I want purple hair!
I'm waiting for the red to grow out so I can go another bright colour. So I'm like 3/4 blonde and the rest is very faded red/ginger! Taking ages |
Oo yeah i know what you mean! It does take forever haha. What colour will you go next?
Its my favourite colour |
Yaay :D i love purple hair and it'll suit your name perfectly :D
My favourite colour's blue which I also had in my head haha but purple was still the best |
I once had purple hair but the tips were bright blue.
That's probably my favourite so far! |
That sounds really pretty :D we're such a colourful bunch haha
It was pretty cool!
And yes we are! |
:D I'm finally on my way home from work.. buses are hell today haha
Got anything planned for when you get home?
Just being lazy probably maybe watching some tv. What you up to tonight?
Rainbow hair! I'm too shy to change anything about my appearance.
What's on TV Charlie? |
Got a tesco delivery coming between 8-9pm Very excited as I don't normally treat myself to a delivery! Not had one in years. Pretty sad thing to get excited about tbh! :p Also just had a shower which has cooled me down nicely. Hi Lindsay! |
Not sure what's on yet I'll probably mindlessly browse of up and watch stuff online :p
Dw sometimes small treats can be exciting hehe :D |
Excited is good though Beckie, and I think a lot of people get excited about food deliveries too!
Glad it's not just me then!
Im especially looking forward to my marmite cheese You up to much this evening Lindsay? |
Sounds...interesting. What are you going to have with it?
I'm currently wasting time looking at washi tape and stickers on the Hobbycraft website. |
Just on it's own. They're like babybels
Craft stuff is always fun! |
Hello again.
My day got much better doing fun activities in smaller groups. And I stayed afterwards for hogroast and even had a cider and hung out with a group of people! =) Feel fried from the heat though. How's everyone? |
That sounds good!
Glad you ended up enjoying it :) I just phoned my nanny for a chat |
That's nice. Old people like a good chat. =)
They do indeed!
I like to call her regularly because she lives on her own. Although she genuinely has a better social life than I do! She's out every day meeting friends |
Maybe when you're her age you'll have a similar social life!
Or you could join her social circle? =P |
I have met some of her friends! :p She lives about a 2 hour journey away though! |
Evening :)
Hey Lillie!
How be you? |
Hot and knackered and regretting saying that I'd work tomorrow. :/ how're you?
You guys up to much? |
Hi Lillie.
Think of the extra money. I'm pondering going to the shop. |
The extra money will be good!
My tesco delivery should be here soon. *stares out of window* |
I am. It pays off my credit card. And I need it as I've now started paying back my student loan and my nursing exam fee :/ I loose 45 quid a month. So am basically working for nearly 6 hours pay free.
What're you thinking of buying? |
I'm in Newcastle! My hotel is delightful. Had dinner with my friend's parents! Now just chilling in the hotel room. :)
How are you all? |
Happy to hear you guys had good days in the end :)
Sorry to hear china :/ that really sucks. Cool to hear youre in nursing, i am too! Im comfy in bed watching Becker now :) how are you? This thread has intrigued me regarding marmite cheese.. i wasn't told about this creation :p |
£45 a month is a lot :/
Do you have a long day tomorrow? Hey Aubergine! Sounds good! Marmite cheese is great! |
Got anything tasty in the delivery beckie? And it's half 8 till like 2 ish I think.
Hey aubergine :) so glad you're having a good time. Is the hotel bed comfy? Charlie it's dental nursing not human nursing. |
I can't actually remember most of the order.
Just the marmite cheese XD I did buy ingredients for lots of recipes though! |
Haha marmite cheese is the most important :p
I hope your work day passes quickly for you, and dental nursong is really cool too :D |
Mmm. Marmite cheese!
That sucks, Lillie. :( I hope the day goes quickly for you. *cuddle* |
Lol beckie. I've never actually had it though I often combine marmite with cheese on toast. That's epic.
Thanks aubergine lovely. |
Marmite and cheese on toast is a winning combo!
A local cafe does cheese and marmite toasties My delivery has arrived! Brb, scoffing marmite cheese! :tongue2: |
I am back from the shop. Freezers are up and running again, hurrah!
How many mini cheeses did you eat, Beckie? ;-) |
Um...a few... :tongue2: They're so good! |
Hehe =P If you say so.
I bought pain au chocolat and Ripple bars. And some kid was trying to buy booze and claiming he was 18 and had a passport on his phone as proof. Like... wtf o.O |
Ooo you bought yummy things!
Kids are stupid. Some kids once asked me if I could buy them cigarettes, I asked how old they were and they said 18. So i said that they can buy their own cigs! Off to bed now Night night peeps! |
He did look young for 18.
Night night, sleep well. |
*tempts people into the thread with chocolate*
Bad news: no Casualty tonight and none next week either. I suspect that we will have withdrawal symptoms.
No casualty!?
Noooo!!! |
I think I'll cope. =) What's replacing it? More football?
Morning all. |
Most likely!
Morning np! How are you? |
Ho. =) I'm alright, dunno what to do with myself today though... Need to pick up my prescription that I forgot to get yesterday but that's it.
How're you? |
Football is replacing Casualty.
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