Though I was doing so well, got food shopping, showered and cooked food but having a melt down because I forgot to get milk.
How are ypu both? |
You're doing so well, Lillie. Yes, you forgot one thing, but it can wait until tomorrow [hopefully!].
I had voluntary work today. I will be doing data entry in my sleep I think! |
Not really ad I will want a cuppa later or definitely tomorrow morning.
Hey buttons. Katie, data entry doesn't sound too thrilling. |
Evening people
Very well done for doing all that Lillie
I'm going to try and get some voluntary work |
Volunteering sounds great Katie :)
*presses buttons*
I actually quite enjoy data entry once I get into the routine of it. But there does come a point where boredom can set in 2 hours or so in!
Quit pressing my buttons Zombie or I will eat your face (and not in a plesant way).
Ha ha I can imagine Katie, there's a limit to anyone's patience with certain tasks. |
It was more the sitting on the chair discomfort that was the issue really!
Morning, how is everyone?
Morning all. It's cooler this morning!
Morning :) I'm off to church in a minute, but feeling a bit tired.
Hi tamo. Take things easy maybe?
Morning all.
My day has not started well, dog appears to have fleas, support worker hasn't turned up and I've now got to try and get blood test and perscription for me and vets for dog all with a broken wheelchair as no one has been to pick mine up to be fixed now. Not impressed. |
How exasperating Buttons. I hope you can somehow manage everything you need to do.
Church was lovely. |
That's awful Buttons
I hope you manage to get things sorted Glad church was good tamo According to the news, it's going to be 31°C on Saturday (i think) The hottest recorded temperature ever in the UK apparently! |
*grumpy face* I don't like hot weather
I don't either
It's hot enough today as it is.
My CC was supposed to come at 2pm She's always either late or forgets to turn up We shall see |
Late peoples are annoying. Hope she turns up soon.
She's just left Had a good chat Now off to aldi! |
Good stuff. :-)
Be sure to get something tasty from Aldi. |
Am back!
And I managed to put in my repeat prescription on time Go me! What are you up to this afternoon? |
Well done Cacoethes.
It's too warm for me! |
I'm quite cool! Have the windows open upstairs and it's creating a nice breeze through the house Hope you manage to cool down tamo! |
I've got the fan on in my room
That's good
Are you up to much? |
Can I borrow your fan Tamo :p glad church went a well I find it v comforting as well.
Hey Lins guess what arrived from our favourite book geek website? Immense HP bed cover!!! Glad you’re cool Beckie. Well in temperature at least. Btw had weird dream involving you I was stealing vodka from a shop on a Palemino (sp) horse who was kicking off majorly and as I made off you appeared from a hedge tutted and just simple said Katy you need to learn how to ride and steal, it’s called multi tasking, then disappeared back into the hedge. No advice on the spooking horse and legal quandary oh no! It disturbs me that now multiple people have had dreams about people in this thread :p |
Maybe we spend too much internet time together.
My smoke alarm is randomly beeping and making me super tense. ='( |
Agreed, therefore we should clearly have an f&d meet :p
It’s probably low battery lovey, can you reach it/ do you have spare batteries? Even if not I really wouldn’t worry about it if it’s still bleeping it’s evidently got some power and you can always sort it tomorrow. |
Is it possible to survive wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and a short sleeved t-shirt in 25 degrees? I don't want to melt tomorrow but also not comfortable wearing just short sleeves.
Well done Beckie, such amazing adulting! Buttons, you won't be needed the bed cover for a while! But please review it when you do use it. Battery change NP? |
We could arrange a date to all meet up in our dreams...
One thing I’ve found to be an absolute godsend in hot weather Lins Amazin does a fair few sets if v v thin cardigans like thin thsirt material not wool if all different colours might be worth a gander ? They help me enormously in summer.
I very rarely do reviews but for you Lins maybe. |
That dream sounds awesome tbh Buttons :p
Yeah I think we spend too much time on this thread XD That sounds annoying np It would make me tense too |
I have never watched Stepmom. *Googles*
The instructions said battery change beeping is more frequent... and I can't reach it and it's not that it might not be working that bothers me, it's the actual noise! So high pitched and it gets right into my brain, freaks me out and makes me not function. =/
My neighbour just came to my rescue though and had a ladder that reached (the alarm is in a really ridiculous place) and we changed the back up battery anyway because it's only supposed to last 5 years and it's been longer than that now anyway.... so.... *fingers crossed* Ugh. x.x |
Hopefully that's it sorted NP. It's an awful noise.
I hope so too.
When the other one's battery ran out it was beeping every minute. >.< |
I hope that's fixed it, np.
Sorry for being a whine-bag. =/ How are you both? |
No it's the alarm that's the whine-bag!
That is true! Just makes me feel so pathetic when I have a near breakdown because of something silly like that.
Hope it's fixed now!!
Don't worry np, I'd have the same reaction! |
It hasn't made a noise since... so.... I don't want to say anything just in case it curses it. =)
I now need to get up and make dinner and that's yet another drama. |
Fingers crossed!
Have you got anything easy to just stick in the oven? |
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