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Eska 06-06-2018 06:53 PM

Beckie that sounds tasty!

Lindsay, that's definitely confusing.

Hi Dawn! How are you?

zombiehunter 06-06-2018 06:58 PM

*wanders the **** in*

Aubergine 06-06-2018 07:03 PM

Yo yo yo!

Cacoethes 06-06-2018 07:04 PM

Hello people!

Aubergine 06-06-2018 07:06 PM

Beckieeeeeee! How are you?

Cacoethes 06-06-2018 07:07 PM

Im ok thanks!
About to jump in the shower

How are you?

Aubergine 06-06-2018 07:12 PM

Cool! Enjoy the shower. It has been so hot today! I had a shower this morning, but may have another one after my online uni tutorial!

I'm good! :) It's everyone else... :P Cooking myself a delicious dinner of brocolli, cauliflower, chicken, mashed potato and gravy. Everything frozen and thrown in my pressure cooker/the microwave, but delicious none the less. :)

zombiehunter 06-06-2018 07:20 PM

don't jump in the shoer coco you will slip, step in safely :-p

chinahorse 06-06-2018 07:26 PM

Lol zombie you silly sausage

zombiehunter 06-06-2018 07:27 PM

oh hello oriental equine

Cacoethes 06-06-2018 07:33 PM

I knew that was coming zombie :tongue2:

Nothing wrong with that aubergine!!

chinahorse 06-06-2018 07:34 PM

Thats a mouthful and a half of a nickname zombie

zombiehunter 06-06-2018 07:35 PM

well it'll have to do for now til I think of a better one :-p

Cacoethes 06-06-2018 07:43 PM

That is quite a nickname!!

not_so_insig 06-06-2018 07:55 PM

I feel left out because I have no nickname.

zombiehunter 06-06-2018 07:58 PM

your username is an anagram of signs to oni

don't know what that means

Cacoethes 06-06-2018 08:59 PM

Got fresh sheets and PJs tonight!

matthewseeks 06-06-2018 09:28 PM

ohh i always tend to get fresh sheets near the start of the month it's one of my things

Aubergine 06-06-2018 09:39 PM

Hello again! I had dinner, then an online tutorial, then I had to go to the pharmacy (that thankfully opens until 11pm) to pick up the meds that I had forgotten to pick up!

Fresh sheets are a delight. I need fresh sheets, but need to wash some sheets first! Maybe I'll stick them on a 30 minute wash now. :)

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 08:58 AM

Morning guys

Eska 07-06-2018 10:48 AM

Morning Beckie! How are you?

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 11:04 AM

Im ok thanks.
At the dentist :ermm:

How are you?

not_so_insig 07-06-2018 11:10 AM

Good luck with the dentist Beckie.

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 11:40 AM

It was ok. Just took some moulds (which is easily the worst bit!) And put in temporary filling.
Going back in 2 weeks to do the rest of the stuff.

How are you dawn?

matthewseeks 07-06-2018 11:58 AM

Aubergines are supposed to be uh-mazing too

one_step_closer 07-06-2018 12:29 PM

I'm kind of confused about what I think about getting moulds at the dentist. That's when they put slimy goo stuff in a thing and make an impression of your teeth right? Part of me things it's quite enjoyable. A small part though.

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 12:31 PM

Yep thats the one Lindsay.
I really really hate it!

one_step_closer 07-06-2018 12:35 PM

It doesn't take too long though does it? What are you getting done to your teeth? I hope the rest of the treatment isn't terrible.

You got anything planned for the rest of your day?

Eska 07-06-2018 01:06 PM

I'm ok, been applying for jobs... yay. Also a college course. So will see what happens!

I'm with Beckie, getting moulds taken is horrible! It feels like you can't breathe properly.

Are you up to much today, Lindsay?

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 01:26 PM

Feels like it takes forever!
Although realistically its probably like a minute!
Im getting a crown fitted. And something else I think.
Nothing planned for the rest of the day.
Apart from fit beatz this evening.

Sounds good eska!

MunchBox 07-06-2018 06:02 PM


Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:06 PM

Hi mary!
How are you?

Aubergine 07-06-2018 06:09 PM

Yo! :)

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:09 PM


Aubergine 07-06-2018 06:12 PM

Beckie! How are you?!

I was at church today and someone who I've known for a few years, but haven't seen for a few months said to me "you're actually better, aren't you?" I mean, how do you take that? She might as well have said "you've looked like **** for the past 5 years I've known you." :P It was nice to know that I'm looking like a normal human being. She's quite socially unaware, so just came out with it - I wonder how many other people have thought it... :wow:

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:23 PM

Im ok thanks!

Hmm, not really sure how I'd take that!
I've had people say 'you look well' and I'm always a bit :ermm:

Aubergine 07-06-2018 06:33 PM

Yup, I know what you mean. It's a bit of a backhanded compliment, I think!

You up to much? You going to Fit Beatz? What time is it?

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:35 PM

Yes that's what it seems like!

Fit beatz is at 7:30 :)

You up to much this evening?

zombiehunter 07-06-2018 06:43 PM

*runs into the thread and kicks coco up the bum* :-p

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:45 PM

I am shocked and appalled!!

Eska 07-06-2018 06:47 PM

Hi people!

Hope you enjoy fit beatz Beckie!

Aubergine, I wouldn't know how to take that either. It's a strange one!

Hey Zombie :)

zombiehunter 07-06-2018 06:48 PM

Hi eskamo :-D

coco I was just saying hello in my own unique way :-p

Eska 07-06-2018 06:49 PM

How's life?

zombiehunter 07-06-2018 06:49 PM

life is ****ing good thanks :-D

how is yours??

Eska 07-06-2018 06:51 PM

Awesome :)

Mine is ok! Having a nice chilled day today.

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 06:51 PM

You are very unique zombie :p

Eska 07-06-2018 06:52 PM


zombiehunter 07-06-2018 06:55 PM

I pride myself on my uniqueness and randomness :-p

Eska 07-06-2018 06:57 PM

As is right and proper.

Cacoethes 07-06-2018 07:09 PM

Im off to fit beatz.
See you later guys!
And zombie, behave yourself! :p

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