Yep poke em!!
*sends additional pokes*
I'm not sure what I've done to my shoulder but it's become more stiff and sore over the last month or so... =/
Pets are so good. I dunno what I'd do without mine. <3 Boo for working tomorrow morning. At least it's just the morning and you've had some days off beforehand. |
Ouchy. You have a very physical job NP so I guess it's not really surprising. Are there any exercises that might help? GP visit maybe?
RYL keeps logging me out. It doesn't want me here.
Ouch np. Think you may need the gp.
It's time and a half and only 4 and a half hours so that's not too bad. |
Defo see GP np!!
Hurty shoulders are not nice That sounds ok Lillie Hopefully the time will gp quick! |
It's not bad enough yet... =/
You know if you put your arm behind your back and reach up between your shoulder blades? I have trouble reaching my lower back... But as I don't often have to reach behind me I'm not too bothered just now. It comes and goes. *kicks RYL for Lindsay* We want you here. =( |
Silly ryl lindsay!!
Np that is bad enough. Go before you do more damage. |
Random question: does anyone know where I might be able to buy a vegan birthday cupcake/small cake?
I know I should... just... meh. =/
give them one of the giant vegetables you grow :-p
That's not very in-season or appropriate for a birthday present.
Not a clue np!
#helpful |
get coco to jump out of a big cake for them :-p
An unhelpful answer is better than no answer. =P
However I'm going to retract that statement based on zombie's answers. =P |
Np I think I remember seeing Vegan cake mix in the Asda near me if that's any help.
*presses buttons*
That involves cooking it though! I was hoping to pick something up last minute tomorrow but I will remember that for the future though.
See, Buttons is helpful. |
Why is time going so sloowwllyy
Because you're staring at it.
*pushes Zombie over*
I'm helpful *preens* Beckieee damn you now I've got that Madonna song in my head 'time, goes by, so slowly' |
Nonperson asda do a vegan chocolate torte. Ready made.
Dammit Buttons now I've got it in my head!!!!
Thanks Dawn. Unfortunately my Asda is in the wrong direction tomorrow but if Asda do them I'm sure other supermarkets do too.
*gets back up dusts himself off and presses buttons again then runs away before she can push me over again* :-p
Now now children!
hey I wear glasses so you cant play the D card :-p
You two! STAHP!!
ok lets stop
and start on coco *pokes coco* :-p |
Why does there have to be fighting at all... ='(
Oi! You leave me out of this!
Exactly np! There's no need for it |
I see your glasses, and I raise you a wheelchair :P
Nah not starting on Beckie today, she's joining the X-men with me. And on seconds thoughts *knocks off your glasses* MWA HA HA HA |
*sabotages the breakes on your wheelchair and rolls you down a hill* :-p
Damn it, didn't think of that. *hopes the hill has a soft drop at the end*
There's fighting and then there's cold blooded murder... o.o
*you roll down the hill smash through a truck of bricks and land in a used nappy recycling factory*
I despair
Pretty much!
*emerges heroically from wreckage, gathers the worst spoiled nappies in a bag and wheels subtly up the hill unforseen by you as you have no glasses and plonks them on your head* |
*rolls you back down the hill before you get the chance* :-p
Don't make me use my super power on you lot! |
What's your super power, Lillie? =)
Is intrigued at Lillie's super power and contemplates it as roll back down the hill* noooooot agaaaaaain
hi oriental equine :-D
*laughs as buttons rolls the other way and into a prosthetic bum factory* |
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