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chinahorse 25-07-2018 09:26 PM

It is hard to carry heavy stuff.

What about an online course Beckie?

Buttons. 25-07-2018 09:32 PM

Carrying heavy stuff can be a nightmare. Also ID-wise I know the feeling, I get IDed more now than before I was 25!

nonperson 25-07-2018 09:34 PM

Shouldn't you be ID'd for an online delivery too?? That seems a bit wrong!

nonperson 25-07-2018 09:35 PM

I never get ID'd anymore... Starting to finally look my age... =(

Buttons. 25-07-2018 09:44 PM

^ You'll always look youthful to me :)

chinahorse 25-07-2018 09:44 PM

I still get ID'd. Makes me lol. One person actually apologised when they saw how old I was :-P (I'm 27).

nonperson 25-07-2018 09:49 PM

That's the only time it's quite nice to be ID'd!

And thanks, Buttons. Am I older than you though?

Buttons. 25-07-2018 10:03 PM

Ha ha well I'm going to be 26 this year Lillie so nearly there.

I don't know Np, I'm currently 25?

nonperson 25-07-2018 10:04 PM

I'm 34! *sob*

not_so_insig 25-07-2018 10:55 PM

I am 37!

nonperson 25-07-2018 10:57 PM

Oh I also thought you were younger, Dawn!

Thought there were more of us in Team 30s.

not_so_insig 25-07-2018 11:04 PM

Mike thought a few months ago that I was younger than what I am.

Buttons. 26-07-2018 04:59 AM

I thought both you and NP were younger Dawn.

Morning all :)

chinahorse 26-07-2018 07:32 AM

Morning :)

How're you?

Buttons. 26-07-2018 10:13 AM

Sorry bit late but morning Lillie :)

Not overly happy as support workers haven't turned up but other than that good-watching Harry Potter let dog out and played fetch so overall fine. How are you?

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 11:19 AM

Morning guys

one_step_closer 26-07-2018 11:56 AM

Hello, almost afternoon.

Buttons. 26-07-2018 12:25 PM

Afternoon Lins :P and afternoon Beckie. I'm on a HP film marathon currently part way through 3, what are you up to?

nonperson 26-07-2018 12:37 PM

Hi everyone.

Yay for film marathon! I watched Fantastic Beasts again the other day because we did some filming location spotting in Liverpool on Saturday.

My garden thermometer is saying 33 degrees! =(

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 01:08 PM

Hey guys

Yay for Harry Potter!

33 degrees?! Madness!

nonperson 26-07-2018 01:47 PM

Too hot to do anything I want/need to do. =/

I'm watching an animation on Film4 called Song of the Sea. It's quite compelling o.o

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 01:57 PM

Far too hot

Whats it about np?

nonperson 26-07-2018 02:01 PM

It's an Irish fantasy story... about a magical girl and her brother and she has to regain her voice to defeat a sorceress. o.o And the drawing is really quirky and cool.

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 02:04 PM

Sounds pretty good!

nonperson 26-07-2018 02:09 PM

And it's got a big cuddly dog in it. =)

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 02:11 PM

Dogs are always good!!

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 02:54 PM

Its 32 degrees

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 03:08 PM

Thank you!
*bathes in ice*

MRI scans are horrible. Glad it's over and done with!

nonperson 26-07-2018 03:13 PM

I had an MRI of my head about 10 years ago... There was a little mirror inside that was angled so I could see the office thing on the outside.. I just stared at that.

But on the plus side I have some cool scans of my brain and proof that I do actually have one!

nonperson 26-07-2018 03:56 PM

Do they just put you in feet first and leave your body outside if it's only for your ankle?

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 03:58 PM

I didn't get a mirror in any of my MRIs!

Fingers crossed you don't need surgery Jinxie!

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 06:38 PM

Yes everything crossed!!!

I need to go back to my GP about my ankle.
Just such a hassle getting an appointment!

nonperson 26-07-2018 07:03 PM

More of a hassle being sore though?

nonperson 26-07-2018 07:05 PM

And also my big pedestal fan that was making random beeping noises at me and refused to work... is working again! =D

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 07:07 PM

I'll do it next week
Getting to the point where I struggle to go out because of the pain so def needs sorting!

nonperson 26-07-2018 07:10 PM

Ouch. Better get that sorted asap.

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 07:19 PM

Yep!! Gonna be hard on Saturday at pride. Lots of walking and stuff probably.
There are lots of cafes in the city centre though so I'll be able to sit down regularly!
Oooo and I can get a milkshake from shakeaway!!!

Buttons. 26-07-2018 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4183221)
Yep!! Gonna be hard on Saturday at pride. Lots of walking and stuff probably.
There are lots of cafes in the city centre though so I'll be able to sit down regularly!
Oooo and I can get a milkshake from shakeaway!!!

Wait until you see a Manc Pride mwa ha ha ha. This is where I win and you don't-I have a built in seat, you have floor :P

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 07:46 PM

I'll just sit on you
Problem solved!!

Buttons. 26-07-2018 07:49 PM

And I'll screech...hang on I can't think of a comment that makes you look anti-disabled.


Cacoethes 26-07-2018 07:52 PM

I'll just pretend you're invisible

zombiehunter 26-07-2018 08:01 PM

that steak I just had was ****ing delicious :-D

and this beer I have is nice and ****ing cold :-D

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 08:03 PM

That's good zombie!!
I had a steak yesterday

zombiehunter 26-07-2018 08:06 PM

I had jack daniels ribs chips and onion rings at TGI Fridays yesterday *burp*

nonperson 26-07-2018 08:21 PM

I'm gonna cook some boring pasta.

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 08:24 PM

So jealous zombie! Sounds awesome.

Pasta is still good!

I've managed to do a bit of cleaning.
Just did it in stages so I didn't pass out!

nonperson 26-07-2018 08:31 PM

I did the same, except gardening not cleaning.

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 08:32 PM

That's good
Did you get much done?

nonperson 26-07-2018 08:38 PM

Not really, just deadheaded a few bits and watered my pots and got the bins in.

Cacoethes 26-07-2018 08:42 PM

Good progress!

It's a lot later than I thought it was!
Lost track of time somehow

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