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chinahorse 15-02-2019 07:15 PM

Yep poke em!!

one_step_closer 15-02-2019 07:15 PM

*sends additional pokes*

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:15 PM

I'm not sure what I've done to my shoulder but it's become more stiff and sore over the last month or so... =/

Pets are so good. I dunno what I'd do without mine. <3

Boo for working tomorrow morning. At least it's just the morning and you've had some days off beforehand.

one_step_closer 15-02-2019 07:17 PM

Ouchy. You have a very physical job NP so I guess it's not really surprising. Are there any exercises that might help? GP visit maybe?

one_step_closer 15-02-2019 07:18 PM

RYL keeps logging me out. It doesn't want me here.

chinahorse 15-02-2019 07:19 PM

Ouch np. Think you may need the gp.

It's time and a half and only 4 and a half hours so that's not too bad.

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:24 PM

Defo see GP np!!
Hurty shoulders are not nice

That sounds ok Lillie
Hopefully the time will gp quick!

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:25 PM

It's not bad enough yet... =/

You know if you put your arm behind your back and reach up between your shoulder blades? I have trouble reaching my lower back... But as I don't often have to reach behind me I'm not too bothered just now. It comes and goes.

*kicks RYL for Lindsay* We want you here. =(

chinahorse 15-02-2019 07:29 PM

Silly ryl lindsay!!

Np that is bad enough. Go before you do more damage.

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:29 PM

Random question: does anyone know where I might be able to buy a vegan birthday cupcake/small cake?

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:29 PM

I know I should... just... meh. =/

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 07:30 PM

give them one of the giant vegetables you grow :-p

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:34 PM

That's not very in-season or appropriate for a birthday present.

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:36 PM

Not a clue np!

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 07:38 PM

get coco to jump out of a big cake for them :-p

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:38 PM

An unhelpful answer is better than no answer. =P

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4210242)
An unhelpful answer is better than no answer. =P

However I'm going to retract that statement based on zombie's answers. =P

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:41 PM


Buttons. 15-02-2019 07:42 PM

Np I think I remember seeing Vegan cake mix in the Asda near me if that's any help.

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 07:43 PM

*presses buttons*

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:44 PM

That involves cooking it though! I was hoping to pick something up last minute tomorrow but I will remember that for the future though.

See, Buttons is helpful.

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:48 PM

Why is time going so sloowwllyy

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:49 PM

Because you're staring at it.

Buttons. 15-02-2019 07:52 PM

*pushes Zombie over*

I'm helpful *preens*

Beckieee damn you now I've got that Madonna song in my head 'time, goes by, so slowly'

not_so_insig 15-02-2019 07:52 PM

Nonperson asda do a vegan chocolate torte. Ready made.

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:53 PM

Dammit Buttons now I've got it in my head!!!!

nonperson 15-02-2019 07:54 PM

Thanks Dawn. Unfortunately my Asda is in the wrong direction tomorrow but if Asda do them I'm sure other supermarkets do too.

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 07:56 PM

*gets back up dusts himself off and presses buttons again then runs away before she can push me over again* :-p

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 07:58 PM

Now now children!

Buttons. 15-02-2019 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4210252)
Dammit Buttons now I've got it in my head!!!!

You started it!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by zombiehunter (Post 4210254)
*gets back up dusts himself off and presses buttons again then runs away before she can push me over again* :-p

You can't runaway from a wheelchair person that's disabilist!!!! *throws things at you on your retreat.

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:10 PM

hey I wear glasses so you cant play the D card :-p

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 08:11 PM

You two! STAHP!!

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:13 PM

ok lets stop

and start on coco *pokes coco* :-p

nonperson 15-02-2019 08:15 PM

Why does there have to be fighting at all... ='(

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 08:15 PM

Oi! You leave me out of this!

Exactly np!
There's no need for it

Buttons. 15-02-2019 08:16 PM

I see your glasses, and I raise you a wheelchair :P

Nah not starting on Beckie today, she's joining the X-men with me.

And on seconds thoughts *knocks off your glasses* MWA HA HA HA

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:18 PM

*sabotages the breakes on your wheelchair and rolls you down a hill* :-p

Buttons. 15-02-2019 08:19 PM

Damn it, didn't think of that. *hopes the hill has a soft drop at the end*

nonperson 15-02-2019 08:21 PM

There's fighting and then there's cold blooded murder... o.o

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:22 PM

*you roll down the hill smash through a truck of bricks and land in a used nappy recycling factory*

Cacoethes 15-02-2019 08:24 PM

I despair

Eska 15-02-2019 08:27 PM

Pretty much!

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:29 PM


Buttons. 15-02-2019 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4210266)
There's fighting and then there's cold blooded murder... o.o

Damn right!

*emerges heroically from wreckage, gathers the worst spoiled nappies in a bag and wheels subtly up the hill unforseen by you as you have no glasses and plonks them on your head*

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 08:52 PM

*rolls you back down the hill before you get the chance* :-p

chinahorse 15-02-2019 08:54 PM


Don't make me use my super power on you lot!

nonperson 15-02-2019 08:55 PM

What's your super power, Lillie? =)

Buttons. 15-02-2019 08:56 PM

Is intrigued at Lillie's super power and contemplates it as roll back down the hill* noooooot agaaaaaain

zombiehunter 15-02-2019 09:11 PM

hi oriental equine :-D

*laughs as buttons rolls the other way and into a prosthetic bum factory*

Buttons. 15-02-2019 09:13 PM


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