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Unbreakable. 27-10-2022 09:26 PM

I checked - I'm on username number fourteen and you're on number six

Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 09:28 PM

Yay, Lana was successfully summoned!
Also np, who do you suggest steps in? I think that would be fun so go ahead, even though I have it on good authority that Lio will be asleep soon so our bickering will be naturally suspended anyway :(

Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Unbreakable. (Post 4335417)
I checked - I'm on username number fourteen and you're on number six

Woahh, you can see old usernames??? Did I know this?

Unbreakable. 27-10-2022 09:31 PM

I think so.
It's a supporter super power.
And *technically* I'm still head of that team so ...

Cacoethes 27-10-2022 09:36 PM

I can see my own usernames.
Just couldn't be bothered to check.
Don't think i can see other people's usernames!

I think i should be a mod

Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 09:36 PM

If only either our superpowers were username changes and I could suggest we do an Alpha Bitch/Alpha’s Bitch duo <3

Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4335421)
I can see my own usernames.
Just couldn't be bothered to check.
Don't think i can see other people's usernames!

I think i should be a mod

I see no problems with this…

Also everyone can see their own old usernames but you have to have Powers to see other people’s. And there’s some people whose old usernames I can’t see, which is some weird glitch.

Cacoethes 27-10-2022 09:41 PM

I should message Cam and ask her if i can be a mod!
Though I'm pretty sure I've asked her before and it was a very firm no!
But then, many years ago she said Jenna would never be a mod either so there's a chance!

Unbreakable. 27-10-2022 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4335422)
If only either our superpowers were username changes and I could suggest we do an Alpha Bitch/Alpha’s Bitch duo <3


Yeah, I'd be on username twenty+ if that was still possible
But my last request took like two years before it got approved

nonperson 27-10-2022 09:51 PM

I'm learning a lot tonight.

Who approves username changes?

Unbreakable. 27-10-2022 09:54 PM

Cam ...

nonperson 27-10-2022 09:55 PM

... and who is that?

Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 10:27 PM


Pi.R^2 27-10-2022 10:29 PM

Cam is random.swirls, in some respects still Head of Forums, although she passed the title on to Ali (Aardbei), although we needed Harley to pass over all the HoF powers, hence Cam remaining the only one with username change powers.

Cam was one of the good guys *solemn nod*. Maybe I'll add tributes to my favourite mods to my signature.

(to be clear, Cam is very much alive and well, just not on here anymore!)

nonperson 28-10-2022 02:20 AM


Cacoethes 28-10-2022 07:31 AM

I love Cam! Used to meet up when she still lived in this part of the country!
She's off doing Very Important Things now!

Morning everyone!
Getting my hair done today! Eeeee! :-D

Pi.R^2 28-10-2022 10:11 AM

Do you keep in contact with her Beckie? I’m so happy for how things turned out for her :)
Also good morning! Enjoy your new hair =D

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 10:50 AM

I have her on FB. We don't talk directly a great deal now though which is a shame!
She is a very busy person! I'm so proud of how well she's doing though!

Thank you!
I'm doing something a bit different!
The usual colour but I now have an undercut with a pattern! When my hair is down you won't see it but when hair is up you will! Eeek!
Just decided i wanted a gay haircut seeing as most people at work think I'm gay anyway XD
Bleach on now

How are you?
Enjoying half term?

tamobhuuta 28-10-2022 11:30 AM

Morning guys.

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 11:57 AM

Hey tamo! How are you?

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 12:55 PM

Hi everyone. I enjoyed reading about genitalia and swear words, thank you.

How are you all today?

Hope your hair turns out well, Beckie.

nonperson 28-10-2022 01:07 PM

Won't that be even more maintenance keeping the patterned bit trimmed?

Pi.R^2 28-10-2022 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4335462)
Hi everyone. I enjoyed reading about genitalia and swear words, thank you.

Proud to have been a part of creating such excellent content.

Also Beckie will there be jpgs on facebook of this undercut? I can stalk via Gabe or something :P

tamobhuuta 28-10-2022 01:17 PM

I'm ok. I had a shower :) I had to be supervised doing my underarms but I feel clean now.

