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Pi.R^2 23-12-2023 07:10 PM

Ooh, Christmas in France! Hope she has a nice time.
I hope you enjoyed having your visitors, even if it was only for a short time.

tamobhuuta 23-12-2023 07:11 PM

I did enjoy, I don't know what I'd do without visitors.

one_step_closer 23-12-2023 07:23 PM

I hope you have a nice time seeing your parents, Dawn.

That is so lucky, Beth! I hope you have something nice to do in between work and adulting.

The brownies you sent me were wonderful, Jenna!

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit, Tamo. Hope you keep getting lots of nice visits.

tamobhuuta 23-12-2023 07:38 PM

Thanks osc. What are you up to?

maii 23-12-2023 08:05 PM

"What's everyone doing this evening/whatever time it will be soon with you Maii?

Thanks, one_step_closer

"Sounds like it's been a tricky day for lots of you so sending many hugs if needed!"

Thanks, Pi.R^2; tricky to say the very least and thanks for the hugs.

I hope everyone is managing ok

tamobhuuta 23-12-2023 09:53 PM

I threw up spectacularly in the dining room.

maii 23-12-2023 11:21 PM

Ugh, tomo, I hope you're alright. I know its hard sometimes. Are you OK now?

long road 24-12-2023 07:37 AM

Morning Everyone!

Sorry I disappeared yesterday being in hospital got a bit much. Feeling a bit better today though so hoping I can get home for Christmas.

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 09:19 AM

Happy Christmas Eve all.

I hope you are able to get home today LR, I'm sorry it got overwhelming.

I'm absolutely exhausted, I've just got todays shift and then 9 hours tomorrow and then I get some days off.

Hope everyone has a good day!

nonperson 24-12-2023 09:49 AM

Morning all.

Fingers crossed you feel well enough to go home, Jen.

Hope your shifts go quickly, Beth! How many days will you get off?

I have things I want to do today but dunno if I can be arsed. Do need to go out and get petrol though... Dunno when the quietest time to go will be, ugh.

Elmer 24-12-2023 10:04 AM

Morning :)

Fingers crossed for you Jen

I hope the next couple of shifts go quickly Beth, and you get your well deserved rest.

NP, having to do things/leave the house is no fun sometimes, especially when it's all peopley. I hope it's not too stressful

I ought to do some work today and I should probably leave the house at some
point too :(

nonperson 24-12-2023 10:17 AM

Boo to leaving the house too =( Can you get it out of the way sooner rather than later?

I'm undecided whether to go for opening or nearer closing time.

not_so_insig 24-12-2023 10:40 AM

Morning all. Merry Christmas eve!

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 10:48 AM

Morning everyone!
Happy Christmas eve! :-D

not_so_insig 24-12-2023 11:21 AM

Just been sick :-( . Fun times.

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 11:34 AM

Oh no insig!

Do you feel unwell still?

Zurg 24-12-2023 11:38 AM

Oh Dawn and Tamo :( *sends gentle hugs* I hope it'll pass really soon for you two!!! <3
And merry Christmas eve to all of you :)
In Denmark, we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve so i'll be going to my mum's in a few hours. Unsure if there'll be a flat when i return tonight as there is some major bunstruction going on today….
Also, there's an egg in the zebra finch nest. Possibly the holy saviour of birds *sacred music and Angel voices ensues in the background*

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 11:41 AM

We've been open 41 minutes and had 16 emergencies.

I found out tomorrow I only get a lunchbreak if it's quiet enough, if I'm lucky I may get to eat a sandwich between calls. Waahhh!!

Today there's two of us and it's been none stop. Tomorrow there's just me.

one_step_closer 24-12-2023 11:56 AM

Morning everyone. Happy Christmas Eve. Very stormy here.

I hope you can get home today, Jen.

Wow, that's so much Beth. I hope you can manage.

Hope you can get out when it's not overwhelmingly busy, NP.

You can do it, Lio!

How are you, Beckie?

I hope it was just a one off, Dawn.

Hope you have a lovely day, Kat. Oh my goodness Jesus bird!

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 11:56 AM

Oh no dawn!
I hope it's a one off. No one wants to be ill over Christmas!

