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not_so_insig 20-10-2022 09:55 AM

I fell asleep in the end. But am awake, dressed and fed the cat so am ready for my inspection. There's only crap on the telly so am sitting here doing random internetting. I am hoping that I am one of the first people that has the inspection as I am in the first flat of my block. If they're doing the block opposite then I could be waiting a long time.

not_so_insig 20-10-2022 10:15 AM

Had inspection now. Didnt mention anything so presumably all is ok.

Also ordinary bin has been collected so everything is good.

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 10:21 AM

Naughty bun Zurg!
He really does keep you on your toes doesn't he?

Nothing planned for me really. Just need to go into town to get prescription, wait for duty to call (which may not even happen so that's annoying. Can't just sit in the house and wait for them all day!) and taekwando later.

one_step_closer 20-10-2022 02:18 PM

Hi everyone, looks like you've all been busy and/or have plans to do stuff. I hope your day is going well and it continues.

I'm staying in waiting for a delivery. Just more of the jeans I like from Amazon since I need to buy more because I only have one pair that fits me. I like the jeans because they have lots of pockets so I just buy multiple pairs. They are delivering slippers too, I hope my feet will stay in these ones.

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 02:22 PM

Hey lindsay!
Always good to stock up on clothes you know you like and will fit!

It has FINALLY stopped raining!
Been raining literally all day. Got soaked when i went into town!

one_step_closer 20-10-2022 02:26 PM

Oh no. Do you have to go out again?

It's raining here but not heavy.

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 02:31 PM

Not until taekwando later.
I had a salad for lunch but I'm still hungry so trying to decide whether i should stick something in the oven or not

I think there was even some lightning very early this morning!

one_step_closer 20-10-2022 02:37 PM

I hope the rain stays off for you.

If you're still hungry you should have something, salad isn't really filling.

Ooh, lightning. No thunder?

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 02:47 PM

If it starts to rain again I'll ask my taekwando friend if she can give me a lift. Should be fine though. Will just have to turn up my dobok trousers so they don't get all wet and grubby!

Yeah i probably should.

Apparently there was thunder but i didn't hear any!

one_step_closer 20-10-2022 05:01 PM

It's good you have a plan for if it is raining. I hope you have a good session/class/whatever you call it.

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 05:10 PM

It started raining again so i messaged her to see if she is going and she said yes and offered me a lift before i even asked!
It is now sunny and blue skies but there are still puddles everywhere so I'll stick with getting a lift! Would be a lot easier if my dobok wasn't bright white and would show every speck of dirt XD

Thank you!

How's your day been?

one_step_closer 20-10-2022 05:20 PM

Yeah, maybe they should have thought more about the colour! Who can even keep white things white?!

My day has been the usual struggle. Meant to go to Tesco but didn't. Will try again tomorrow.

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 05:29 PM

Have had to wash it separately because I'm worried about the other colours making it go funny!
Wish General choi hong hi had thought of that when he founded taekwando all those years ago XD

that's a shame. Good luck for tomorrow!

maii 20-10-2022 06:44 PM

Hi everyone,

Ugh ... one of those days again. No plans but should get out as I'm getting weaker in the legs from being to sedentary.

Hope all is well with all-y'all !

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 07:11 PM

Getting out will probably help!

I've just been to taekwando. We had to split into pairs and got the pads out doing punching and kicking sequences! It's the first time I've done it. I've punched the skin off my knuckles XD

Zurg 20-10-2022 07:45 PM

Not cool Beckie!!! That **** hurts like a mofo a day later!!! O_O i speak from experience. Used to punch pillows when i was a teenager. I punched them for so long that i tore the skin off my knuckles. When people tell me to punch pillows today to let my inner rage out i tell them that this is a bad idea since i can turn anything into something quite self destructive. Which is a shame. My psychologist has recommended trashing old flower pots though. Which does Sound like something i'd benefit from :D
I wish there was a place in every neighbourhood for people to go and smash and destroy stuff when they are angry!!!

Hmmm, i am really not the violent type!! Except for when i am totally enraged. Which i suppose happens quite often…. I'll just see myself out…!!

Cacoethes 20-10-2022 08:27 PM

Ouuuccchh! I didn't notice it at the time because i was focusing but when i got home and washed my hands it was like...yeah that hurts!

