing and have CC coming at around 12.
Also have to clean out the piggos.

How about you?

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 10:38 AM

I have the hearing voices group this afternoon. Will grab my tea whilst I am out.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 10:42 AM

Dental sedation sounds scarey! I hope seeing your cc is helpful.

Nice, what'll you have for tea?

My dad is coming at 11am and I need a blood test.

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 10:47 AM

Not sure yet tamobhuuta. My hearing voices group being held in my local Morrisons so I will see when I get there what I fancy.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 10:48 AM

That seems an odd place for a meeting...

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 10:49 AM

It's not really. Just some midazolam through a cannula. So I won't be fully out, just heavily sedated! I think like I was when I had an endoscopy and I barely remember that. So it's all good!

Thanks :)

Hope you enjoy your visit! And that the blood test isn't too bad

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 10:51 AM

Better to be sedated for these things!

one_step_closer 26-09-2024 10:55 AM

Morning everyone. So much chat for so early on!

The weather here is horrible very windy and wet.

I also had a difficult sleep then distressing dreams.

Hope the group goes well, Dawn.

Hope it goes well with your CC, Beckie. One of the dentists at my dental surgery does hypnotism as sedation. I think that sounds more scary than medical sedation!

Hope you have a nice visit, Tamo and you get someone competent to do your blood test.

My friend is coming over to mine today so I won't be online for a while.

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 11:09 AM

Yup. Especially as the tooth is highly likely to come out in pieces!

Thanks lindsay.
That sounds interesting! Not sure how I'd feel about hypnotism!

Hope you have a nice time lindsay :)

one_step_closer 26-09-2024 11:24 AM

He's a very strange man too. I'm kind of scared of him! Luckily he's not my dentist any more.

Thanks, Beckie.

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 12:35 PM

I had a lovely time with my dad :)

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 01:05 PM

Well that's good!

Glad you had a good time tamo :)

CC was fine. She's gonna give me a call next week to catch up

long road 26-09-2024 02:44 PM

Afternoon everyone!

Weather is changeable here, sunny one moment chucking it down the next!

Doing a bit better today than yesterday managed to get up and do my morning routine things. Then had an OT phone appointment at 12:30pm that went well. Although at the end she mentioned discussing discharge once we have done relapse plan as sounds like new therapist might be offering some of the same support as them and don't want to over load me. Which panicked me a bit, as she has been my most reliable / trusted health professional over the last year but we are having a face to face appointment in a few weeks and can explain my feelings then.

Glad you had a nice time with your Dad Tamo. Di due bring tea?

Glad CC appointment went well Beckie. She seems a good one!

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 03:31 PM

Dad did bring tea, posh tea again :) the weather here is very changeable too.

long road 26-09-2024 05:35 PM

Hooray for posh tea!

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 05:47 PM

It has been chucking it down here for a while now. And there was thunder!

Glad you're doing a bit better jen
Things like discharge are always scary, hopefully she'll br helpful at the appointment and be able to reassure you

She is a good one indeed!

Yay for posh tea!

one_step_closer 26-09-2024 06:31 PM

Yay for good visits and tea!

Glad your CC appointment went well, Beckie.

I hope you're still doing ok, Jen. Discharge is a scary word but it's good that you feel able to discuss your feelings about it.

What's everyone doing this evening?

long road 26-09-2024 06:35 PM

I do quite enjoy a thunderstorm. Although sometimes the conditions right before a thunderstorm sets off my asthma.

She has been really good so far so I expect she will be able to reassure me and be helpful. And that if we do end up working towards discharge it will be gradual thing.

My asthma is rudely playing up now. It's been a bit annoying the last few days.

Ninja Lindsay! I am just watching TV

one_step_closer 26-09-2024 06:41 PM

That is extra rude of your asthma. I hope it settles.

Are you watching anything interesting on TV at the moment?

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 07:52 PM

Thanks lindsay!

Having asthma sounds super inconvenient and annoying! To say the very least!

There are weather warnings in place, so I am very concerned about the train situation tomorrow night :ermm:

Ahimsa 26-09-2024 08:12 PM

Evening all

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 08:26 PM

Hi everyone! I've finally managed to sketch a baby face that doesn't look like it wants to eat you!

I hope your route isn't effected Cacoethes.

How's the asthma doing now lr?

How are you osc and Ahimsa?

tamobhuuta 26-09-2024 08:44 PM

Effected or affected?

not_so_insig 26-09-2024 08:47 PM

Sorry I haven't been around much today. Absolutely shattered and in pain. Done the majority of my usual Thursday cleaning but not all as too tired and have no energy. My lack of sleep is catching up with me. Early night methinks.

Cacoethes 26-09-2024 09:10 PM

Hi beth!
How are you?

That's great tamo!

I think it's affected. That one always trips me up though, the effect vs affect thing!

Ahimsa 26-09-2024 09:12 PM

I'm okay, emotionally exhausted I think! I'm trying to get a few bits on Vinted tonight though.

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 07:08 AM

Morning everyone!

The rain is causing issues in my county
lots of road closures and lots of trains cancelled

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 09:11 AM

Oh dear Cacoethes. Is your train OK?

Ahimsa 27-09-2024 09:23 AM

My GP appointment was at 9, I have to get home, changed, and to work for 10.

I asked reception if I could move it (as it's 9:25 and I've not been seen yet) and said they I'd have to put another request through on Monday and someone will try call me on Tuesday.

My requests don't work because they always say it's an emergency and to phone 999. It's a meds review so it's really not!

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 09:26 AM

My train was not ok. And neither was the train after it.
Lots and lots cancelled.
I am not going into work. Feel terrible about it.

Oh no beth, your GP surgery sound horrendous

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 09:53 AM

Sorry you both had rough mornings.

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 10:22 AM

How are you tamo?

Some trains are still running so fingers crossed for this afternoon

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 10:40 AM

What are you getting the train for? I think I know but my memory is terrible...

I'm ok, the weather is bad here too but I don't know if we've got weather warnings. I will have to Google it. A priest is coming to see me this afternoon and L is coming this evening :) right now I'm having a herbal tea.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 10:44 AM

Been on Google, our weather looks wet but not awful.

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 11:20 AM

Having surgery In London tomorrow morning. Have to be there for 8am. With the state of the trains lately, even without the rain, it is less stressful to stay in London tonight.

I hope you have a good day :)

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 12:12 PM

I thought that was it. I hope you get your train today.

Thanks :)

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 12:13 PM

Thanks :)

not_so_insig 27-09-2024 01:24 PM

It's nice and sunny here.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 01:29 PM

I hope it stays that way insig! What are you up to?

one_step_closer 27-09-2024 01:41 PM

Wow, weather warnings! It's just sunny and cold here.

I hope you get a train ok, Beckie.

tamobhuuta 27-09-2024 02:15 PM

Hi osc! How are you?

Cacoethes 27-09-2024 02:40 PM

It's sunny here now, thankfully!
Packed my umbrella just in case though!

I am currently on the train :)
There might be disruption after stevenage, but even if there is, I should still dodge rush hour in London *crosses fingers*
I am NOT doing the underground in rush hour!

How are you lindsay?

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