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Cacoethes 28-12-2023 04:43 PM

I did not, unfortunately!
I went to M&S with the intention of getting something, but i got overwhelmed and just legged it home XD
I was also going to go to Costa but just battling through all the people on the pavement is not a vibe. Costa is right at the end.
After Christmas sales

Ahimsa 28-12-2023 05:03 PM

This is SAD news ☹️

maii 28-12-2023 05:04 PM


one_step_closer 28-12-2023 05:18 PM

Remember when January sales actually started in January?

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 05:22 PM

It is very sad indeed!

Capitalism for you lindsay!

one_step_closer 28-12-2023 05:29 PM

Can you just make yourself a nice coffee instead, Beckie? Not as good as Costa though I know.

Ahimsa 28-12-2023 05:37 PM

Thats a good plan!

My accountability check:

Aldi - DONE
Drop my friends present off - DONE
Take the glass jars to the recycling place - DONE

Dye my hair (I didn't do it a fortnight ago when I was meant to!!) - Moving this to tomorrow, I'm being picked up in an hour and 15 minutes, and my hair takes 30 minutes to apply dye to, an hour to develop, 15 minutes to wash out and an hour to dry and style - I don't have 3 hours left :(
Tidy and vacuum the living room - DONE
Fix the marks on the wall that need a paint touch up - DONE
Hang the prints - DONE

Sort the banking stuff I was meant to a few weeks ago - (started, done 1 bit but got overwhelmed so I'll do another bit tomorrow)

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 05:54 PM

I did have a nice coffee :)
I'm sure we'll be having many cafe coffees at the airport tomorrow morning anyway!

You're doing well beth!

maii 28-12-2023 05:56 PM

Capitalism city here.

maii 28-12-2023 05:57 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed a cup of coffee as I also did today, Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 06:22 PM

Thank you maii!
What kind of coffee did you have?
Mine was a cappuccino

not_so_insig 28-12-2023 06:56 PM

Sorry am still struggling today. Thanks Jenna, maii and Beth for your kind words yesterday. I am listening to music and it seems to be helping.

one_step_closer 28-12-2023 07:20 PM

Good stuff, Beth.

I really must get into the joy of coffee.

Sorry to hear you're having a hard time, Dawn. I'm glad the music is helping at least. I really hope things improve soon.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 07:22 PM

I love coffee

one_step_closer 28-12-2023 07:25 PM

Maybe I just haven't tried the right kind. What's your favourite?

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 07:33 PM

Depends what I'm in the mood for!
Caramel latte is always a good one

nonperson 28-12-2023 07:36 PM

No coffee is good. Except desperation coffee as a student.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 07:38 PM

Desperation coffee XD

not_so_insig 28-12-2023 07:50 PM

Thanks Lindsay. I love coffee.

nonperson 28-12-2023 07:53 PM

Yes, I remember those desperation coffees well after an all-nighter =P

Pi.R^2 28-12-2023 08:04 PM

I don't like coffee so have to be almost entirely sustained by natural enthusiasm for awakeness =S

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:04 PM

I've noticed here that it's only guys who can't stop their trousers slipping down. We girls manage fine!

nonperson 28-12-2023 08:08 PM

Girls have hips. Guys don't. That's what helps to keep trousers up.

I don't think I have a natural enthusiasm for awakeness but there's kind of no choice but to just power on through if you don't like coffee.

Shouldn't you be annoying the neighbours and practising your trombone, Jenna?

long road 28-12-2023 08:09 PM

I mean sugar is a good secondary fuel for staying awake Jenna!

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:12 PM

Np I can see how hips help if you wear your trousers on your waist, but not if you wear them on your hips, which most do?

nonperson 28-12-2023 08:13 PM

True. I think it still helps!

long road 28-12-2023 08:19 PM

Could it be down to he type or fit of trousers the men are wearing compared to the women?

A lot of men I know wear trousers that require belts to stay up

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:21 PM

They might be wearing those and not be allowed belts.

Pi.R^2 28-12-2023 08:23 PM

np, I just finished my trombone practice! I only practice for 15 minutes or so each day otherwise my 'lip goes' as we say in the business.

nonperson 28-12-2023 08:24 PM

Oh! Well in that case, carry on posting =P

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 08:24 PM

Are they chavs?
Chavs/roadmen tend to wear baggy trousers that don't stay up, but on purpose for some reason.

Caffeine doesn't affect me as in wakes me up. I just like it!

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:26 PM

Not chavs. In all my hospital stays I've never met a chav.

nonperson 28-12-2023 08:26 PM

Maybe chavs or emo-guys?

When do you leave, Beckie?

maii 28-12-2023 08:27 PM

No, it was not cappuccino, Cacoethes, rather cinnamon cookie coffee.

Sorry, foks, but am going back to bed as I can not cope today.

Be well and see ya tomorrow.

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:27 PM

Not emos either, proper grown ups.

not_so_insig 28-12-2023 08:27 PM

Caffeine doesn't effect me either.

nonperson 28-12-2023 08:28 PM

Sleep/rest well, Maii.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 08:29 PM

I am emo and also a grown up! (Kind of :p)

When i had to go over to the male ward to use their clinic room, a lot of them had the chav/roadman style of clothing.

Sleep well maii

Just waiting for L to get here then we'll sort out trains.
It doesn't have to be a specific train as long as it's off peak, which is is now

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:30 PM

I've never heard of road men?

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 08:31 PM

Rest well maii.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 08:37 PM

Road men is kind of what chavs call themselves now.
Tracksuits, bum bags worn across the body in a weird way, trousers hanging by their knees, and from experience of working in a pub, they tend to order either grey goose or brandy and pespi. Basically no one else drinks those particular spirits. Idk why.

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 09:01 PM

Oh ok. I'm so behind on the lingo.

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 09:17 PM

Waiting for meds. Want to be first in at 8.30pm

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 09:23 PM

I'm third!

Nurse has actually started meds.

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 09:38 PM

That's good tamo!

L is here so i probably won't be around much for a bit!

tamobhuuta 28-12-2023 09:44 PM

Have fun :)

Pi.R^2 28-12-2023 11:24 PM

bye Beckie! Have an awesome trip and do try to make good life choices :P

long road 28-12-2023 11:25 PM

Buon Viaggio Beckie!

Cacoethes 28-12-2023 11:59 PM

Thanks guys!
Jenna, when do i ever make good life choices? :tongue2:

Just arrived at the hotel. It's literally IN the terminal. So can pretty much just roll out of bed and wander to the gate.
Better than getting the 3:58am stress train tomorrow!

Cacoethes 29-12-2023 08:24 AM

Morning everyone!
Staying in a hotel ended up being an excellent move!
All trains from 3:58am (the one we were going to get) to 6am were all cancelled!

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