I used to freeze lots of ice in big blocks and smash them on the ground.
I don't know if you have them where you are, but they have 'rage rooms' here and you basically just take a sledgehammer to whatever you want! Never been to one but it sounds cool!

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 08:49 AM

Morning everyone!
Got a lie in, 8am!

Zurg 21-10-2022 10:10 AM

Morning Beckie :)
How are you??

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 10:18 AM

Hey zurg!
I'm ok thanks


one_step_closer 21-10-2022 12:10 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I'm glad you had a lie in, Beckie. Do you feel any better for it? What are you doing today?

How are you, Kat?

I was up earlier than usual which is good. I've been to the chemist and Tesco and washed my hair and hoovered. Will hopefully be able to reply to a pen pal letter at some point.

tamobhuuta 21-10-2022 12:24 PM

Good afternoon everyone x

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 12:37 PM

Hey guys!
I'm still really tired lol

That's really good lindsay! Well done!

Hey tamo, how are you?

not_so_insig 21-10-2022 01:24 PM

Afternoon all. For some reason I am having trouble typing so forgive any typos. Dunno why it's not a vision issue it's just that my brain doesn't want to compute. I may be slow too as I will be fixing my typos. I dont feel tired unlike yesterday.

one_step_closer 21-10-2022 02:12 PM

Hi Tamo, do you have anything on today? How are you?

Do you have much to do, Beckie, or can you rest? Or maybe keeping busy will help you feel less tired.

I hope you're ok, Dawn.

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 02:21 PM

I had fitness pilates this morning (not my normal reformer pilates, this is like a step down from regular pilates, basically yoga with extra steps) it is very slow paced and the ones everyone finds really hard i don't even break a sweat! Lol
But it's nice to do something a bit slower. A lot of deep breathing and peaceful music and stuff.

Currently on hold to GP surgery.
Psych is going to send a letter over 'at some point today' to the gp so they can give me a prescription for the sertraline. I'm calling to see if they've got the letter yet. Because apparently i am psychic and will be able to tell when he's sent it :eyeroll:
I need to go into town anyway.

How are you doing lindsay?

one_step_closer 21-10-2022 02:38 PM

And you didn't fall asleep with all that deep breathing and peaceful music?!

Do you need the Sertraline today? Got any further with getting through to the GP surgery yet?

I'm just feeling really low but I'm usually low to some degree anyway.

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 02:59 PM

I did yawn quite a lot!

Yean i got through to them
They said they have the letter but dispensary are on their lunch break right now and she'll speak to them later. I do not know when they come off their lunch break. I don't know when the prescription will be ready. Apparently everyone thinks i can read minds today!

Sorry to hear that. Does anything help?

not_so_insig 21-10-2022 03:25 PM

My typing is much better now. But I feel tired despite coffee. It's pissing it down here otherwise I would sit outside.

maii 21-10-2022 03:52 PM

Good day everyone. Not doing very well, hate to say it :confused::confused::questionmark:


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4334745)
Afternoon all. For some reason I am having trouble typing so forgive any typos. Dunno why it's not a vision issue it's just that my brain doesn't want to compute. I may be slow too as I will be fixing my typos. I dont feel tired unlike yesterday.

This also happens to me on some days and even spell check can't help. Sometimes I don't even notice until the next day after I read it, but its usually in indicator of my anxiety and lack of focus, or, trying to type too fast.

I'm glad to hear you are not as tired.

maii 21-10-2022 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4334753)
I had fitness pilates this morning (not my normal reformer pilates, this is like a step down from regular pilates, basically yoga with extra steps) it is very slow paced and the ones everyone finds really hard i don't even break a sweat! Lol
But it's nice to do something a bit slower. A lot of deep breathing and peaceful music and stuff.

Currently on hold to GP surgery.
Psych is going to send a letter over 'at some point today' to the gp so they can give me a prescription for the sertraline. I'm calling to see if they've got the letter yet. Because apparently i am psychic and will be able to tell when he's sent it :eyeroll:
I need to go into town anyway.

How are you doing lindsay?

Wishing you well.

maii 21-10-2022 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4334754)
And you didn't fall asleep with all that deep breathing and peaceful music?!

