So what are you up to Beckie? I havent done much other than take care of my kitties, move the recycling boxes and ordinary bin to the collection point as tomorrow is bin day and sleep.
Not much really!
Was meant to have someone from the care company come for a review but they failed to turn up. Giving an excuse they have used twice before :eyeroll: Ah yes, ryl bin day tomorrow! It's recycling for us. |
I am sorry that the care company didn't turn up. They need a boot up their arse. *shakes fist at them*
Thanks. They are truly useless!
I am appalled they didn't turn up (but not surprised).
I went for coffee with a friend. My second Costa in a week! I must spend less on coffee. |
Sounds nice tamo!
I must spend less on coffee also! |
I have washed my hair.
Me too!
Morning guys!
Hi! How are you?
Hey tamo!
I'm good thanks. It's my trial shift today! How are you? |
Ooo good luck. I am ok. I had to have cake for breakfast because we are out of breakfast foods, even bread.
Thank you!
What kind of cake? |
Jamaica ginger
Yummy! Haven't had that in ages!
Dad bought it a few days ago, a good choice.
A very good choice!
I finally got through to the doctors! A Dr is going to call me this afternoon. Hurray!
That's good!
I GOT THE JOB!!! :-D |
That's brilliant Beckie! Well done! Do you feel ok about the place and working in general?
Thank you!
Yes I am sooo excited! |
Huge well dones!!!
Thanks tamo! :-D
Beckie! Super well done!
Remind me which job is it because I can't keep up. =P |
Thank you! :-D
Haha! It's the pub next to the cmht! |
Oh that one! Very cool =)
When do you start? |
Apparently they've already done the rota for this week and next so it will be after that!
Ah changing a rota can be a right ball ache. I'm sure two weeks will fly by though.
Will give me a chance to get some appointments and stuff out of the way too! |
Morning everyone!
Hi Cacoethes, how are you?
Good thanks!
How are you? |
I am ok, enjoying the riding on the Olympics. My plan for today is to watch Olympics. I've never enjoyed it before. Do you have any plans?
I've just been to asda and to pick up my blood test forms.
And I'm going to London for a weekend with the bestie! My train is at 5:30. |
I hope you have a good time :) where are you going?
Thank you!
The bestie lives in Uxbridge so we'll be staying there. Saturday I think we're going to the harry potter photo exhibition in Covent Garden. They have a butterbeer bar! And Sunday we're going to some sort of victorian street museum thing |
Sounds interesting :)
I hope so! Lol
Do you have any plans for the weekend? |
Butterbeer ice cream is better than the drink.
Butterbeer ice cream is also delicious!
How are you np? |
My sister might visit, she usually does.
That's nice tamo :)
Delayed response. I'm alright, thanks Beckie. Pondering doing a food shop tonight instead of Saturday.
How're you? |
Ooohh adventurous!
I'm good! Currently en route to London |
Hah, not adventurous as such, more desperate for decent food! I'll probably go tomorrow as usual. Feel too tired now that I've sat down.
But London is adventurous! I can nearly see you from here XD |
Fair enough!
I hope you have enough nutritious food to keep you going until tomorrow! Haha! Currently at King's Cross and it's packed full of tourists |
I'm down to my last two rice cakes! *panic*
Ugh, bloody tourists. I heard London was really nice a few months ago when there were no tourists there. |
Oh noooo!!! D:
Yeah. They are so irritating. You'll be walking behind them and they'll stop dead in front of you taking pictures or some sh*t. Like, it's a train station. Why are you taking pictures?! |
Because it's a London train station and therefore special?
I feel like a tourist sometimes though. |
I guess its got the harry potter connection.
My bestie is like that. He lives in London and still loves to take pictures of the city! |
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