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Cacoethes 15-08-2022 07:58 PM

No rain here :(

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 07:26 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 16-08-2022 09:03 AM

Morning all. For some reason I am awake. Other than tesco I have no plans. But tesco aren't coming until between 2 and 3 pm. So I am sitting here bored.

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 09:21 AM

I'm also bored.
I have quite a bit to do today. Blood test, asda, pharmacy, vape shop, pilates, glow beatz.
But my blood test isn't until 2 so I'm just sitting here

tamobhuuta 16-08-2022 09:54 AM

Morning. It is TIPPING it down here.

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 10:01 AM

I think it rained last night here

tamobhuuta 16-08-2022 10:10 AM

How are you getting on with your activities?

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 10:13 AM

Nurse appointment isn't until 2pm. So I'm doing everything then rather than walking into town 3 separate times today. Just being lazy really.

tamobhuuta 16-08-2022 10:52 AM

Me too. Mum's looking into adopting a cat from Cats Protection but it's more complicated than expected.

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 11:14 AM

Yeah charities tend to have a TON of criteria you have to meet.

I decided to do all my town stuff now.
Because i was bored sitting at home
Done asda and vape shop. Waiting at pharmacy now

tamobhuuta 16-08-2022 12:04 PM

Well done :)

not_so_insig 16-08-2022 12:12 PM

I have had my tesco receipt. 3 items unavailable and 4 substitutions. One i am not too happy about (it was part of a recipe) so it will probably going back.

Cacoethes 16-08-2022 12:13 PM

Thanks tamo :)

not_so_insig 17-08-2022 06:31 AM

Morning all. I beat Beckie :laugh:

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 07:26 AM


tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 09:56 AM

Morning :) how are you both?

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 09:57 AM

Tired as usual.


tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 10:19 AM

I'm ok. I got all excited thinking I might have got a letter with an appointment with the psych but it wasn't.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 10:25 AM

Ah that sucks.

I haven't had a letter in ages.
I've had a few parcels but no post from royal mail.
I've seen the post person every day though.
Guess most things are done online and through email now
And i don't currently have a psych or cpn so no appointment letters from them

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 10:36 AM

I wouldn't normally expect an appointment, they've just decided they're bothered about my PRN and said on the phone the other week that they want to discuss it.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 10:42 AM

Fair enough.

I'm meant to have an appointment every 3 months.
My next appointment was meant to be 31st August but now i don't have a psychiatrist so not really sure what's going on with that.
Cpn was meant to be sorting a medical review regarding my depression but she's suddenly leaving so that's gone out of the window.

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 11:02 AM

The last psych said she or my CPN would see me every month - that never happened!

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 11:09 AM

I have learned not to trust them

one_step_closer 17-08-2022 11:33 AM

We need to bribe psychiatrists and CPNs etc to stay instead of moving somewhere else. Helping people with mental health problems is a lot about having supportive therapeutic relationships yet a lot of the time they don't stay long enough to even form a relationship or you start to feel supported by them and then they leave. I don't understand.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 12:10 PM

We totally do

Yep that's exactly right lindsay!

I've just had a coffee and a biscuit from a bakery and sat on a bench in the market square.
But I'm at the surgery now and there is now a cafe next door!

not_so_insig 17-08-2022 12:35 PM

Afternoon all. I am bloody boiling. It's ryl bin day!

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 12:40 PM

It is warm

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 12:49 PM

It's cool here. I've pulled my window to and put on a hoodie.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 01:53 PM

It's warm but not too warm.

one_step_closer 17-08-2022 03:33 PM

The weather here is not too hot, some cloudy patches for shade and some sunshine. It hasn't rained today.

I've already put my bins out. :thumbup:

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 03:44 PM

Our bin day is Friday. I feel left out.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 03:48 PM

Cloudy here too.
The forecast said it would rain all day but no rain so far
I have literally just had a news alert that says 'danger to life warning' because of downpours in southern England.

one_step_closer 17-08-2022 03:50 PM

The weather needs to behave itself. It's probably all our fault though.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 03:56 PM

Yep it is

I've started watching Sandman on Netflix.
It's pretty good

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 04:01 PM

What's it about?

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 04:05 PM

'When the Sandman, aka Dream, the cosmic being who controls all dreams, is captured and held prisoner for more than a century, he must journey across different worlds and timelines to fix the chaos his absence has caused'

Copied and pasted because I'm terrible at explaining things.
It's pretty good!

one_step_closer 17-08-2022 04:44 PM

There's so much choice on Netflix it can be overwhelming. I'm glad you've found something you like.

not_so_insig 17-08-2022 04:49 PM

I recently subscribed to britbox. Mainly for Doctor Who.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 04:50 PM

It can be

Is doctor who not on bbc iplayer?

not_so_insig 17-08-2022 04:59 PM

The current Doctor Who is on iplayer. I was talking about classic Doctor Who which is on britbox. They have all of the classic Doctor Who plus the Sarah Jane Adventures. Plus Maid Marian and Keeping Up Appearances.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 05:03 PM

Oh ok

nonperson 17-08-2022 05:20 PM


That was meant to be in all caps btw

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 05:31 PM

Hate it when my caps are stolen!

Still no rain here :(
It is meant to rain at 6, but they've been putting it back every hour today!

nonperson 17-08-2022 06:05 PM

We had some thunder then a really heavy downpour at about 4pm. Stopped now though.

not_so_insig 17-08-2022 06:07 PM

No rain here :-( . It's cooler now than before.

tamobhuuta 17-08-2022 06:19 PM

It's been raining on and off the past two days.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 06:26 PM

Yesterday we had a couple of showers but they were short lived.

Pi.R^2 17-08-2022 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4330665)

That was meant to be in all caps btw

Do you want some Pro Tips on Caps Stealy Avoidance?

Also yay for everyone's rain! I went on An Outing today and it was supposed to be cool but then it was not and I found that quite offensive.

Cacoethes 17-08-2022 06:49 PM

Well that sounds disappointing Jenna!

It was so weird not being at work today.
Mixing up my days now

Pi.R^2 17-08-2022 07:12 PM

Sudden changes to work patterns can be very disorientating! I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that it is Wednesday.

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