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tamobhuuta 10-10-2022 01:23 PM

You can do it!

one_step_closer 10-10-2022 04:49 PM

Hi everyone. How are you getting on with your day?

Nice to see you NP.

not_so_insig 10-10-2022 05:55 PM

I am sitting here waiting for my parcel. In the meantime I have been writing the majority of my Christmas cards.

Cacoethes 10-10-2022 05:57 PM

Hey guys!

I didn't want to go to work but one of my colleagues got me some flowers and a card for my birthday so that cheered me up!
Exhausted now though

nonperson 10-10-2022 06:03 PM

You have some awesome colleagues, Beckie.

I'm having minor car dramas. Adulting sucks...

not_so_insig 10-10-2022 06:05 PM

Happy World mh day everyone!

nonperson 10-10-2022 06:11 PM

Well that's an oxymoron if ever I heard one.

Cacoethes 10-10-2022 06:37 PM

I really do np. I'm very lucky

Adulting does indeed suck
What's up with your car?


tamobhuuta 10-10-2022 06:39 PM

L brought me hot chocolate :)

Cacoethes 10-10-2022 06:45 PM

Aww that was nice of her :)
I had a hot chocolate today. With cream and marshmallows! It was for a customer but i messed it up so had to make another for them and just had the bad one myself

nonperson 10-10-2022 06:49 PM

That's very nice of L, tamo =)

Beckie, I wasn't concentrating on the drive home yesterday, took a corner badly and whacked into a concrete ball that marks the edge of the road/grass. Took a gouge out of my tyre so that needs replacing and also scraped the side skirt pretty badly so... yeah. Stupid me.

Cacoethes 10-10-2022 07:16 PM

Oh noooo!

tamobhuuta 10-10-2022 07:20 PM

Oh no np!

Cacoethes 10-10-2022 07:23 PM

This is the first time I've considered the heating on!

not_so_insig 10-10-2022 07:27 PM

It is cold.

Beckie I posted your card today but it won't get collected until tomorrow morning. You will have to lmk what you think of the stamp.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 06:25 AM

Thank you Dawn :)

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 11-10-2022 10:21 AM

Morning Cacoethes, how are you?

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 10:40 AM

Hey tamo
I'm ok thanks
It was freezing this morning!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 11-10-2022 10:46 AM

It is cold. I'm ok, I'm hoping to have ward rounds this afternoon. What are you up to?

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 11:59 AM

Good luck for ward round if you have it!

Not a lot. Just been to asda.
Bit bored only having normal tv! My Internet has been cut off again lol

not_so_insig 11-10-2022 12:34 PM

Afternoon all. I have a busy day. Tesco coming and my parents today. Was supposed to have new cpn coming but she has cancelled on me.

one_step_closer 11-10-2022 12:51 PM

Did you get anything nice in Asda, Beckie? I hope there are ok things to watch on normal TV and you can get your internet back soon.

Good luck with ward round, Tamo.

I hope everything goes well today, Dawn.

I didn't go to the gym group today. Kept changing my mind though. Then I washed my hair which was on my schedule for today so I couldn't go out anyway.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 01:12 PM

Just the usual stuff mostly.
I did treat myself to some grapes though!

I'll be able to pay the Internet bill on Friday so not too long to wait!

Well done for washing your hair.

Oh and i got your card today! Thank you :)

one_step_closer 11-10-2022 01:16 PM

You're welcome. I'll put your birthday in my birthday book and hope I remember to look at it next year. Does Asda have the candy floss grapes in? Tesco has them but only in huge boxes.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 01:37 PM

I haven't seen them in asda recently but I'm sure they used to have them! I just got some regular red seedless grapes. They were tasty though!

nonperson 11-10-2022 02:40 PM

What are candy floss grapes?!

I'm imagining a weird toffee apple style concoction...

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 02:49 PM

They are just very sweet grapes that taste a bit like candy floss!

nonperson 11-10-2022 02:56 PM

Oh... well, in that case, yuck. =|

not_so_insig 11-10-2022 03:07 PM

I love candy floss grapes.

I have put everything away that I had from tesco. Ate the sandwich though.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 03:11 PM

They're not too bad!

What sandwich did you have?

not_so_insig 11-10-2022 03:27 PM

I had a sweet chilli chicken wrap. Normally I dont have ready made sandwiches but I thought that I wouldn't have time to prepare anything due to the fact my cpn was due to come. But she cancelled :-(

not_so_insig 11-10-2022 03:29 PM

Also I am watching Escape to the country and the people who are moving to Scotland come from your town Beckie.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 03:43 PM


Kinda weird though as we pretty much are in the country anyway! A small town surrounded by fields!!

one_step_closer 11-10-2022 04:48 PM

Red grapes are tasty too.

You've never heard of candy floss grapes, NP?! They only grow in certain places in a certain season. And how can you say yuck?!

I hope you enjoyed the wrap, Dawn. Do you have another appointment arranged with your CPN?

one_step_closer 11-10-2022 05:05 PM

Does anyone know if it's still ok to take the paper version of notes to a bank to put them in your account? I wasn't paying attention in September when they said paper money wasn't going to be legal tender any more, just the plasticky type.

Cacoethes 11-10-2022 06:00 PM

Google says you can! I think!

Cacoethes 12-10-2022 07:20 AM

Morning everyone

Zurg 12-10-2022 10:07 AM

Morning Beckie.
How are you?? :)

Cacoethes 12-10-2022 10:36 AM

I'm ok thanks

tamobhuuta 12-10-2022 10:41 AM

Hi people, how are you?

Cacoethes 12-10-2022 10:53 AM

Hey tamo

I'm ok. Leaving for work soon.
How are you?

not_so_insig 12-10-2022 11:36 AM

Morning all. I am feeling tired rn even though I slept for ages. Waiting for amazon.

not_so_insig 12-10-2022 12:22 PM

I am contemplating whether I should wash my hair after amazon has been or wait until later.

tamobhuuta 12-10-2022 12:56 PM

I'm not great (see Serious) but also not feeling as dreadful as yesterday.

Insig, I find it's best not to procrastinate with showers.

not_so_insig 12-10-2022 02:14 PM

Sorry you're not so good tamobhuuta.

Amazon have been and I have washed and dried my hair. Getting ready to go to the next village as I need milk.

one_step_closer 12-10-2022 02:31 PM

Hi everyone.

I hope work is going ok, Beckie.

Well done with everything you're doing, Dawn.

I'm sorry you're not great, Tamo. But better than yesterday is a plus. Keep going. You are strong.

not_so_insig 12-10-2022 03:03 PM

Thanks Lindsay. I bought a few extra things such as a Christmas present for my cat and bin liners as well as milk. It's ok outside temperature wise here. Didnt need my coat.

one_step_closer 12-10-2022 04:54 PM

What did you get for your cat?

It's quite cold here.

Cacoethes 12-10-2022 05:54 PM

Hey everyone!

Dawn, thank you for my card! The stamp is epic! I'm keeping it :)

tamobhuuta 12-10-2022 08:42 PM

I'm thirsty! Just drinking lots of water before bed.

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