Merry Christmas zurg!
Oh no! Naughty findus! He needs to go to rabbit jail for the day XD

That's not good beth!
And no lunch break? Surely that's against some sort of regulation?
Hopefully tomorrow is ok

I'm ok thanks lindsay
How are you?

not_so_insig 24-12-2023 11:58 AM

Thanks Beth and Zurg. I feel ok now just got a tender stomach. Managed to eat my advent calendar chocolate without any problems.

not_so_insig 24-12-2023 11:58 AM

Ninja Beckie and Lindsay!

one_step_closer 24-12-2023 12:02 PM

What will you be doing today, Beckie?

I'm not sure how I am. Not really looking forward to my brother coming over.

I actually can't believe you still have chocolates in your advent calendar, Dawn! Mine were all gone a long time ago! Hope your stomach pain goes away.

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 12:05 PM

I don't have much choice but to manage, there's no one to cover me if I don't!

not_so_insig 24-12-2023 12:06 PM

Yes I am self disciplined when it comes to advent calendars. I still have my Yankee candle one left.

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4373147)
Oh no dawn!
I hope it's a one off. No one wants to be ill over Christmas!

Merry Christmas zurg!
Oh no! Naughty findus! He needs to go to rabbit jail for the day XD

That's not good beth!
And no lunch break? Surely that's against some sort of regulation?
Hopefully tomorrow is ok

I'm ok thanks lindsay
How are you?

It depends how manic is it, if all the nurses are with critical patients and I have a full emergency waiting room I can't really disappear for an hour.

It's what happens working in medicine unfortunately

long road 24-12-2023 12:19 PM

Not got much energy to reply to everyone but have read. Hope you all have a good Christmas Eve.

I am waiting around to see the consultant, as it's Christmas Eve there aren't many doctors on.

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 12:23 PM

Probably just chilling today tbh

I hope you end up having an ok time with your brother lindsay

Well, that's true beth!
I was the same when i worked in care

nonperson 24-12-2023 12:24 PM

I've been to Tesco! Manic but manageable. So that's all my outside stuff done today, except for unblocking the drain and washing the car which I sort of still feel motivated to do now that I'm on an accomplishment roll.

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 12:27 PM

Well done NP!!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 12:39 PM

Morning guys. I'm glad you managed to eat your last chocolate insig.

Sending you lots of energy Ahimsa.

Well done np.

nonperson 24-12-2023 12:43 PM

Thanks =)

Now I have sat down and feel tired though so hmm.

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 01:30 PM

My body is screwing with me.

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 01:32 PM

Well done np!

Me and my brother have just been to the co op.
Other brother has gone to a big shop.
May the odds be ever in his favour.

What's up tamo?

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 01:35 PM

Good luck to other brother.

I've got diarrhoea again. I'm really glad we have en suite rooms.

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 01:52 PM

Oh no!
Yeah having a dodgy stomach with communal bathrooms is another level of awful!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 02:58 PM

My family might not visit me tomorrow if they think I'm contagious :(

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 03:02 PM

Oh noo that's not good

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 03:04 PM

Ikr I've asked to see the doctor, see if he can throw light on my mystery illness.

nonperson 24-12-2023 03:13 PM

That's sucky, tamo =( Maybe they can give you some anti diarrhoea tablets or something to help.

Has your brother returned from the shop yet, Beckie?!

Ahimsa 24-12-2023 03:15 PM

Fingers crossed Tamo!!!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 03:26 PM

Anti diarrhoea tablets would be great, as long as I then don't go back to vomiting! But you can get anti emetics?

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 03:33 PM

Fingers crossed the dr can do something!

My brother has not yet returned.
We don't even know which shop he's gone to, but must be mental!

nonperson 24-12-2023 03:35 PM

Cars were queuing to get into Tesco this morning. It will be mental all day!

Hate to say it but you may never see him again.

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 03:44 PM

That sounds awful.

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 03:49 PM

It's so weird though. Shops are only closing for one day!!!

He's been gone like 3 hours

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 03:51 PM

Yes but isn't the goal of Christmas to do nothing but eat until New Year's?

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 03:54 PM

Judging by tv and radio.

Cacoethes 24-12-2023 03:58 PM

Well, yes XD

tamobhuuta 24-12-2023 04:01 PM

My dad finds the supermarket frazzling on a normal day so there's no way he was going today!

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