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tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 10:27 AM

Hi lr :) I've got a cardigan, oodie and blanket on, I sympathise!

long road 15-04-2024 10:35 AM

I rarely get cold but today is one of those days. Wish I had an oodie.they look so snuggly!

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 10:40 AM

They are so snuggly! I have 2! If my family aren't sure what to get me for a present, they get me something snuggly.

long road 15-04-2024 10:55 AM

I got a suprise present the other day from my partner's mum. A cuddly duck! She is from jelly cat and super soft. Her name is Popcorn!

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 11:02 AM

Morning jen!

It is rather chilly today but weirdly, I'm ok in a t shirt atm
I do have a hot water bottle though

Aww that's nice jen!

long road 15-04-2024 11:52 AM

Ooh hot water bottle! I have warmed up a bit after porridge and coffee.

It was very sweet of partners mum. And I am enjoying my snuggles with Popcorn the Duck muchly.

How is your day going Beckie?

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 11:55 AM

That's good!

It's pretty boring so far! Attempting to study and get hold of tutor about exam

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 12:38 PM

Afternoon all. It sounds very wet and windy outside. Unfortunately I have tesco coming so am having to go outside :-( . But the good news is that there's zero substitutes and zero unavailable items. A rarity!

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 12:51 PM

Also unfortunately I have a nurse's appointment at the gp this afternoon so I am hoping that the weather will be better by then.

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 01:35 PM

It's just windy now but could rain at any moment!
Been out for coffee and sent off a parcel and went to aldi. All I have to do now is have a blood test later

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 01:38 PM

Hi everyone.

Cold and wet here. I'm in my house and still cold. Did go to the walking group despite the weather, it was ok.

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 01:40 PM

Well done for going!
Glad it was ok. Do you think you'll go again?

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 01:45 PM

Yeah I should probably do my best to keep going.

What time is your blood test?

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 01:57 PM

I agree with Beckie well done Lindsay!

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 01:58 PM

Thanks Dawn. Have you been to your appointment yet?

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 01:59 PM

Good :)

3:40. My brother is leaving work early to give me a lift. Otherwise I'd be cancelling. It's a 50 min walk, which I can do easily, but with the weather being like it is plus walking a long country lane with no path, i wouldn't feel overly comfortable doing it. There is a scenic route round near the mill and across fields by the river, but it's apparently waterlogged atm.

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 02:10 PM

No my appointment isn't until 5.15 pm Lindsay. Currently I'm waiting for tesco.

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 02:54 PM

The tesco man has been. Now just gotta put everything away now that I have had my lunch. I can confirm it's flipping freezing outside. I am glad that I haven't got a dog.

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 04:05 PM

Well done osc!

I'm glad tesco was successful insig.

Hope your appointment went/is going OK Cacoethes.

Loving Popcorn the Duck lr.

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 04:05 PM

I'm glad your brother is able to give you a lift, Beckie.

I am also glad I don't have a dog, Dawn.

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 04:06 PM

How are you doing, Tamo? Are you feeling any warmer?

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 04:07 PM

Nope. But after this cup of tea I'm going to do some exercise so that will warm me up.

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 04:09 PM

That's a good way to warm up and to get fit, double bonus!

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 04:11 PM

Appointment was fine thanks!
Got blood first time so was in and out in less than 10 mins!

Hey tamo!

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 04:11 PM

Indeed :)

Just got a text, my Carmelite book is arriving tomorrow.

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 04:12 PM

I'm glad your bloods were quick!

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 04:22 PM

That's good, Beckie. I hate when you get a really rubbish person who can't take blood. I have some very good veins and people usually get it first time but this doctor in hospital tried twice in my good arm and once in my good but not as good arm and just made me bleed on my white t-shirt before another doctor tried later and got it first time in my usual arm.

Ooh I love a book delivery!

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 04:26 PM

My veins are temperamental! It's often not down to the skill of the nurse/dr in my case. It's my weird collapsey veins XD

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 05:36 PM

I have been for my appointment. It decided to hailstorm as soon as I got out of the doctors. I got wet and needed to dry my hair with the hairdryer as soon as I got in. I have a coffee now and the heating on.

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 06:14 PM

I would hate to have bad veins and need to be stabbed with needles lots.

Hope you're drying off and warming up now, Dawn.

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 06:16 PM

Doesn't bother me at all luckily!

What are you up to lindsay?

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 06:22 PM

Yes fortunately apart from feeling cold and my hair I wasn't too bad Lindsay. I am on another cup of coffee and in bed.

one_step_closer 15-04-2024 06:23 PM

That's good at least, Beckie.

I'm just about to watch some TV. What about you?

Do all the cosy things, Dawn!

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 06:29 PM

What are you watching?

I'm binging driving test tip videos on tiktok XD

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 06:48 PM

I managed to do all my things today! Tomorrow I don't need to do anything.

Cacoethes 15-04-2024 06:51 PM

Well done tamo!

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 06:54 PM

Congratulations tamobhuuta. Hope it feels good.

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 07:19 PM

It does :) I'm ready for bed.

How are your evenings?

not_so_insig 15-04-2024 07:50 PM

I had my tea and done my dishes. Now all I have left is my laundry.

tamobhuuta 15-04-2024 07:55 PM

Enjoy (?)

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 07:24 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 08:17 AM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 08:31 AM

I'm ok thanks. You?

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 09:22 AM

I'm ok. Off to Mass in a minute. You up to much?

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 09:38 AM

Hope you enjoy it!

Not really. Car getting cleaned at 10, driving lesson at 1:30, need to go to asda and krav this evening.
Need to remember to get bananas. Apparently eating a banana and taking 2 paracetamol within an hour of your driving test really helps! No one knows why but people swear by it!

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 11:30 AM

Ooo good luck! I hope the magic helps.

Mass was difficult, I had to leave my pew and stand in the porch because I felt overwhelmed by all the people. But I'm glad I went.

Cacoethes 16-04-2024 11:30 AM

Thank you!

Well done for going anyway! Sounds like you handled it well

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 11:34 AM

Sorry you found mass difficult tamobhuuta.

tamobhuuta 16-04-2024 11:41 AM

Thanks insig, how are you?

not_so_insig 16-04-2024 11:45 AM

Apart from flipping freezing and fed up of waiting for my parcel I am ok. It's wet and windy here again.

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