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 01:20 PM

Beckie can't not put it on Fb. The hair must be seen!

Well done with having a shower, Tamo. Did it help you to feel a bit better as well as clean?

not_so_insig 28-10-2022 01:23 PM

Hello all. I had a psych appointment letter come through the post today. It's for March 2023. Usually they're not so early at sending appointment letters. I hope I can remember it then as I dont have a diary for next year yet.

nonperson 28-10-2022 01:25 PM

Phone calendars go years in advance.

not_so_insig 28-10-2022 01:34 PM

The trouble is nonperson I tend to ignore phone calendars as my phone doesn't tend to warn me of upcoming appointments. Whereas I look in my diary every day so am more likely to see it.

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 01:55 PM

Yep there is a jpg on Facebook jenna!
The pattern hasn't shown up that well because my natural colour is so light but i still love it!

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 02:00 PM

Oh and yes np it will be more maintenance!
But my hairdresser said it'll be treated the same as a fringe trim, you get them for free

Elmer 28-10-2022 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4335469)
Beckie can't not put it on Fb. The hair must be seen!

And Instagram for those of us without Facebook!

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 02:48 PM

I can't put it on Instagram because my mum will see it XD

Pi.R^2 28-10-2022 03:09 PM

I have accessed the jpg! Looks great Beckie; love the idea of having a secret haircut that your mum doesn't know about :P Am I OK to share the jpg with Lio and potentially np if they wish?

Also Dawn, relatable. I can think of about 4 better ways to remember my dentist appointment next year than just chucking the appointment card on my desk and hoping it's still there in 2023, but ceeb. Sometimes you just gotta do a bit of light self-sabotage to keep things fun right?

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 03:21 PM

Thank you!
Yeah go for it!

nonperson 28-10-2022 04:57 PM

I wanna seeeeee

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 04:59 PM

Better get a 2023 diary soon then, Dawn! I already have my two 2023 calendars at the ready.

Jenna that is really living dangerously!

I like both the secret part of your hair and your hair in general, Beckie. Are you going to try and keep the secret part by going to the hairdressers when needed or just let it grow over?

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:00 PM

I also want to know what song everyone seems to be obsessing over in their rv's...

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:01 PM

I suppose Google will tell me that actually. Duh.

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 05:02 PM

Google will likely be your best friend with that NP.

And someone needs to grant your hair seeing wish pronto!

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:09 PM

I know, lol. Didn't think about Google for some reason!

*sends impatient staring vibes to Jenna*

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 05:16 PM

I like Shazam for when there's music in a show on TV and I want to know what it is.

tamobhuuta 28-10-2022 05:18 PM

My big sis has a secret hair cut, she said it was much cooler in the summer

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 05:20 PM

I use shazam so much!

I have just finished all 8 seasons of House!
And there was a bonus behind the scenes episode that i haven't seen before! Was weird hearing Hugh Laurie speaking in his normal English accent again after watching him in House for ages!

Yes that part of my neck/head does feel more breezy now!

one_step_closer 28-10-2022 05:22 PM

Maybe we should all get secret haircuts but not till the summer. I need all my head hair to keep me warm.

Do you know what you'll watch next, Beckie?

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:30 PM

Jeez, if I got an undercut I'd have no ****ing hair left.

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 05:35 PM

I'm watching a random film called index zero

Lol np!

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:44 PM

Sucks to have fine hair =(

What's the film about?

I'm watching First Dates only because I turned on the TV and am now too lazy to reach for the remote.

Cacoethes 28-10-2022 05:48 PM

I'm not entirely sure tbh!
I think it's a foreign film but dubbed.
I'm struggling to concentrate!

Ewww first dates??
Think I'd rather stick pins in my eyes XD

nonperson 28-10-2022 05:52 PM

Yep, and as soon as I realised it was teen first dates I managed to muster the energy to change the channel.

Big Bang Theory now.

Zurg 28-10-2022 06:09 PM

Omg!!! A dating show about teenagers??? Man, that sounds brutal!!! Count me in >:)

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