Do you need the Sertraline today? Got any further with getting through to the GP surgery yet?

I'm just feeling really low but I'm usually low to some degree anyway.

I'm sorry to her you're feeling low, I hope will have (more than) a few bright spots. I know its hard and I also feel pretty much the same; usually.

maii 21-10-2022 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4334739)
Good afternoon everyone x

Hello and hope you're doing alright.

maii 21-10-2022 04:20 PM

Sorry everyone ... I just realized its not proper decorum to quote postings in a chat thread as its assumed people will go back a few pages if away. Sorry if that stressed anybody. Learning :(

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 04:29 PM

No worries! It's all good

Have you been up to much today?

one_step_closer 21-10-2022 04:50 PM

What are you going to do about your prescription now, Beckie? Will they call back when it's sorted or are you going to have to call again?

It's sometimes helpful for me to talk to someone but I don't have phone bravery or trust that Duty or the informal crisis team will be helpful. They don't truly listen just straight away go to distractions and plans for the rest of the day rather than letting me talk first.

I'm glad your typing is ok now, Dawn. Hopefully it'll stay that way. It's a shame you can't sit outside. What are you getting up to instead?

Sorry to hear you're not doing too well, Maii. Does anything help?

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 05:14 PM

They called and they have added it to my repeat and have sent it over to the pharmacy as urgent.
But I probably won't have time to get it tomorrow.

Yean totally get the 'distraction and plans' thing. It is highly annoying and not helpful!

I've seen so many people with woolly hats on today. It's not even cold! Its been 18° all day!

not_so_insig 21-10-2022 05:46 PM

I have just cooked my tea Lindsay. Had burger and chips. I am more awake because I washed and dried my hair before. The shower woke me up.

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 05:50 PM

I don't know what to have for dinner

not_so_insig 21-10-2022 05:52 PM

Takeaway Beckie?

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 06:07 PM

Nah. Can't really afford it this week unfortunately!
I do have a vegan pizza in the freezer. Not quite domino's but still pizza!

one_step_closer 21-10-2022 06:17 PM

Can you somehow squish in a trip to the chemist? It's important you have the Sertraline.

I wish I had burger and chips. Yum.

Cacoethes 21-10-2022 06:26 PM

I really don't think I can!
I have to power walk home from taekwando to quickly get changed and power walk to the bus! Unless I come back from mum's slightly earlier. Which would be possible because there is basically nothing to do at mum's!

maii 21-10-2022 11:13 PM

Hi everyone ...


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4334776)
Sorry to hear you're not doing too well, Maii. Does anything help?

Sadly, not really as lately I drag myself around and just try to get through each day and not look too far ahead. I don't know, medication helps (somewhat) but we'll never get to the root cause as its based largely around unresolved issues and my inability to accept (radical acceptance) and I have trouble moving on and am stuck in the past.

Some days are better than others and I do have some bright spots. Hate to be so depressing to everyone.

Hows everyone doing overall?

maii 21-10-2022 11:27 PM


I hope you start to feel better starting the Sertraline. It takes a while to 'kick in' and if I recall, you are at 50mg and the dosage can be adjusted, but slowly is best. I know medication isn't always the answer, but rather another tool in the toolbox.

I hope you feel better soon.

maii 22-10-2022 12:54 AM


Does anybody else deal with Chronic Fatigue - and if so - How do you find the energy to get through your day?

Cacoethes 22-10-2022 06:26 AM

Morning everyone!

The sertraline is just giving me crazy mood swings!
But cpn said to keep taking it so meh

I don't have like legit chronic fatigue, but I have been tired a great deal lately. Like constantly tired. It's not really the same. But i just have to push through because i have too much to do!

tamobhuuta 22-10-2022 10:06 AM

Morning :) what are you up to today?

Zurg 22-10-2022 10:11 AM

Hi Tamo and Beckie :)
Are you guys doing anything fun today???

I've just washed my Windows on the outside of my balcony. Which wasn't particulary fun but with the added bonus that they are now (almost) sparkling and let in the light XD

tamobhuuta 22-10-2022 10:14 AM

Well done :) I've got a couple of family visits, they'll be fun. And bring me costa!

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