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Cacoethes 20-12-2019 05:03 PM

That's a great score!
Well done!

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 05:10 PM

thank you! ^^
i got, put the tener verbs in order wrong but thats it

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 05:12 PM

it won't let me see the images on here :(((

I am currently:
(image not availible)

is it doing that to you guys?

nonperson 20-12-2019 05:26 PM

Nah I can see the images ok. I think RYL does have funny image blips from time to time.

Well done on your test.

Sorry you're worrying so much Lindsay. =(

I've just done some wrapping and off back to work briefly then to see my friend before she goes away for christmas.

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 05:28 PM

Mine hasn't shown me some of the images for a while. It used to but suddenly stopped for some reason

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 05:28 PM

:((( I got a 13 out of 18 in history...

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 05:36 PM

i feel like this is a promise i should make, what about you guys?

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 05:45 PM

i wanted to add that to my signature but the image was too big :((((

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 05:47 PM

Still better than I could have done in history!

That's a cool picture.
Could you crop it at all to make it fit in your signature?

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 06:05 PM

not sure how

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 06:11 PM

if you know how, could you help?

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 06:15 PM

Sorry I have no idea how to actually do it!

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 06:20 PM

issok! ^^

Shirayuki 20-12-2019 06:31 PM

hey y'all whats up?

chinahorse 20-12-2019 06:57 PM

Hi people

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 07:00 PM

Hey Lillie
How are you?

chinahorse 20-12-2019 07:01 PM

Cpn bought me a gingerbread hot chocolate from Starbucks earlier :-)

tamobhuuta 20-12-2019 07:06 PM

Mmm yummy.

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 07:08 PM

Did you enjoy it?
Sounds nice!

chinahorse 20-12-2019 07:19 PM

Was really nice yeah

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 07:30 PM

Good :)

nonperson 20-12-2019 07:39 PM

I'm back.

*eats christmas tree chocolates*

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 07:53 PM

Hey np!
I wish I had chocolate
All I have are apples. And yogurt

one_step_closer 20-12-2019 07:53 PM

I have Iron Brew pastilles!

nonperson 20-12-2019 07:56 PM

Apples and yoghurt are things I should probably have more of.

Is that different to Irn Bru?

chinahorse 20-12-2019 07:57 PM

Like fruit pastilles?

one_step_closer 20-12-2019 07:57 PM

They're like fruit pastilles but Irn Bru flavour.

one_step_closer 20-12-2019 07:57 PM

Correct ninja Lillie!

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 08:03 PM

Must be a scotland thing!

nonperson 20-12-2019 08:05 PM

Is everything Irn Bru flavoured in Scotland?? =P

one_step_closer 20-12-2019 08:08 PM

Well you can get Irn Bru ice cream, bonbons, rock...not sure what else.

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 08:09 PM

I've had irn bru ice cream!
In Scotland

one_step_closer 20-12-2019 08:10 PM

What did you think of it?

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 08:18 PM

I liked it!
I do like irn bru. I'll get it instead of a coke sometimes when I grab a drink for the bus!

not_so_insig 20-12-2019 09:00 PM

Horsey action on the telly right now. More tomorrow though.

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 09:06 PM

Ive been to Olympia a few times.
That was fun

chinahorse 20-12-2019 09:08 PM

Olympia is good. Shetland grand national is my fav.

Cacoethes 20-12-2019 09:09 PM

I loved the shetland grand national!
So adorable

not_so_insig 20-12-2019 09:36 PM

I love the Shetland grand national too.

Buttons. 21-12-2019 01:03 AM

Shetland ponies- cute in looks, psychopaths in personality from my experience- bit like small dog syndrome. Do love horses and ponies <3

chinahorse 21-12-2019 10:34 AM

Yup same experience Buttons.
If a horse is going to do something naughty you can hear them planning it and stop them. First thing you know about it with a pony is you're face down in the mud with one leg underneath a stable door.
Ah fond memories of youth there.

nonperson 21-12-2019 10:45 AM

I've always been a bit intimidated by horses, probably because of their size.

Morning everyone.

nonperson 21-12-2019 11:01 AM

Argh, I'm very out of touch with the world so everyone has probably heard this already but I've just seen what the Christmas number 1 song is... and it's stuck in my head.

I love sausage rolls, so put another one in the oven baby.... o/'

Cacoethes 21-12-2019 11:27 AM

Morning guys

I heard about the Christmas number 1 but not actually heard the song so it can't get stuck in my head!

chinahorse 21-12-2019 11:31 AM

I'm doing my best to avoid it np, so shhhhhhhh

nonperson 21-12-2019 11:46 AM


It's one of my favourite songs, the original that is, so I think that's why it's stuck in my head. But it is all for charity so I'm not too annoyed.

Cacoethes 21-12-2019 12:03 PM

At least it's for charity!

nonperson 21-12-2019 12:28 PM

Anyone doing anything nice today?

The sun is out, I feel like I should wash the car... =/

Cacoethes 21-12-2019 12:33 PM

Nope. Just asda. And need to get a card for the neighbours. They got me and Jasmine presents but I can't really afford to get them anything and I feel bad!

Go and wash the car!!

nonperson 21-12-2019 12:59 PM

I'm sure they will understand. What about some super cheap chocolates or something?

The builders have parked their van right where I'd need to move the car to so it looks like car washing won't happen today. Kinda glad about that really.

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